Chapter 917: Old color criticizes everyone

"The age of those who disappeared is generally between 16 and 20 years old." Asazli continued.
Cao Yan's three views have been brushed up again: the old pervert still likes to eat tender grass, and he is still under adulthood at the age of sixteen.
"A total of seventeen people were missing. They have one thing in common. They are all believers of the Light God System."
After Azazel's words, he stretched out his hand and presented a topographical location map of elemental auras in the void. It was centered on Pi Tuo Luojia City where they were located and extended outwards, intertwining the surrounding cities with elements. The tiny light bar is marked out.
Azazel is undoubtedly a teammate, and he has done a lot of preparations in advance.
When Cao Yan and the Lord of the Stars saw the map, they understood that the city location marked on the map was the specific location where the missing persons disappeared.
Cao Yan pondered for a moment, and a certain thought in his mind slowly became clear: "In Pituo Luojia City, you can't use divine consciousness to search, otherwise you will be noticed by Michael?"
Azazel grumbled.
Cao Yan: "This principle is obviously applicable in reverse. Michael is in a hidden state, and he will not easily release his spiritual thoughts to prevent people from noticing him here."
"Yeah." Asazil responded again and looked at Cao Yan with the Lord of the Starry Sky.
"An old pervert like Michael, usually when choosing prey, he should personally observe it, and only when he finds a satisfactory target, he will take action and capture flowers."
Boss Cao pursed his lower lip and looked a little excited: "He can't use divine mind, but he has to observe the prey himself, and Asazil, you just said that these missing people have one thing in common. They are all believers of the light god.
So where can Michael meet the above conditions, hide properly, observe believers, and choose prey for himself? "
Azazel and the Lord of Starry Sky immediately caught Cao Yan's intention: "You mean that somewhere these missing people have been together, maybe it is Michael's hiding place?"
"Yes." Cao Yan nodded.
Azazel and the Lord of the Stars looked at Cao Yan with a weird look: "Why do you feel that you understand Michael's perverted behavior so quickly that you can figure out his mind?"
Cao Yan frowned and said, "What do you two mean?"
Assazli was enough to stop, turning back to the main topic: "According to the information I have, these missing people have indeed been to the city of Pituoluga.
This coincides with Cao Yan's analysis. "
He said: "I just said that the city of Pituo Luojia has a special significance to the Light God System. Because the God King of Light was born here, this city is a place of pilgrimage for countless believers of Light.
After entering the city, the believers will definitely go to the Great Guangming Temple where the twelve lord gods and the Lord of Light are enshrined. "
Cao Yan and the three of them looked towards the city center from the window.
In the middle of the city, stands a tall statue, flowing with a golden halo, bowing his head, as if pitying the suffering of all beings.
That is the statue of the King of Light.
On the ground around it, there are twelve temples surrounded by it in a ring shape, and the statues of the twelve main gods are placed inside for the believers to pay their respects.
The night soon enveloped the city of Pi Tuo Luo Jia.
The stars are shining on the dome.
During the day, the prosperous city is gradually quiet.
The temple of the twelve gods in the center of the city is brightly lit, but it also lacks the excitement during the day. Except for the angels on duty, it is uninhabited and quiet.
In one of the twelve temples, the statue of the main Michael is located in the center, full of dark gold, as high as nine feet, majestic and majestic.
Just at the center of the eyebrows of this statue, there is a miniature space origin hidden, and the interior is its own space system.
Michael hides in it unexpectedly.
When night fell, he awoke from sitting still.
The injury he suffered last time has not recovered after many days.
Michael got up a little anxiously and walked around in the hidden palace. Suddenly he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, a little light stretched out in the void, presenting a charming girl with long dark brown hair and charming eyebrows.
Seeing Michael, the girl showed excitement, admiration, and enthusiasm, but with a complex look of fear, she bowed her head and dared not face the main in front of her.
At this moment, outside the temple where Michael was hiding.
Asazil shielded all breath and emerged from nothingness.
"Cao Yan, what are you doing, don't you come out quickly?"
Asazil came with Cao Yan, but after he came out, he didn't see Cao Yan showing up for a while, so he couldn't help but wonder.
Cao Yan cautiously appeared beside Asazil:
"This place is always the place of the Light God System. I am worried that there will be a trap, so I will let you come out and try it first, and I will come out again if there is no problem.
Azazle rolled his eyes and said, "Before I came here, I had shielded all my breath, and even differentiated into a bloodline clone to attract the attention of Hestia and others, and to cover our action. , It is impossible to have a feeling for us."
Cao Yan looked around cautiously: "It's better to be careful, don't wait until the car rolls over and regret it."
Assazli laughed dumbly, his eyes flowed, and the void waved like the surface of water. After the layers of space barriers were dispelled, the situation of Michael's hiding place slowly emerged.
