Chapter 856: Time flies

Earth lung abyss.
Knowing that Boss Cao is a ‘main god’ and has the appearance of a king, Tanari and his subordinates did not dare to sit back after standing up, and honestly responded:
"When we urge the Godhead, we can sense the time and space of the believers on the plane who gave us the power of faith, and then use it as a coordinate to push the Godhead to lower the spiritual projection, manifest miracles, and then raise the believer's level of faith. In this way, the believers can gain more pious power of faith, and ultimately achieve the purpose of enhancing their own divine power."
Cao Yan: "It sounds fair. You and the believers will get what you need."
Tanari echoed: "Collecting the power of faith can increase the divine power more quickly. It is also the best way to expand the scale of the divine system, so it is adopted by most deities. However, although this method is convenient, it is not as good as adults relying on themselves. Practice to reach the stability of the main divine realm.
There is an unavoidable disadvantage of using the power of faith to promote the growth of divine power, that is, it will never reach the realm above the divine king. "
Tanari paused, kneeling and licking naturally:
"Adults rely on self-cultivation to become the main god. They are truly talented. They have never seen any gods before."
Cao Yan smiled non-committal.
Relying on the faith of the believers to improve themselves has the advantage of quick results, but the disadvantage is the lack of stamina. It is almost impossible to enter the realm above the king.
But having said that, even if you don't use the power of faith to improve yourself, how many deities can really reach the level of impacting the king?
Therefore, if you use the power of faith to improve yourself, there is a high probability that you will not be able to touch the realm above the king. This is why most of the gods rely on the power of faith of the believers to help increase their own strength.
Of course, Cao Yan has no need for this at all. His divine power growth mainly depends on cheating.
The two big horses under his command, Aohe and Shushu, plus the personal secrets, have also become pseudo-punches by relying on the attendant system, and there is no need to consider the issue of divine power improvement, as long as the points are enough.
"Master God, my subordinate has a question."
Tanari asked cautiously: "We are hiding here, how did the lord find us?"
Cao Yan: "I have a family of demons that can rely on devouring to obtain some of the memory fragments of the devoured. They ate a flying beast on the sunset wasteland not long ago. From the memory fragments of this beast, they found It once saw you moving near the deep abyss of the lungs.
Then Auch and the others will come and explore until they determine your hiding place. "
Boss Cao is talking about the ant colony, and the birth of the second queen ant colony once again ushered in an opportunity for overall evolution.
Their abilities in all aspects have also increased. Apart from devouring certain creatures, part of the memory of the eaten creatures will be briefly'read' learned by the ant colony.
This kind of memory will be transmitted to the brains of the ant colony through biological connections, the queens filter out important parts and report them to Cao Yan.
No matter how careful these deities of the Abyss Divine System were, they would never think that they were exposed because of a memory fragment of a bird that occasionally found their tracks.
This method is equivalent to expanding the search ability of the ant colony by countless times. The disadvantage is that it is full of randomness. In fact, it is not very practical.
Boss Cao explained slightly, the gods of the abyss were stunned.
There is such an operation? !
"You have a deep hatred with Guangming Divine Kingdom. Have you considered how to fight back against them?" Cao Yan said.
Tanari said bitterly: "Of course we thought about what the Lord said, but the power of the Light God Element is too large, and the method we came up with is difficult to shake them. On the contrary, we will be chased and killed by angels because of the traces, which will invite annihilation of the race. disaster."
Cao Yan pondered for a moment, and said to Aohe: "You do the following things here, remember to be cautious first, step by step. I'm going back." After that, he opened the door of space projection, stepped into it, and disappeared in a flash.
"How many Abyss Demon can you control?" Auch asked.
Tanari: "We have more than 20,000 Abyssal Demons in our hands, and there is also a Demon Spider Knight Order with a total of more than 3,000 tribes, but their combat power can only deal with the existence of the gods and below, which is not of great use. "
Auch: "It's enough to probe around and act as an eyeliner.
The boss is currently advancing a plan with the goal of annexing weak gods that are hostile to the light gods. If you know where other gods are hiding, report it first, and we will select the next target from it.
If you don't know, send your demon to the west along the wasteland, and advance in the opposite direction of the Kingdom of Light, and start a secret investigation. "
Tanari realized that Cao Yan had annexed the various gods and accumulated small and large, it was likely to be against the light gods, and couldn't help asking: "My lord's ultimate goal is to shake the light gods?"
