Chapter 860: 2 fake mother-in-laws

"What's the matter?" Wang Li asked in a low voice.
"People from the sea country want to come and visit." Cao Yan said.
Baoyue: "Sea Country? Who?"
Cao Yan said, "In addition to the people of the Deep Sea Kingdom, there is also the Ocean Naga Kingdom. The leader of your Deep Sea Kingdom is the Queen of the Sea, and Feryl's mother."
The sea queen refers to the queen of the deep sea kingdom, the lord of the sea king's harem.
It is said that He Baoyue has been rolling the sheets for several years, but Cao Yan has not gone to the deep sea very often, and has not seen the queen of the sea clan.
Baoyue frowned slightly: "Our deep-sea country adopts a double queen system. This time, the queen who came to the sea should be Giggsdona Naga, who was born in the Naga clan, with a strong personality and family support. , In our sea country, it is always the same, sometimes even the father will give her three points. I remember being reprimanded by her when I was young.
As for Feryl's biological mother named Sural Sawyer, she has a kind personality and has no scheming, and she has a good relationship with me.
It's you, knowing that people from the sea country are coming, why are you looking so weird? "
Wang Li chuckled and said, "Because the mother-in-law is probably here to force the marriage."
From Baoyue's perspective, when it comes to close relations, Haiwang's queen and concubine are both the nominal mother-in-law of Boss Cao.
Baoyue also smiled and glanced at Ferrer not far away, and found that her sister was lowering her head and pretending to be eating. In fact, her ears were like white rabbits, and she almost stood up, eavesdropping on them. Conversation.
Boss Cao said: "People from Haiguo form an envoy to visit together. It's not that simple. The old man sent me a letter specially, and you can see."
He handed Wang Li and Baoyue a letter handed to him before the guard left.
After reading the content of the letter, the two women laughed more and more. Gyangze, Feng Qiwu and others asked in unison what had happened.
The letter is written by His Majesty the Sea King. It is probably the content of the Deep Sea Nation. In recent years, because of the support of Cao Yan, the son-in-law, the national strength has increased rapidly. It has already left behind other maritime powers and is chasing the most glorious and prosperous period in ancient times.
Ocean countries are all jealous of this, and they are hollowing out their minds to take a share of the rice bowl of the deep-sea country.
The head of the harem of His Majesty Sea King, the Naga clan from the sea queen, is also the top strong clan in the deep sea.
This sea queen was commissioned by her family’s Naga Kingdom. This time she came to visit the Sky City, under the pretext of giving the sister-in-law to the boss Cao. In fact, the real purpose is to help the Naga clan and seek peace in the sky. City partnership.
Baoyue and Wang Li both laughed after reading the letter, because Hai Wang clearly stated in the letter that the reason why he agreed that Hai Empress would bring people to visit the Sky City was completely because he could not withstand the pressure of Hai Empress, so he decided to The pot was thrown to the son-in-law, let the son-in-law carry it.
Secretly, he hoped that Cao Yan could refuse the cooperation offered by the Naga tribe.
Cao Yan said dumbly: "While the old father-in-law couldn't resist the pressure, he wrote to me not to cooperate with the Naga. The letter also said that I had better take advantage of the situation to suppress the Naga, and don't let the sea queen feel that there is a Naga. With the support of the clan, you can do whatever you want.
Lao Zhangren, this is for me to teach my mother-in-law, it seems that I am usually angry with the sea queen.
Baoyue, what do you think we should do about this? "
Baoyue Yanran said: "Father is my biological father, but the Queen of the Sea is not my biological mother. From the perspective of our Sky City, it is also more beneficial for us to cooperate with our father. The Naga clan may not necessarily cooperate with us sincerely. ."
Cao Yan smiled, the meaning of the female ticket is obvious, that is, to help the old man and tear the nominal fake mother-in-law.
"When will the people from the Sea Clan come to visit?" Wang Li asked.
"The day after tomorrow." Boss Cao said.
"So urgent." Baoyue said unexpectedly.
"They want to seek cooperation, of course, the sooner the better."
Cao Yan: "Eat first, I'll talk about other things later."
That night, I went through the process pre-booked by Boss Cao, eating, drinking and having fun. After returning home, he happily drove a bumper car with the female tickets and enjoyed life.
The night is dim, and Baoyue and Wangli in the bedroom are like two beautiful works of white jade, the moonlight is like yarn, softly covering them...
Time flies, two days later.
Cao Yan took Baoyue and his sister-in-law to the square in front of the City Lord's Mansion in the Sky City.
At this time, the surface of the teleportation gate standing on the square was rippling and the space fluctuating sharply.
Suddenly, a turquoise dragon head protruded from the waves surging in the middle of the gate, followed by the second and third, a total of eight dragon-head seahorses, galloping out.
They all have dragon heads and horses, short limbs, webbed hooves and connected skins. This kind of sea beast resembles a seahorse, but with scales on its back, it is mighty and ferocious.
Hailong dragged a gorgeous coral cart behind him, passed through the portal, and slowly entered the square in front of the City Lord's Mansion.
