Chapter 319: Magic World of Warcraft

In the face of this scene, Li Xuan was slightly shocked. . .
Obviously, this is a World of Warcraft, and the blood of Warcraft, such as the Qins Canghe and others of the Naqins family, is completely the same, but the strength is not as strong as that of the blood of Warcraft Canghe and others.
"These magical Warcraft can also occasionally have a magic crystal nucleus, but with the appearance of the first magic magic crystal, these people will certainly spare no effort to kill the magical Warcraft, about 80% of the energy of each shot. Will be restored after killing the Magic World of Warcraft, and then the next kill... This is completely tempting everyone to kill the Magic World of Warcraft, solve the problem of being lazy before..."
Li Xuan is indulged in his heart. All this is like being presupposed by people. Gradually there are ways to solve it. So, will the so-called rule loopholes be supplemented? If this is the case, when it is suddenly found that something is not the case, then it is difficult to turn back, right?
Li Xuan sensed the blood monument. The blood monument has already condensed a drop of clear white soybean-sized liquid. This drop of liquid, Li Xuan can be sure that at the crucial time, it can definitely promote the cultivation of an ordinary person. Even if he is under the care of Li Xuan, it will certainly be able to advance to the seven major stars.
The seven-star king is a major and complete realm, and that is also a leap in the realm. Every step in the future is very rare.
"In this place, it seems that there are always some loop rules that people can grab. In fact, it is estimated that in addition to the blood monument, other seemingly loopholes will definitely be unpleasant. It’s like that man’s One person took the initiative to attack, but deliberately attacked the top of his head. This magical day, if the visual error, if the other person in the attack, the man will be obliterated? Deliberately give some rules, it seems There are a lot of loopholes, but they are all temptations... From the beginning of the gentle trap, the temptation has always existed... I said there is always a feeling of being manipulated, the original reason is here."
Li Xuan considered this place as a whole, and then he had a certain grasp of this overall incident.
Therefore, under such circumstances, Li Xuan took the wind and water, and then did not pay attention to anything, silently moving forward.
Because under the big concealment technique, these magical devils could not find Li Xuan and the wind to follow the water. Therefore, when they were being fought, Li Xuan and the wind flew all the way along the water, but it was extremely smooth.
"Li Xuan, don't you want that Warcraft? One seems to be invincible!"
After three days of wind and water, I saw the fascinating World of Warcraft underneath. I also saw Li Xuan didn't do anything, and asked.
"Well, I don't want to do it for a while, that magical magic crystal is not so simple. You are seen on the surface of the invincible water. Actually, what is going on, it has to be carefully measured."
Li Xuan said thoughtfully.
At this time, he did not think much about his own situation, but he was always considering the problem of this magical crystal.
The magical magic crystals are condensed out, which is weaker than the World of Warcraft, but the treasure map and the bloodline of the inheritance are obviously a way to go. The relationship is so complicated that Li Xuan can not grasp the layout as a whole.
However, under the overall layout of the Magical Day, Li Xuan has some thoughts, but this consideration is not mature enough, so he did not say much.
"Well, I listen to you, I am actually just worried about your safety. You are different from us. You have this higher pursuit... and I am or other woman around you, or just hope that you can live happily. That's enough... Of course, I can also hope that the Elf Empire will be strong and will not be bullied by foreign enemies. "The wind is still dependent on Li Xuanhuai, and the words whisper."
"There will be a day, on that day, I will give you such a future!" Li Xuan said firmly.
When one day, the space element beads are strong enough, the world of the space element beads is infinitely extended, so that the elf empire is moved in.
In this way, the status quo of the elf empire will be completely changed.
At that time, if you can, Li Xuan will set a new set of rules for this space element bead, then open the believer space, blend and blend the four major spaces, so that under the inheritance of a wide range of beliefs, a heavenly The world will be fully presented.
Li Xuan did not have much thought. In addition to breaking the shackles of the heavens and the earth and finding the cause of the broken emptiness being smothered, other wishes may be to let the loved ones and friends around them live happily and happily.
"Well, I also believe that there will be such a day." The words of the wind and the water are a lot more embarrassing. It seems that a beautiful future is not far ahead.
"Through the front, it is a canyon. Opposite the canyon is a river. Above the river is a bridge of elements. This bridge of elements can restore all the energy loss. But this element has a bridge. A huge ban, on the above can only walk, relying on the strength of the body to walk step by step.
The flesh is not strong enough to climb on it.
