Chapter 616: 2 Best of its Best

"If the host finds it inappropriate, they can make appropriate compensations to the sea people," the fake system said.
From a standpoint, Cao Yan's attempt to steal the contents of the secret box is really not appropriate.
Haizu not only has a relationship with him as a partner, but also friends with Baoyue and Sister Ferrell, allowing him to open the secret box of Haizu's inheritance from generation to generation. He also has emotional trust in him. He backhandedly puts the things inside Take it away. The nature of doing this is completely different from the wool of the hostile forces that have been ridiculed in the past.
Boss Cao always used to be a decent man, so he asked, "How to compensate?"
"The host can use points to redeem something from the spacecraft that is more suitable for the sea clan. Li Daitao stiffened and replaced the contents of the secret box." The fake system said, "This way the sea clan does not lose, the host has achieved its purpose, and everyone is happy."
Cao Yan also asked, "What is the right thing to redeem, do you have any suggestions for the fake system? The points cannot be too high."
The fake system said "Her Majesty the Neptune of the Sea Tribe has always had two wishes; first, he is sexually coquettish, and there are more than 240 people in the harem with beautiful concubines from various ethnic groups in the deep sea. , I have a small wish in my heart, hoping that I can make progress in some aspects of the technology, invincible harem, beauty every night. So the host can use the points to exchange a skill book called repairing Ding from the spacecraft, will It was replaced in a secret box, and His Majesty the Neptune was very proud. "
"Shente's practice ..."
Cao Yan felt that this was probably the bad taste of the fake system, and dug a pit to make him jump.
If he really lost, he directly asked the next "What is another wish of the sea king?"
"The second wish is that he wants to make a breakthrough in strength. He practiced the inheritance of the sea tribe, stuck in a realm for many years without breakthrough. The host can redeem the remnants of the king-level water element magic skill book of the spaceship. Disguise it as an ancient book. It will be a great help to His Majesty's practice. "
The fake system paused for a while and kept saying, "But according to the inference of this spaceship, it is actually the first repairing technique that is more suitable for Neptune."
Cao Yan thought for a while and thought, "Then redeem the water element skill book. How many points?"
"Four hundred points ... Ding, the relevant points have been deducted, and the items have been issued." The fake system added, "Please ask the host to accept the secret box opening task."
[Task] Get
[Explanation] Open the dusty time box and get its contents
[Time limit] until the end of secret box opening
[Reward] Successfully obtain the quest items in one of the secret boxes, 500 reward points, all the targets in both boxes, 1000 reward points, and a chance to trigger a random reward item
Cao Yan stared at the two new boxes.
It is not difficult for him to want to take the contents of the box. He is already an experienced 'recidivist' in stealing things.
Cao Yan thought for a moment, then set about cracking the structural lock of the second secret box.
With the experience of the previous box, Cao Yan did not need to perform prior calculations this time.
His hands are extremely flexible, with a strange sense of rhythm and rhythm, constantly touching the structural nodes on the surface of the crystal box.
About a quarter of an hour later, there was a faint sound of a button clasp inside the second box, which was about to open.
Neptune appeared again in his eyes, staring at the box.
However, he didn't know that Cao Yan had already done a good job before officially opening the box. When he touched the structural nodes on the box, he secretly opened the box's structure a 'gap' and secretly sent an ant into the box.
You need to know that when he opens the box, he needs to integrate the mental force into different positions of the box. Therefore, he wrapped the ants with mental force and sent it into the box. There was no abnormality in the induction, and the problem could not be detected by the power of Neptune.
And when he opened the box and touched different positions of the box, he wanted to avoid the sight of the three sea people, and it was not difficult to hide a small ant in his hand.
So the whole process went smoothly.
After the box was opened, the shape changed again and slowly stretched into a treasure box-like square box.
Neptune opened it personally, and an ancient yellow, unknown material coordinate map appeared.
There were originally two things in this box, the same were taken out, and one was still in it, so Cao Yan didn't put the remaining water element magic book in the extra amount.
In addition to the space coordinate diagram, another thing in the box is a small metal ring with a faint halo. The ants that have been sneaked into the box pass it to the spacecraft without notice.
The ant himself entered the spaceship with him.
There is still a pet assistant's auxiliary equipment left in the box with the ants, and passing things to the spacecraft is by virtue of this auxiliary equipment.
This thing is intangible. No one can see it except Cao Yan. When the box opened, he returned to Cao Yan's hands.
The crime process ended.
Cao Yan didn't care as to what exactly the ring obtained by the fake system was from the box and the secrets contained in the spatial coordinate diagram in the secret box.
He just has to do his part and complete the goal.
Then he followed the same routine and re-entered the third box.
There is a cyan strip in this box, which seems to be the body part of some special and extremely rare powerful creature, which was also cheated by Cao Yan and stolen in advance.
In the box opened by the sea tribe, there appeared the remnants of the water element magic skill book that he replaced.
Although it is a fragment, it is a creation made by a spaceship. After a brief look, Baoyue's father and daughter were quite surprised and satisfied.
Everyone was happy with what they needed.
Neptune quickly recovered from the excitement of continuously opening the secret box and collected the things. For Bao Yue Dao, "Your son, you will later take Cao Yan to the treasury, and let him choose three favorite things as The reward for opening the secret box. "
Bao Yue responded, and Cao Yan was ready to leave.
Neptune is saying, "Invite Cao Yan to come to my sea tribe, and there is one more thing to say, it is about your magic pet Dilnardoia.
Yueer told me that you don't want to give up the contract with Dilnardoa, and the king thought over and over again and felt that you should respect Cao Yan's decision. However, as for the Dirnardoa Sea Dragon, one day when it reaches the peak of the king, I hope you can bring it to the deep sea again. My king has something to ask for, and it will also be of great benefit to Dirnatoa itself. "
There was nothing to embarrass, Cao Yan nodded.
After that, Baoyue took him to the Treasury of the Hai clan to choose the reward for opening the secret box.
The Hai tribe has a long tradition, a rich old collection, and many treasures. Cao Yan finally selected the remains of three rare sea beasts, all of which are king-level, and can be considered a small harvest. They turned in the spacecraft to extract the genes and obtained points. The remaining remains can also be eaten by the ant colony.
Calculating the harvest of the previous mission and the genes submitted by the bones of the three sea beasts, Cao Yan gained a lot of money, with a total of nearly 3,000 points. Coupled with the gains of some previous days, the large number of points consumed by the Lord of the Beheading Trial has initially recovered.
The next day.
In the evening.
"Cao Yan, don't you stay a few more days, tonight's dinner, will you leave tomorrow?" Fei Lier's sweet and melodious voice sounded in Yingyue Palace.
Cao Yan said, he was anxious to go back and there are still many things to do. At the beginning of the development of the city of the sky, the elven tribe is waiting for him to go back to arrange, and his magic pet is about to advance, the impact of the king realm is not trivial Cao Yan also needs to make some preparations with the magic pets.
Counting the time spent on the road, UU reads www.uukanshu. com came to Haizu for almost a week.
The Poseidon City's Neihua lights came on at night, and night fell.
Cao Yan came to the Concierge Hall of the Poseidon Palace surrounded by Ferrell and Baoyue.
The evening banquet is held here.
When the three of Cao Yan came, there were already many guests outside the hall.
Baoyue and Ferrier were sea princesses, which attracted everyone's attention.
When they accompanied Cao Yan to the palace, a voice suddenly called out, "The two princesses stayed."
A group of people approached from a distance.
Baoyue looked back, and frowned slightly.
Cao Yan also looked at the people and saw a familiar face ...
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