Chapter 732: I can still do this

Cao Yan initially explored the ancient continent, and found the corpse in the core area. The corpse was guarded by an undead creature, a half-length skeleton.
Later, the corpse of God was taken away by Commander Cao, and half-length skeletons searched for it, and it disappeared shortly after.
In recent years, Cao Yan has sent ant colonies to track the core areas of ancient continents, but the traces of half-body skulls have become a mystery, and they have never appeared again.
Until this moment, Cao Yan actually saw a half-length skeleton below this ancient burial site.
In the center of the black gas below is a mountain of Heisuoshuo. On the flanks of the mountain, half-body skulls are burning with purple purple soul flames, standing on the top of a phoenix head that gathers the body with flame elements.
At the beginning, in the core area of ​​the ancient continent, after the corpse disappeared, the elemental phoenix that flew out of its eyebrows was combined with the half-body skull, and both disappeared together. At this time, they appeared in the depths of this ancient burial site.
The half-length skull and phoenix seemed to be bound by some force, imprisoned on the side of the mountain and unable to move.
"Is this half-bone skeleton disappearing for years, has it been here?"
Cao Yan's secret: The emergence of half-length skulls shows that this ancient burial site is indeed related to the advent of ancient continents ...
There is a half-length skeleton below, and it seems logical that the big bug wants to get out of the trap. After all, the half-length skeleton is its former companion.
Through the picture of the crystal ball, Cao Yan also saw another scene.
Around the mountain below, there is a remains of a World of Warcraft, the body is blue and green, the scales are bright, it seems to be a python.
What's embarrassing is that this python has nine heads.
"That big snake is a funeral of Warcraft."
Dogaroshi whispered: "A boa with nine heads, what is Warcraft?"
Cao Yan: "The legendary monster beast Jiuying is born with nine heads, which is quite similar. However, it has many pairs of wings on the back, which are not the same as Jiuying. It may also be a variant winged dragon. . "
At this time, a ghost bat exploring below tried to approach the pass, but was swallowed up by a ray of darkness inside the pass, and died instantly.
But as soon as the bat was engulfed in black gas, something appeared in the deep black gas.
"It's a black boat ..."
"That's the death boat carrying death."
The archbishop of the Dark Bishop, Bin Soo, had a dignified face, and bowed down slowly, worshipped below, and mourned the sacrifice.
When he got up, he said to everyone, "I know where this is?
The dark wisdom of our sect begins with a secret record. According to legend, before the birth of the stars, there was only darkness in the universe, and a was born of endless darkness.
His power can destroy the universe and kill everything with his fingers. It was he who formulated the initial order and rules. Later, the deity divided the body into three, and one of them was the Lord of Darkness, which I taught and believed, and took control of eternal darkness. The other is called the God of Darkness, who holds a more pure dark magic. The last is the Lord of Dark Order. "
"You suspect that the buried underneath is one of the three dark gods?"
"Yes, I'm almost certain that this is the burial ground of the Most Dark God.
According to records, the God of Darkness died from the siege of other gods, and those gods wanted to seize his deity; there is also a saying that the God of Darkness sealed himself, entered a state of dormancy between life and death, and wanted to explore the eternal immortality . "
"In the second rumor, he was mentioned sleeping on the boat of death and traveling between the universes of the heavens.
When the day of the death boat reaches the end of the heavens, the dark master will wake up again. "
Binsuo said in a deep voice: "If this is indeed the burial place of the God of Darkness, the level of danger below is by no means what we can set foot on. I suggest to withdraw immediately."
At this time, the area explored by the ghost bats gradually expanded, and the outline of the entire space slowly appeared.
The space in front of everyone was barrel-shaped, with a vast area, not high at the top and deep at the bottom.
"What does Yan Shao think?" Dogaroshi asked.
Cao Yan: "I only sense death and darkness from this space. My suggestion is the same as that of Archbishop Binsuo. Let's quit and don't go further."
"Your Excellency is very cautious, ready to evacuate with a little danger, not as guts as a woman."
It was still Moore's schoolgirl, with a provocative gaze on Cao Yan.
The girl's IQ is very touching. It belongs to the kind of dragon set that has to be cool in the two episodes. Cao Yan has some eggs, but she doesn't care about this kind of dragon set role.
His proposal to withdraw is well-founded.
At the beginning of the ancient continent, the sturdy half-body skull made people remember.
Even though Cao Yan has been strong in the past few years, and his strength has soared like a rocket, some people already think that he is the chief contemporary.
The half-length skull was trapped below, embarrassed by the flanks of the mountains below, unable to move.
By this, if Cao Yan goes on, the situation will not be much better.
Then, with Cao boss's salted fish and prudence, go down and explore this kind of thing, certainly refuse to participate.
