Chapter 666: The world is boiling

In mid-July, it is extremely hot.
"Where is Milo now?"
Pope St. Greg walked into the study after a nap and asked the Lord of the Verdict who was with him.
"He has left the Central Realm and will be able to go to the city of Divine Land tomorrow." Said the Lord of Verdicts.
Saint Greg nodded slightly and groaned, "What do you think of this confrontation between Milo and Cao Yan? I mean the victory and defeat of the two!"
The arbiter of the ruling was surprised. With Milo's current strength and Cao Yan's battle, the victory was obvious. What is the significance of the pope asking this?
Does he think there is still uncertainty? !!
The judge of the verdict thought and responded: "Although Cao Yan also has some talents and amazing speed of practice, it is not enough to compare with the Son of God at the moment. The Son of God crosses the realm of the king and the power can sweep across the Five Realms. It is necessary for Cao Yandang. The victory! "
Saint Greg nodded again and said, "You come to see me, what's the matter?"
The ruling's look was a little faint: "His Majesty insisted that the Light Corps enter the ancient continent for more than two years, explore the misty world, and get in touch with other parallel worlds. In the past two years, the Light Corps has been in Saladin (stationed in ancient Under the leadership of the Bright Army Corps of the mainland, it has achieved remarkable results and has spread the glory of God to the three new world planes.
I have taught believers to increase by more than 300,000 over the past two years.
Now is the time. It is time to add a new authority department in addition to the eight divisions of the two houses of the Faculty to take charge of parallel world teaching affairs. "
On the solemn face of the Pope, a rare smile appeared, and there was a gleam of light in the muddy eyes:
"I have carefully read your proposal for the creation of a new authority. Tomorrow I will sign the handcuffs and agree to the expansion of the World Doctrine.
Saladin has traveled in many worlds in the past two years and is most familiar with the relevant situation. The establishment of the new department will be under his control and under your unified jurisdiction. "
The Lord of the Verdict rejoiced: "His Majesty, see you." He bowed slightly and offered to resign.
When he came to the door, Saint Greg said suddenly, "This confrontation between Milo and Cao Yan involves quite a lot. You and the dark and dark, you might as well watch the battle tomorrow."
The leader of the verdict agreed.
After the Governing Lord left, Saint Greg stared out of the window, looking at the abundant and clear sunlight, and lost his thoughts.
Ten minutes later, he took out the holy book of ‘God’ left on earth—the Great Guangming Code, and turned the book to one of the pages.
The pages of the book were spread out of fog, mysterious, and airy.
Saint Greg stretched out his hand and flicked, a scripture symbol fell from his hand, and was hidden in the mist on the surface of the book.
The light and mist on the pages of the book began to spread slowly, and even Milo appeared.
Milo was rushing in the wilderness somewhere, and his body turned into a light golden light spot, jumping in the void, and every time he flickered, it was a thousand miles away, its speed was fast, like electricity.
Saint Greg stared at Milo on the page of the canon, and whispered: "Barely touching the barriers of the 13th priesthood, in fact, still a line ..."
After a moment, the expression of groan appeared on his face, and he stretched out his hand to sacrifice a scripture again, which landed on the page of the Great Guangming Code.
The mist gathered on the pages of the book, Milo faded, and another picture emerged, in which a tall figure appeared, hazy, as if Cao Yan.
But the picture flashed away, and was immediately replaced by the boundless darkness.
The pages of the Great Light Scripture were completely filled with darkness.
That darkness is like the void in the sky, the deepest, and the endless darkness is followed by a more pure darkness, as if it can devour all light.
Saint Gregory's face was somber, and a mysterious scripture emerged from his brows, emitting a faint light.
He whispered, "God said that all things in this world exist because of him, and they will be presented because of him and be seen by him ..."
Every time Saint Greg spit out a word, a scripture appeared in the void, which was incorporated into the code.
However, the darkness on the pages of the book remained the same, and the golden Scriptures merged into the code, and were quickly swallowed up by the darkness, like water dripping into the sea, failing to splash a little spray.
For a long while, Saint Greg sighed, gave up trying, and closed the page.
The next day, the city of the gods.
The city of God's Land at this moment is more lively than usual. Because of the church's contribution to the situation, the news that Milo was heading south to kill Cao Yan has been spread to the world.
As the two sides at war, Cao Yan and Milo are the hottest young strong men today.
To the outside world, Cao Yan is not only talented, but also has achieved outstanding achievements in the field of semiotics.
And Milo's recent record is particularly amazing.
The two religious forces that were hostile to the church were annihilated for two consecutive days.
The church blatantly proclaims that Milo is the only totem mirror powerhouse in the millennium after joining the WTO.
Such two people are about to confront each other, the topic is high, and it is normal for many professionals to pay attention.
A few days before the start of the war, the people who rushed to the city of God's Land from all sides had already filled the city's large and small hotels and inns.
The huge city of God's Land was overcrowded, and professionals from all over the place flocked to it, preparing to watch this encounter between Cao Yan and Milo.
