Chapter 507: 7th Order Priest Breakthrough

Ancient continent.
The temporary camp set up by the Guangming Army here is dominated by wood and stone structures.
After a period of expansion, the center of the camp built the main body according to the war building called the Bright Fortress inside the church, and the surrounding area was continuously expanded and added defensive towers. The tower was engraved with dense scripture chapters, connected by light, covering the entire camp. Form a strong overall offensive and defensive capabilities.
Perhaps the temporary camp at this time should be called the base to be more accurate.
From the construction of the camp and the ever-expanding scale, we can also see the church's determination to run the ancient continent. Like the false system said, the church wants to use the ancient continent as a springboard to enter other parallel worlds to spread doctrines.
After nearly two months of preparation and construction, the Bright Army has a total of more than 60,000 elites, all of which have entered the ancient continent.
These ministries are divided into three teams, responsible for garrisoning the base, exploring the ancient continent and the misty world.
In addition, there are nearly 20,000 church prisoners, that is, captives condemned by the church as heretics, who have been escorted into the ancient continent. They are currently in the vicinity of the camp, in an excavated elemental crystal mine. ore.
"... His Excellency. After many days of exploration, our exploration of the misty world has expanded to five hundred miles, but we still haven't found any signs of intelligent life, but have encountered many powerful creatures and a small number of casualties ... "
A subordinate entered the base's core fortress hall and reported to the head of the group, Salantin.
Saladin sat on the chair, tapping the chair's handle with her fingers, and frowned habitually.
They wanted to enter other worlds through the ancient continent. The fundamental purpose was to preach, and everything else was secondary.
If the misty world is a barren area without intelligent beings, there is no core value.
When the ancient continent will leave the misty world, no one can be sure, so for them, it is imperative to determine whether the misty world has any value, and the time is very tight.
After a quarter of an hour, a winged white horse flew out of the base, and more than ten elite churches riding flying Warcraft.
Saladin sat on his white horse.
He was daring in art and took only a few close-up guards to go out, and decided to personally go into the misty world to investigate the situation.
Next to the white horse was a giant bird with a burning flame all over it. This bird is the banner of the Bright Legion, named the Holy Flamewing bird, a powerful monarch-level creature.
Saladin's white horse had a scorch on its neck, and the feathers on its wings were slightly bald, which was the price of a few days ago and a big stick.
The confrontation between Pegasus and Big Stick that day was ended because of the reinforcements of the Bright Army, and the Big Stick and other magic pets left.
At this time, Cao Yan is observing the movement of the Light Corps through the screen of the pet assistant and the ants scattered around the church camp. (After Cao Yan successfully built the space into the ancient continent, the attendant system has been restored. The connection with the magic pets and servants on the ancient continent, so it can show the situation of the ancient continent), just happened to see Saladin riding a white horse and flying away.
Cao Yan observed the church's camp for a moment, and then switched his perspective to look at the altar mountain area in the core of the ancient continent.
After the disappearance of the corpse and the big bug, the altar mountain area was soon shrouded in a layer of dense fog, as if it had been moved in space, and disappeared visually.
It was the Ziyan Skull, the core system of the ancient continent that was actively opened, adding a layer of restraint to the altar mountain. At present, some ant colonies are always wandering outside the fog, looking for ways to enter.
At this time, the Devil Auction House was almost here.
Cao Yan turned off the assistant's screen, turning his thoughts to Wang Li, and couldn't help smiling slightly.
The Cathedral of the Kingdom of God is more accurately the sacred place of the church, a special space in the world of God in the world, sitting on the knees wearing a rain call, with a straight waist, in the practice.
The specific area of ​​the kingdom of mankind on earth cannot be defined, and it is filled with golden light like water. When it enters it, it will be flooded by the golden light. Even the situation outside of it is not clear. Everyone is independent.
Practicing in the kingdom of God, I can't feel the passing of time, all the ears are the brainwashing divine sound of the church, which is the grand sound of the scriptures.
Since entering the space of the kingdom of God, the sound of this scriptural teaching has continuously poured into Dai Huanyu's mind.
"The God of this world is the only one who knows and is all-powerful and shines on all beings with the Holy Light. If you make a mistake, be honest with God, and believe in Him, you will be forgiven and forgiven ...
This voice enters the mind, and for the clergy, it will form a spiritual blessing, helping the listener to understand the doctrine and increase the divine power.
At this time, Dai Huanyu sat in the space of the Kingdom of God with his eyes closed, and every time he breathed, he was breathing pale golden light between his mouth and nose.
If the green jungle world is full of breath of various elements, then in this space of the kingdom of God, there are all bright elements, and the light and light flowing like water is like a liquid divine power, so this is the church's holy place for spiritual practice.
When you practice here for a long time, you can absorb a little divine power and accumulate in the body, bringing great benefits to yourself.
If anyone sees Dai Huanyu's state of being able to directly golden light at this moment, he will be very surprised.