Dogarosz turned his attention to Baoyue: "What is your opinion, Her Royal Highness?"
Bao Yue laughed: "I'm used to working with Cao Yan, and his opinions also represent my meaning."
Dogarosh thought about it: "I also respect Yan Shao's opinion, but we have invested a lot to open this burial ground, and only the lower part of my congregation died. No fewer than 4,000 people died during the early investigation. For the sake of these ministries, I cannot withdraw now, otherwise I will not be able to give an account to the dead subordinates. "
Cao Yan nodded, sometimes taking the lead is not so good.
"Well. I'll take someone to explore in person. If it's really impossible, we will immediately withdraw. Yan Shao and Her Royal Highness, and Archbishop Binso, wait here, how?"
Cao Yan responded, and Dogaroshi began to arrange manpower.
They were ready quickly, and Dogaroch released the reed boat, boarded the ship, and sank slowly down.
Moore and his two students brought a few assistants and also boarded the boat and entered the dark space below.
Watching Dogaros' reed boat sink into the darkness, Cao Yan said to Baoyue and Bin cable: "Although we will not go down, we can't go back empty-handed after this trip."
"What did Yan Shao think?" Binsuo asked.
Cao Yan took out a fishing rod.
In his early years, he took the Red Net to enter the endless sea to capture marine warcraft, and once exchanged a black technology fishing rod for fishing in deep sea warcraft. Later, the strength gradually increased, and the fishing rod was idle.
In front of the situation, Cao Yan took out the fishing rod just once again.
He connected with the false system in his consciousness: "Is there a special fishing line that can resist the dark erosion below?"
"The host wants to fish in the darkness below?"
Fake system: "The eggs' silk can resist the dark erosion below for a certain period of time. Among the exchangeable items of the spacecraft, there is a thread of silkworm dragon spitting, which can also resist the darkness below for a period of time.
Cao Yan was not prepared to let the eggs appear, and after asking for the points needed for the exchange, he decided to exchange silkworm dragon silk.
"Ding! One thousand points have been deducted."
While the fake system deducted points, Binsuo, Baoyue, Wang Li, and others simultaneously saw Cao Yan taking out a thin black silk thread, connecting it with a fishing rod, and then waving the thread.
The silk thread passed the control of the fishing rod, and approached the top of the mountain below, which was the looming area of ​​the boat of death.
Binsuo was stunned, how could he even fish like this? !!
The fish line in Cao Yan's hand was very fast, and immediately dropped to the mountain pass.
However, the space around the mountain was abnormal. Cao Yan tried several times. The fishing line could not enter the mountain range.
Bao Yue watched for a moment, and at this time also released a jellyfish-like deep-sea creature from the portable space.
"I'll try."
The deep-sea creatures that she released were suspended in a volley, and there was a soft tentacle-like substance underneath her body, which stretched and dangled downward, approaching the direction of the mountain, and Cao Yan's fishing in the air had the same effect.
However, as the tentacles of the marine life approached the pass, they were immediately assimilated by darkness.
Even the creature was dragged down by a force, sinking into the darkness and disappearing.
Baoyue was taken aback, and then he intuitively realized the dark and destructive power.
Suddenly, Cao Yan sank a fishing rod in his hands, and seemed to be holding something.
At the same time, abnormal changes suddenly appeared below.
The darkness around the mountain rose like a tide.
The reed boat, which was taken by Dogaros and others, sprang out of the dark air and flew up.
From the top down, the reed boat was chased by black gas, and the wind and rain were swaying. It could be involved at any time. The ship was overwhelmed and killed.
"Dogarosz worked so hard for a while, what did he do that caused a drastic change in black gas?" Baoyue said.
With the rise of black gas, Cao Yan's fishing line is also rapidly shrinking.
He faintly saw the other end of the fishing line and caught something.
And because of the rise of black gas, the death boat appeared again ~ ~ the ups and downs in the center of black gas.
Looking down from the perspective of Cao Yan and others, he could dimly see a tall human figure lying on the boat, and there seemed to be an ancient book on his chest.
These scenes passed by Cao Yan and others in an instant, and then the boat was completely shrouded in black gas and completely disappeared.
At this time, the reed boat in Dogaros had approached the position of Cao Yan and others.
The hull was ragged and ragged.
On the bow of the boat, Dogalosh radiated his head, and he looked embarrassed: "Less, go away, the spirit of the lonely boat below is alive ..."
Dogaroshi hurriedly jumped out of the reed boat and talked with Cao Yan and others when retreating.
Cao Yan retracted the fishing rod, too late to take a closer look at what was caught, and put it into the space badge, and quickly evacuated into the aisle.
That layer of darkness chased behind them, also flooded into the channel ...
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