"He really is here." Asazil said solemnly.
"Old Sa, you are good at it." Cao Yan praised.
This kind of perspective space, insight into the real method, he can do it now, but it can't reach the level of being able to see through the space deliberately hidden by the main of Michael's level, while preventing the other party from being alert.
Assazle divides the void, and in the picture that is presented, Michael is looking at the girl in front of him with great interest, and suddenly orders: "Stand up and take off the clothes (harmonious)."
The girl stood up obediently and stripped off her clothes one by one, revealing a body that was as delicate and flawless as a white jade.
Michael calmly walked to the girl's side, his eyes gleaming: "Are you willing to dedicate yourself to me for faith?"
"This old shameless guy still likes this tune. Not only does it mean to prostitute, but also makes people willing to say it." Cao Yan thought.
Azazel: "This city of Pitoluoga has endured the thoughts of countless believers. Here, Michael can receive the endless blessing of faith, and can even summon and borrow part of the power of the Lord of Light. So after we take the shot, we must strive to kill him in the shortest possible time. If he is not dead, we can’t fall in love with each other and leave immediately.

"I know, don't worry, I will run faster than you." Cao Yan said.
The Lord of the Starry Sky did not show up with the two of them. He was hiding in the dark as a back-up. If there were other changes, the Lord of the Starry Sky would deal with it.
At this time, in the secret space, Michael was ready to start ruining the little girl.
His next behavior must be harmonized.
So Cao Yan decided not to wait, and after confirming his eyes with Asazli, both shot.
Azazel punched forward without fancy.
The void shattered silently under the impact of his fist.
The power of his fist was condensed, like a physical beam of light, surpassing the rules, and at the same time the fist was released, without any interval, it appeared behind Michael, giving him no chance to react.
Immediately afterwards, Cao Yan also took action, but instead of attacking, he sacrificed a bizarre force intertwined with semiotic structures, like a net of heaven and earth, sealing the surrounding void.
"The old gangsters are everyone who gets to blame."
Cao Yan said in the old chaotic saying.
His words mobilized the power of destiny, using the art of mouth cannon, which had an impact on Michael's destiny trend.
And the semiotic structure matrix he issued also incorporates the power attributes of the demons, the sticky field of the egg, the power of the big stick, the circle, abalone and other demons are in it, and it is extremely powerful.
At this moment, the entire city of Pituo Luojia was affected, and it seemed to have fallen into a strange stagnation.
Michael was hit by Azazel, and his back was instantly cracked.
He was shocked, and a scripture chapter flew out of his eyebrows, and he was about to burn the void and escape from here.
At this moment, Cao Yan's attack had an effect.
Time and space are jointly affected by the banned power of the symbolic structure and the sticky field of Dandan, which makes it strangely stagnant.
The power of the scriptures sacrificed by Michael has dropped sharply, and it has not been able to break through the power of Cao Yan.
It was the obstacle at this moment, Azazler's hand, a dragon-like light jumped out of the void and poked into Michael's chest.
That light is Azazel's fallen war spear, a top killer artifact.
Michael screamed, his body completely disintegrated.
The girl who was almost ruined by him saw the lord being broken in front of her, she screamed and fainted.
And inside Michael's shattered head, a bright light like the sun burst out, directly rushing away from Cao Yan's confinement, breaking through the air and going away.
"The Godhead of Michael!"
Azazel, Cao Yan, including the master of the starry sky hiding in the dark, simultaneously shot to block Michael's godhead.
At the same moment, not far from the temple where Michael was hiding, a ray of light overflowed from the brow of the statue of the Lord of Light, supporting Michael's godhead, and suddenly disappeared.
"The power of faith in the city has been activated."
Assazli said flatly: "Let's go."
Boss Cao and the Lord of Starry Sky didn't hesitate, and the three people turned around and ran away.
This battle took place like a storm, extremely abrupt, but it came and went quickly.
The three people are all top bosses, jumping out of the void continuously, and soon out of the gods, reaching a safe place.
Cao Yan asked the two teammates: "Can we kill Michael with our last blow?"
"Probably not." The Lord of the Starry Sky said regretfully.
That godhead was attacked by the power of Cao Yan's trio, and there was already a crack before it disappeared.
Assazli sneered: "Even if he doesn't die, the loss will be heavier than last time. Even if he is careless, he may fall. The seriously injured Michael may induce other gods to take his position as the commander of the angel army. Covetously, keeping him is not necessarily a bad thing."
"The statue of the king accepts countless believers' worship, and the power of faith contained within is immense. This is why Michael chose to hide here. In a critical moment, he can trigger the power of faith in the statue to save his life."
"What are we going to do next? Disperse the group and go home?" the Star Lord asked.
"I have an idea?" Cao Yan said.
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