Chapter 538: Ask

" demon! Put a trap around us... Go, take him to me, I want him to regret coming to me today..."
After all, Wang Jinshui was a black and white man in the black and white halls of the Chamber of Commerce. At this time, he understood it, and now he told the few men in disgust.
The guards saw their own lord and the invited people had a poisonous tumor for no reason. The heart was strange, and they heard the master telling them, so they didn’t think much, just sighed and stunned. Light, and he was forced to come to Li Xuan, and he was able to swallow him.
Li Xuan stood sideways and his eyes swept over the approaching guard and shook his head slightly. In the face of such high officials, perhaps ordinary people will bow down in the context of the forces they represent, but for the people of Xiandao, these fundamental structures are not a threat.
Seeing the four guards approaching, Li Xuan turned his head and saw the purple light flashing. The four people immediately stopped their steps, like a stone sculpture, maintaining an unfinished posture, with a look of horror. The eyes can still turn, let people watch, and there are some strange tastes in the weird. At the same time, a faint brilliance rose from Li Xuan, a pause, turned into a thin light curtain to cover the entire hall.
This scene happened too suddenly, too arrogant, so that Wang Jinshui and others waited for a while before they all sent an unrecognizable look to Li Xuan.
" have you done to us, this neck...and them, what purpose do you have here when you come here, if it is for money, why bother to pay more for these things?" Among them, Wang Jinshui can still maintain some calmness at this time. However, due to these two events, they have already caused an inexplicable fear on Li Xuan.
Looking at Wang Jinshui’s four eyes, Li Xuan did not bring a trace of expression, and slowly walked to the top, calmly sat down, faintly said:
I just said that the bluegrass can be specific, not to lie to you, but you do not believe, On the contrary, it’s going to hurt me... You four people touched the cancer on the neck and said, 'I have never done anything that is against my conscience.' In addition, here I have been banned, what happened here. Things, there is no way to know outside."
After Li Xuan finished, the four people looked at each other and did not know what the idea was going to be in front of him. A chill hit the heart.
Seeing that none of the four people spoke, Li Xuan’s face showed a hint of discomfort. He pointed to Wang Jinshui’s saying:
You are the master here. Let’s talk about it first.
In the words, an invisible invisible pressure is released. The role of Wang Jinshui, although unintentional, but for the latter, is irresistible.
Wang Jinshui looked down at his head and looked down. He felt that he had a thousand kilograms of gravity on his body. He was so overwhelmed that he couldn’t get good, and that his heart was dark, and it seemed that he could not say it. Then he turned his heart and said aloud: "I have never done anything contrary to my conscience in my life." The voice just fell, and in the strange eyes of the rest of the people, Wang Jinshui only felt the tumor on his neck leaping slightly. The itch was coming, and the tumor actually grew up in a circle. It seemed that something was going to break out and it was difficult to heal.
This time, I really scared Wang Jinshui and almost fainted, rubbing my neck and screaming again and again. "Dao, ah, we have no place to offend you, even if it was just because of a moment of confusion. Speaking of the words, the road is long and kind, and asks the leader to spare us this time!" The rest of the people saw Wang Jinshui, and they all came over and pleaded for mercy, what is the reputation of the money when it comes to life and death. What is the dignity of the skin, all thrown a thousand and two net.
Looking at the four people in front of him, Li Xuan said faintly: "You don't have to ask me, because I can't take things off your neck... If you want to cure, you have to rely on yourself."
After Li Xuan finished, the four men looked at each other. Wang Jinshui asked: "We don't quite understand the words of the Dao, and please ask the Dao."
Smiled, Li Xuan said faintly: "The things on your neck are also your own. This kind of cancer has a characteristic. If the person who grows it is good, every line is good once, it will shrink by itself, as long as it is kind. If you don't hesitate, it will slowly disappear into the invisible; if it is evil, if it is evil once, it will grow up. If the nausea does not change, the tumor will continue to grow until the venom is attacking. After seven or seventy-nine days of itching, people can die.
Li Xuan said with a sigh of relief, but the four people on the opposite side were already eclipsed, and their backs were chilly, and their foreheads were cold and sweaty, with both eyes horrified and overwhelmed.
Seeing that the four people did not speak, Li Xuan said again: "Look at you one by one, you have to show your wealth, you have never thought about the cultivation of your heart, but for some satisfaction, you have no choice but to act on the open side. It’s a beautiful scenery, but in fact, it’s only invisible to take your own Fuyuan life for consumption! When the cause and effect cycle to your own head, the awakening is already late, and the cancer on your neck is here. I am today. It’s not difficult for you. After I left, you can ask yourself how many good deeds in this life, how many evil deeds are, whether the line is good to go to the tumor or continue to do evil and seek death, all by themselves.
Li Xuan finished, the four are already admiring The ground, the mouth said that it is wrong.