Of course, it is not that simple to restore energy loss. There are guarded illusion Warcraft around, there are things like magical water monsters in the river..."
Li Xuan stared at the bridge of elements not far ahead, and suddenly said.
"Li Xuan, no one can come over there, how do you know what?" The wind asked the water very confused.
"Well, I saw it, judging from the fluctuations of the airflow above the bridge of the element, etc., is it difficult to say this... but one thing is certain, the first person who crosses the bridge will make a name for himself!" Li Xuan smiled, then pulled the wind down the air and entered the canyon.
The gorge is also full of illusion Warcraft. These illusion Warcraft strengths are equally uneven, some are five exercise levels, and some are seven-star junfa.
When Li Xuan came quietly, these magical Warcraft did not have any induction. However, Li Xuan did not care about it. He took the wind and stepped through the canyon step by step, and came to the bridge near this element.
As soon as he approaches the bridge of this element, Li Xuan knows that there is no way to hide the big concealment, because once he sets foot on the bridge of elements, he and the figure of the wind will appear.
"By the water, wait for me to shoot, you have to pay attention!
The reason why I don't put you inside the space element beads is observation and speculation through this road. I guess if you go in, the rules here don't feel you, you will think that you have been obliterated. Unless you don't come out, once you come out, it will definitely be I won't put you in the space element beads.
I know that you have come to this heart of the Lord, and there are definitely things to deal with. I will help you, but when necessary, once I can't really rescue, I will pull you into the space element beads.

Li Xuan thought about trying to convey the spiritual consciousness seriously. "Well, I understand, in fact, I probably want to understand that this is the case!" The wind depends on the waterway.
Li Xuan nodded, and then he gradually condensed the shape of the dragon-shaped exercises.
This time, the shape of the dragon-shaped exercises, the most successful exercises, the advantage of this method is that the shape of the dragon is corresponding to the magic of the Thunder, which with Li Xuan roewe The magic, for this magical Warcraft, is the most terrifying nemesis!
In addition, using this method of practice, the magic elements of the mine are close to the purity of the source, coupled with the huge willpower ... so that you can count this piece of the world, let it pay a greater ... cost.
Li Xuan knew everything about this. Therefore, he didn't care about the loss at the moment. When he appeared in the sky beside the bridge of elements with the wind, he suddenly showed his figure.
At this time, because Li Xuan suddenly appeared, suddenly countless magical devils came to Li Xiaoyong like crazy, the momentum is like a sea wave rolling.
But in the face of this, Li Xuanzang smiled, and he had already prepared the magical magical fists.
The shape of the dragon, the thunder and the dragon, the celestial dragon dance!
Numerous dragons were under the control of Li Xuan, mixed with the willpower of robbery, and the hustle and bustle of the raging, only in this momentary moment, countless illusions suddenly dying on the spot, tragic death.
This process is simply a shocking sensation.
Whether it is the five exercise or the , whether it is the Seven Stars or the Eight Laws, when the dense magical magic suddenly appears in front of the body, Li Xuan suddenly shot, and destroyed a large number of unimaginable number of Magic World of Warcraft. At that time, the scene was huge and shocking!
The wind is so easy to see Li Xuan's elimination, and some shocking and unspeakable. Before the occasional encounter, the magical magic rushed to them, and the wind also killed the magical magic, but the difficult difficulty made her collapse. .
If the magical magic does not kill, it will continue to recover, so this is the most difficult reason for the magic! Only by killing it completely in one fell swoop can it be completely killed.
This is exactly the case, seeing Li Xuan wave to kill so many magical Warcraft, this moment the wind is convinced by the water.
Because at this time, the wind is completely understood by the water, even though her own strength has reached the great fulfillment of the eight-legged king, but compared with Li Xuan, it is still a lot worse.
Whether in terms of mind or killing, that ability has a world of difference.
She silently watched the man around him killing and feeling agitated.
This man is only twenty-two years old, not yet twenty-three years old, but now, it has reached such a degree, such a person, is a born strong, born king!
She looked at it like this, but she didn't find out that she actually had some idiots.
In this case, Li Xuan did not care about it, but continued to madly release the shape of the dragon.
蛰龙伏地, mad dragon reflexive, 亢龙 has regrets.... These moves are not limited to the shape of the dragon-shaped move, because Li Xuan’s 12th consciousness is facing this time of countless illusion Warcraft, so this time Li Xuan broke out completely.
Thanks to the book friend’
(To be continued)
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