The eight-horse dragon horse-drawn carriage is the frame specification of Haihou, second only to the Nine Dragons Haiwang.
A total of four coaches were racing out.
Followed by more than 300 marine guards, including the deep sea whale warrior, the whale shark ban, the Naga sea monster warrior, and the deep sea behemoth knight, all of the star lineups in the deep sea.
For a while, Shanghai Beasts in the square floated in the air, and their backs were full of Marine warriors, all armored and armed, and their military prosperous.
The so-called marrying a husband, Baoyue's thoughts are now all on her own male ticket. From the perspective of boss Cao, she helped him analyze:
"For a long time, ocean countries have always believed that they are superior to the human kingdom on the ground in terms of national strength and the number of strong people. Although you are famous in the world, you are hailed as the first deity in the millennium, so they have to come and You seek cooperation, but at the same time, they want to show their strength in front of you to maintain their dignity and pride.
So although they are asking you, they are eager to show their strength so as not to be underestimated by you. "
When Cao Yan was chatting with his own female ticket, three people were sitting one by one in the Hailong car that galloped out first on the square.
Sitting in the main seat is a beautiful woman who seems to be about forty years old, the queen of the deep sea kingdom, Giggsdona Naga.
He wears a crown on his head, has a graceful demeanor, and a plump body, full of the unique charm of mature women.
It's just that her gaze is too sharp and she appears extremely strong, which makes people unconsciously ignore her as a female side.
There was another woman sitting next to her with the exact opposite temperament. She wore a light blue brocade skirt with a waistband, which just rightly highlighted the undulating body curve. She was gorgeous but not kitsch.
This beautiful woman has a pair of sea-blue eyes full of water, and she has a variety of styles in her circulation.
Her appearance is five or six points similar to Ferrier, and she is obviously Ferrier's mother.
The last person sitting in the chariot was a tall old man, wearing dark green armor, high-nosed eagle eyes, and piercing eyes. Although it was facing the sea queen, it was not awkward, and Da Ma Jindao sat opposite it.
This person is an important member of the Naga Clan of the Hai Empress’s family, the elder brother of the Hai Empress, and the number one master of the contemporary Naga Naga, the Prince Quito Naga.
At this moment, Ferrell’s mother stretched out her hand to pick up the curtain of the chariot, and looked at the situation outside, and said softly,
Sister, it’s already here. Last time Feriel went home and told me that the City of Sky is even bigger than the City of Poseidon. Magnificent and magnificent, it seems to be true.
Baoyue and Cao Yan are waiting outside, let's go down quickly. "
Hai Empress was quite disgusted with Felier’s mother’s silly Baitian character, and reprimanded:
You must remember that we are here to represent the deep sea clan, so although Cao Yan is powerful, he is our junior after all, and Let him wait for a while."
Ferrell's mother answered pitifully, "I see."
Kuito, the prince of the Naga tribe, also looked out from the window, and the corner of his mouth slightly tickled: "We should take the opportunity to show our strength, or seek an equal relationship for the next cooperation negotiation, lest they think I am no one in the deep sea."
Haihou nodded: "I also have this intention."
Prince Quito snapped his fingers immediately.
Outside the car, Hailongma, who was dragging the frame, raised his neck at the same time, his throat rumbling, apparently preparing to roar.
The surrounding marine warriors were also standing solemnly, and at the same time they paused the weapons in their hands, and made a uniform crash of gold and iron objects.
The remaining sound curls up and is heard throughout the city.
All the sea dragon horses whispered and screamed. What was surprising was that as soon as their voices came out of their throats, a huge real dragon head protruded from the sky, with squinting eyes, scanning the sea dragon horses below.
In the other two directions, the Sun Golden Crow surrounded seven rounds of hot sun, manifesting the vision of blazing flames. There is also a giant tiger with wings, also looking down from the cloud probe, watching the sea dragon horse making a cry.
Because of the huge gap in rank, several sea dragon horses pulling carts panicked in an instant, kicking their hoofs, dragging the frame around wildly.
Cao Yan snapped his fingers, and the three beasts in the sky instantly reduced their momentum and retracted into the clouds.
There is a saying that joy and sadness are temporary, only embarrassment is lasting.
The queen of the sea and the prince Quido in the carriage, now in this state of mind, both gave birth to an embarrassment of pretending to be incapable of being forced.
"Those monsters...what level are they capable of easily suppressing my chariot?" Haihou asked with a calm face.
Quito's eyes were still looking up, and he was surprised: "It should be totem level."
"The three monsters are totem-level? It seems that the strength of the Sky City, the news we detected is not accurate, and it is stronger than we expected."
Haihou paused and said, "Aquaman is very tight-lipped about the Sky City. Every time I ask, I am vague and never tell me a little bit. If I hadn't come in person this time, I would still be kept in the dark by him. Here. Go, let's get off."
At the moment, an attendant opened the door of the chariot, Haihou walked out first, and Cuito and Ferrier's mother accompanied him.
Outside the frame, Boss Cao greeted them Shi Shiran with the female tickets.
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