From the related news, it is known that Milo will reach the city of the gods today. The professionals in the city gathered on the street at dawn, occupying a favorable position and preparing for the battle.
Because they didn't know where they would collide, the so-called ascend to the distance, almost every towering building in the city was full of people who wanted to watch the battle.
At noon, the sun was shining.
Penthouse Association Headquarters.
Tinong also stood by the window, looking north-west, with anxiety hidden on his face.
The battle between Cao Yan and Milo is very important. In a sense, it represents the contest between the two forces, the Favorite Teachers Association and the Church.
The winner of the two will shake the world and climb to the commanding heights of fame.
What worries Timon is that Milo is threatening. Cao Yan's odds are very low in this collision between the two sides.
At the same time when Tienong overlooked the city, the space portals erected in the city fluctuated, and several acquaintances of Cao Yan, such as Feng Qiwu and Fuquannan, came to the city of the gods through teleportation.
"Sister, do you think Cao Yan will win?"
The imposing man waved his hand exaggeratedly and yelled loudly, causing passers-by around him to look at him: "As Cao Yan's best friend, I firmly believe that he can win and defeat the Lord of Trial."
Last time I went to the Central Region, the brothers and sisters of Feng Qiwu did not return with Cao Yan.
Because of the delay, the two returned from the Central Realm to Modu one day ago. On the way back, they were constantly heard about the confrontation between Cao Yan and Milo. Knowing that Milo would reach the city of the gods today, the two would bear it Can't stop coming to watch the battle.
Feng Xi Wu Xiu's eyebrows were tightly locked, and his face was also worried, and he exaggerated:
"You firmly believe that Cao Yan can win? How did I hear that yesterday afternoon, you went to our magic city's black market and bought all Mi Luo to win and Cao Yan lost.
Really has you, as a friend, Cao Yan's battle for life and death is imminent, you secretly buy him to lose. I'm really ashamed of you. "
The flamboyant man looks dull and feels awkward.
He remembered going to the gambling house on the black market yesterday, and he was always cautious. How did his sister know?
He hurriedly lowered his voice and explained:
"I fully support Cao Yan emotionally, but gambling money is the same as doing business. The so-called casino has no brothers. All of my net worth has also been worked hard. According to strength analysis, Cao Yan does not seem to be able to do that. Goods from the church. I bought Cao Yan for the sake of comfort.
Once he loses I must be very sad. Win more money, the sadness will be lessened. "
Feng Qiwu listened to his brother ’s divine logic and looked down with disdain: "So you will never be a qualified gambler. Now there are many bets on Cao Yan and the odds are very low. At this time, you do n’t know how to copy ?
To tell you the truth, if you want to bet on the big bet, I also bet on all the net worth, but just the opposite of you, I bought all the income made by our Fengqi mercenary regiment over the years, and bought Cao Yan to win. "
The exaggerated man was frightened and jumped his foot:
"You're crazy. It's said that Milo can kill a monarchy with a single blow. He is a pervert. How can Cao Yan win? You really bet all your net worth?
If you lose, wouldn't our efforts in these years be in vain. "
Feng Qi Wuxi said: "Of course it is true, so you better pray that Cao Yan can win, otherwise our two siblings will have to eat. If he wins, our Feng Qi mercenary regiment can go up at least one more step."
The exaggerated man's hands and feet twitched, his complexion was pale, and he almost foamed, "It's over, it's over this time, it's a lifelong bet."
He paused and suddenly said, "Where is Cao Yan's guy, let's go quickly. I will tell him if he dares to lose, I will show him to death!"
Pet Master Association Headquarters.
Baoyue and Sister Ferrier are walking towards Cao Yan's residence.
Ferrier asked Baoyue, "Sister, do you think Cao Yan can win?"
"Well, of course."
Bao Yue had enough confidence in Cao Yan, which was very different from other people's disapproval of Cao Yan, and his mouth slightly picked: "When Cao Yan fought with the Lord of Trial before, who would have thought that the Lord of Trial would be killed by him?
The result is the same this time, Cao Yan will win the final victory. "
Ferrell always regarded the commander-in-chief of the sea nation as an idol in her heart, and when she heard that, she was relieved immediately, pouting with a small mouth and said, "Frightened me, the news I heard recently said that Cao Yan was not a meter. Luo's opponent ~ ~ I'm relieved that my sister said so. "
Bao Yue smiled sweetly: "Let's go faster and go to Cao Yan's place to see. That guy ran to the city of the sky this morning. I wonder if he came back, that Milo seems to be coming."
A few minutes later, in the city of the gods, many strong people gave birth to induction, they looked at the northwest direction together: "Here it is."
Suddenly there was a ray of pale gold in that direction. The moment before, I was still at the end of the line of sight, and the flicker approached the city of the kingdom of God. It was incredible.
Everywhere in the city, it was noisy for a while, and the professionals who watched the battle talked a lot.
At this moment, the center of the whole world's attention is the city of the gods, and the world is boiling for it!

(I finished writing the last chapter yesterday morning, I was not very satisfied. I made some adjustments today, the plot remains the same, but there are some changes in the decoration and context. Would you like to have fun if you are interested?)
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