Life is floating, just like light dust and weak grass. The poor people are bent on seeking wealth, but after they are rich, they still want to add icing on the cake. They have already stepped into the crisis but still do not know. However, looking at the ancient times, Yang Xiong had the disaster of Tianlu Pavilion, and Han Xin had the disaster of Weiyang Palace. These are the hardships of the rich. There is a saying that is good:
The heart is good, and although the blessing is not yet, the evil is far away; the heart is evil, but the evil is not yet, and the blessing is far away.
It is said that Wu Jianguo played this play and listened to Li Xuan’s remarks. He did not feel the coolness on his back. He lowered his head and said:
Fortunately, I am determined to be firm, never do evil, or it’s really everyday. With such a black meat group that is not slipping in autumn..." Just thinking, I heard Li Xuan’s small and clear voice picking up in the ear. The voice said:
The move of the poor road is actually for you, but you Also remember what I said just now, you can't annihilate your heart. As for the cancer on your neck, it's because I don't let them doubt your relationship. It's just a decoration. When you go home, close the door. On the day, I will eliminate it myself, and I can't stay in your home for a long time. After you go back, tell your son and ask him to work cultivation. When I arrive, I will come. I will come here. Well, I will do it afterwards... ..."
At this point, the sound came to an abrupt end. When Wu Jianguo looked up and looked at the empty chair, there was still a half-shadow of Li Xuan... The world is like a stream of water, and Hugh will hang his heart and soul. The rough tea and the light meal have passed, and the rich and the glory are not bullying.
On the square stone rock rising from a small mountain peak in the heart of Jiangxin Island, through the night, watching Wu Jianguo and others stay away, Li Xuan’s face showed a smile.
For this move, he was unintentional, but after thinking about it, those people should not think about Wu Jianguo’s Chamber of Commerce any more!
Li Xuan quietly stood, the sky above the head was starry, the mountain winds in the middle of the night were cool, and he blew his thin robe. In fact, since the last encounter at the end of the river, Li Xuan discovered that if he stayed in a certain realm for a long time, he would only recruit more and more magic barriers. For the way, it is like sailing against the water. If you go on this road, you will only have to go back and forth. There is no luck and stealing. Perhaps this is also a kind of natural law!
For a Taoist, there is no alternative road, and it is only more reliable, safer and more successful to achieve the goal. Only by entrusting one's own body and mind to the "Tao" that can create all things in the universe, and re-creating, does not retain any exclusive consciousness. Then, work hard to practice morality, build good morality, cultivate body and mind, blame sin, and purify the mind. Think of everything that happens as a necessity for a change of Tao. Then he became a small molecule of the Tao, exactly the same as the essence of the Tao. Even in this life, he is already in the state of understanding. With this kind of comprehension, it will inevitably become clear and open, and in a relatively short period of time, open the door of the wonderful and understand the true meaning of the Tao.
"The world is like a cloud, the road is eternal... Road! Do you really understand it? Heaven is awkward, the heart is unpredictable, and when is it right--" Li Xuan said to himself, laughing. At this time, there are too many doubts in the depths of his heart. I thought that I was already a quiet man, and I was a human being. But at this time, after I had gone through this red dust, he suddenly discovered that Dan Dao’s own self, still could not escape the eternal heaven. Binding, on the 1st is just a fly on the cosmic wheel, dizzy.
In the distance, the lights of the capital city shine brightly on the 1st, looking at the river in front of the river and the mountains in the night. Li Xuan is deeply pondered.... silence. Although it is so quiet, like life and death, four-time rotation, physical nature, winter does not go and spring comes, the wind is not cool and people are cool.
After a long time, when the distant sky sprinkled a touch of cherry red, Li Xuan slowly woke up from the meditation, looking at the clouds of the clouds, the layers of mist reflected in the morning glow, showing colorful dazzling brilliance. . A little bit of Xiaguang maps in the rushing river and the deep jungle, mixed with a beautiful vitality, filled with heaven and earth.
At this time, the dawn faded, the East wanted to know, the dawn faded out, the morning dawn appeared, the sky was like a white fish belly color. A few peaks in the lower part, shadows, confusing, like a master of paper-cutting masters, the silhouette of the hand cut out.
Hongxia and egg yolk may be the plain and vulgar expression of the sunrise, but it does give Li Xuan such a straightforward impression. When the shallow fish in the distance is white and radiant, Danyang is like a sleek goose egg yolk, which is more like a round plan. Is it bright? Is it beautiful? Li Xuan can't say what he wants. He only suspects that what he sees before is not the world of humanity. He only hopes for eternity at this moment. But can it be eternal at this moment? No, just as the youth of the world can't be resident, perhaps only the natural laws of the rising curtain can last forever. In this case, why bother to retain, sorry? It’s just that people don’t know where to go, and Peach Blossoms laughs on the 1st.
After a long while, the rising sun is rising, it is already bright, but see the light of the sea, colorful and colorful, can be beautiful. At this time, there was just a mountain breeze blowing, and suddenly the clouds and smoke scattered, the peaks of the mountains and the pines, hidden in the colorful clouds, instantly changing, like the decorative patterns on the brocade, each one changed a style.