This means that her priesthood qualifications are ridiculously high. It is said that when the Pope and the Three Giants first entered the kingdom of God on earth, they also directly consumed the holy light in God's country and increased their divine power as Dai Daiyu now.
This is God's favor.
However, no one would think that Dai Huanyu's ability to sacrifice the Holy Light is not because of the priesthood qualification, but the main reason is the attendant points.
After her trip to the ancient continent, the attendant points in her hand filled up into the space of the kingdom of God, and the spacecraft's attendant system pushed her a skill book that can be exchanged for points.
Dai Yaoyu gritted his teeth and spent 1,100 points to exchange this skill book. Inside is a clergy practice method. She practiced in accordance with the law, and the effect was good.
These days, she devours the holy light in the space of the kingdom of God, and leaps and bounds in her practice, which is not enough to describe a thousand miles a day.
In the floating code near her, there are constant scriptures, and with her practice, she becomes golden and bright.
Throughout the Code, Jinguang is getting more and more prosperous.
The pages of the codebook turned slowly, and each one of them turned into gold after writing.
When the code turned to the last page, the speed of the verses on it slowed down, but over time, the golden light spread, and each piece of writing eventually turned golden.
Just when the last handwriting also turned golden, Dai Yaoyu's spirit level seemed to have a wall shattered.
She opened her eyes with joy and looked at the code in front of her.
The golden code means that she has completed the advancement of the priesthood clergy.
"Peach blossom, I am one step ahead of you into the lord class ... that bet you lost." Dai Huanyu picked from the corner of his mouth, filled with proud emotions.
After a while, she closed her eyes again.
Her codex began to generate new pages, which gradually thickened.
Magic capital.
At the beginning of the Huadeng period, the weather changed suddenly and it started to rain lightly.
Dark clouds gather in the sky, but the moon is not completely covered, behind the clouds quietly reveals a narrow face on the half side, selflessly radiates light, the moonlight is gentle.
Cao Yan took Wang Li, and the two held umbrellas and walked home.
The guards would look and wink, and they were in the city of the magic city. They were at ease with them and followed a little distance.
It's cold and chilly in the rain.
Wang Li was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, slim feet pants, straight long legs, a thin waist and a large moon, and her figure was perfect.
"Will it be cold if you wear so little?" She asked Cao Yan beside her.
Commander Cao was dressed in a casual T-shirt and big pants. He had flip-flops on his feet, a relaxed batch. He heard the words and got on the car instantly. He said, "My physique should be the clearest. This cool air is not a problem."
Wang Lizheng responded immediately that Commander Cao was driving. The phrase 'you know the physique' has a deep meaning, and said in a small voice: "I don't know your physique."
Commander Cao was not entangled, and changed the topic: "What do you want to eat at night?"
Wang Li showed serious expression, and was distressed, "I want to eat the fried steak you made, and the noodles. The noodles you make are called Cao Master Braised Beef?"
Cao Yan's heart was so pitiful for her own female ticket, she was so fond of instant noodles: "Then eat both, and it won't take much effort."
"Afraid of fat, if I eat fat, I may be rejected by an old driver like you. I need to have some sense of crisis and self-protection." Wang Li blinked his clear eyes and looked at him.
The old driver still learned the word from the old driver. Cao Yan always had strange words popping up in her mouth. She felt fresh and cheerful to learn.
Cao Yandao said, "You don't have to worry about eating fat. After eating, we can exercise and lose weight."
"Dead-like." Wang Li clearly understood the meaning of the movement. His eyes were white and his eyes overflowed. Against the background of the elementary street lights on both sides of the road, he was bright and bright, with a breathtaking charm.
Cao Yan also said, "I'm going to the association's headquarters in a few days. Would you like to come together?"
Wang Li thought about it, but said unfortunately, "There are so many things here, I have to help you keep an eye on it, and I can't get away."
She thought that even if Cao Yan had left, he could go back in the middle of the night to open the 'Magic Gate' like he was when he went to the ancient continent. "You go. I happen to be home for a few days."
Cao Yan glanced again and asked, "Can we tell the family about our affairs?"
Cao Yan shrugged: "Of course we can, we are bright and upright, there is nothing we can say."
Wang Li smiled and laughed ~ ~ her affection for Cao Yan, put aside the love between lovers, but also with some admiration.
For more than half a year, she has personally watched Cao Yan rise from a magical pet shop with only one lease, as a comet, dazzling, until now known to the world, becoming a genius known in the professional field.
In comparison, how much money has been made and the opening of an auction house seems to be worthless.
Many people are pursuing things that are not available in their lives, and Cao Yan has gone far in less than a year.
This kind of Cao Yan, even Wangli, who is full of beauty, even lovers, can't help but feel worshipped. It is because worship and caring are too much, so even if you go home and tell yourself that you are in love with Cao Yan, you must first win the consent of Commander Cao.
At this time, I got a satisfactory answer from Cao Yan's mouth, immediately got happy, kissed him with a beep, and lowered his voice: "Let's go back to exercise."
Cao Yan grinned, walking briskly.
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