Auch: "It's your duty to do your own thing and not ask what you shouldn't ask."
Tanari nodded and said: "As far as I know, the earth lung abyss where we live is like a natural barrier. After passing this abyss, there is a vast wasteland behind, and there is a Luochen Mountain at the end of the wasteland. The geomagnetic environment in the mountains is complex, and some mountains are directly suspended in the air, like a ladder, extending the climb to enter a ruined kingdom in the starry sky.
There seems to be an unknown divine system hidden there, so I will arrange for someone to explore it. "
Two quarters later, on the side of the cliff in the deep lung abyss, it looks a bit like a caveman, short and sensitive, and behind him is a short-tailed abyss evil monster, crawling out of the abyss in an endless stream, towards the outside of the abyss Run away at the end of the wasteland.
Soon after, there were hyenas and ant colonies, also rushing out of the abyss violently, scattering for investigation.
This abyss will become the hunting team's first stable foothold after entering the world of the gods.
Boss Cao's plan has been rolled out across the gods.
Time flies, two years have passed in a flash.
Two years later, Green Jungle World, the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God.
The commander of the Ninth Angel Army, Shu Geer, sat in the study of the original Pope’s palace.
After two years of precipitation, the Ninth Army has basically taken over the affairs of the church, and the church that was destroyed several times has been restored to its integrity under their reconstruction.
At present, Shugel is temporarily acting as the Pope's work and is in charge of various official affairs of the church.
At this moment, he suddenly had a feeling, turning his head to look not far away.
The space wall there was unstable and rippled, slowly separating sideways, and the ether in a white teaching robe broke through the space wall and walked out.
Shu Geer's eyes lit up and he blurted out: "Where have you been in the past two years? Why are there no news and come back now?"
The ether entered the eternal jungle to the depths two years ago, putting the artifact of faith given by the Lord of Light into the chaos, and it started smoothly at first.
But just as he was preparing to retreat, the chaos suddenly expanded, ignoring the distance, and instantly enveloped him.
With too much shock, he knew how terrible the thing sleeping deep in the chaos was.
If he wakes up, he won't even have the opportunity to resist.
Fortunately, things were not as bad as he expected.
He was dragged into the chaos, only feeling a majestic pressure, pressing him to split, but there was no other danger.
After he calmed down, he re-organized the process and came up with a guess that the expansion of Chaos was probably due to the existence of the sleeping terror and the expansion effect caused by breathing.
With this guess, the ether stood still and did not move rashly.
If his judgment is correct, the expansion of chaos is caused by the existence of breathing, then there will be contraction if there is expansion, and staying in place is the safest way to cope.
Sure enough, a few minutes later, the terrifying existence in the chaos breathed again, and the chaos contracted, sending out the ether standing in place again like a low tide.
Ether breathed a sigh of relief and immediately left the vicinity of the chaotic area, preparing to return to the church.
What he didn't expect was that he felt that he only stayed in the chaos for a few minutes, but in fact the temporal and spatial order in the chaos was abnormal, which could not be measured by common sense.
The Green Jungle World's breath and breath in the chaos, two years have passed, it is incredible.
This is the reason why the ether hasn't moved for two years and didn't return until this moment.
He briefly explained Shu Geer, and then asked, "What has changed in the Green Jungle World in the past two years, and what is the situation with that heresy named Cao Yan?"
"We have been entangled with the local forces in Green Forest World
But the Sky City... disappeared more than a year ago! It has never appeared in this year, no one knows where it went, and Cao Yan also disappeared with the Sky City. On the contrary, there is a huge warship belonging to the Sky City, which comes and goes against us from time to time. "
"The city in the sky is missing?" Ether was surprised.
"Yes, I tried to find its trace, but I didn't find any useful clues."
Shu Geer said solemnly: "In the year before it disappeared, we found that the power of the Sky City grew very rapidly, and the number of gods and spirits under their command increased significantly.
More importantly, the number of ant colonies that can cause harm to angels has grown particularly alarmingly.
Before the disappearance of the Sky City, it attacked us for the last time. The ants that appeared covered the night sky like a natural disaster. We lost more than four thousand angels in that battle. "
"so much……"
Ether frowned and said, "I will try to see if I can find the trace of the Sky City."
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