In an instant, Haoyu has become a colorful and magnificent world. The glory of the clouds is shining with golden brilliance, like a huge, large scale squid, lying on the sky. But see Danyang Golden Light Jet, rising, for a time, Wan Dao Xiaguang, driving clouds and fog, the sky is full of clouds, the sky is red, the river is suffocating in the distance, it seems to wake up, I saw her Glow, red light. Looking into the distance, the looming attic between them, at this time also dyed a piece of rose, surrounded by overlapping overlapping peaks, set with a silver edge, flashing like a golden snake dance... New day begins .
Fifteen years ago, Li Xuan died and annihilated in the earth: fifteen years later, he had a steady and firm footstep on the journey of monasticism. In order to explore the ultimate auspiciousness of life, he has no hesitation to embark on the long road of this predecessor, what is it waiting for him? Will he be lost on that long and distant road?
Gently gather the hair that was blown by the morning breeze, Li Xuan sighed and muttered: "Enlightenment is easy to worry about, and the source of the heart is free. The fighting stars turn to the sky, and Baiyun is covering the green hills on the 1st."
It is easy to realize consciousness, and it is very difficult to completely silence the heart. If you reach the heart of leisure, this is a natural and comfortable state of mind.
"What is the red dust, what is the world! It is always the only thing to say! Look at the mountains is not the mountains, the water is not the water, the mountains and waters are in the heart, why come to see the words?" Li Xuan’s words seem to be helpless, clear Sighing, hoeing, walking down the hill, there is no direction, but with the direction of the heart, the body is always in the same place.
Enlightened, in the past, as if I died yesterday, after all kinds of things, I was born today......... At this moment, in the depths of Li Xuan’s soul, there is a kind of vitality.
"Dao! Where are you?"
The ontology of the Tao is invisible and invisible. "It is not a thing to say that it is a thing." It cannot be defined by the world name. "There is no birth", everything in the universe is from the "nothing" of "clearing the empty spirit"
It was established in the middle of the day.
A monk can truly reach the Tao, in order to see the expression of the Tao, in order to understand the true face of the Tao, and how to create ever-changing cosmic things. The avenue focuses on the tempering of the mind, the heart is united, the eternal silence, but in the stagnation, the inaction can be done for life, thus interpreting the mystery between the two. Therefore, the people who cultivated the Tao are not ruthless, the so-called ruthless, the Taoist is self-reliant and ambition-free, and the mysterious, can only be understood... Walking on the spacious streets, watching the bustling people, Li Xuanjing Finely taste the ordinary things in front of you.
The morning in the capital is so fresh and clear. The air is dry and cold with some cool, there are not many carriages back and forth on the streets, rare pedestrians, morning exercisers, literati singers, and early morning snack vendors, which constitute a fresh picture of the city in the morning.
Li Xuan walked, I don't know when, the spring rain fell, gently, in the thick snoring, I couldn't hear the sound of the slam, like a kind of wet smoke, gently moistening this wide street and thriving. capital.
The rain is getting bigger and bigger, the spring thunder rises, and the pedestrians rush to escape. In order not to attract the attention of others, Li Xuan has to find a shop to stop.
At this time, the city in the rain is already misty, and the high and low-lying lofts are faintly in a gray, and some of the lights in the attic that have not been extinguished emit dim light, which gives the sky and the streets a dull color. The scenic trees on the side of the road, a few leaves that floated down in the wind and rain, added a bit of thought and sadness.
The wet wind blowing the face, with the drizzle falling on the face of Li Xuan, listened carefully, and heard the sound of familiarity in the ear, "tofu brain feed", "eight treasure porridge, halogen egg", that sound one As calm and long as the past, the cool breeze of the early spring and the spring rain of Zhejiang Lie did not affect their enthusiasm for selling. The sound of the shell could not help but feel a warm warmth.
Looking at these people who are selling in the rain, Li Xuan’s heart gives birth to a touch of emotion. Compared with Wang Jinshui and others, such people may be more real and know what is called life... In fact, people are like this, each has a different life.
You don't have to explore what kind of life these people are selling every day along the street. They live at the bottom of society, perhaps because they lack skills and cannot have a good job. Maybe they can't invest in a better business because of poverty, and they may have to work in multiple jobs because of heavy family burden. Their lives are not romantic and legendary. They don't understand quality and talk, they don't want to be pampered and arrogant, but they are full of confidence in the future and not lacking in passion for life.
If a person wants to live happily, he must pay attention to at least three points. First, he needs to have a personal goal. This goal leads us to develop and create: then it is to be honest with life. This frankness is the goal of people to achieve their goals. The third is to be good at adjustment. If you want to live happily, you must suppress your heart and adjust your life goals according to your actual situation. Different people have different life trajectories, no one will live without nothing, and no one can live without regret. You don't have to care too much about your own ordinaryness. Ordinary is the characteristic of most people in this society: you don't have to care too much about the result. The interweaving between gain and loss is life.
(To be continued)
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