Vol 2 Chapter 1026: Easier way

Li Yue has always been very confident in his own strength.
In just a few decades, he has grown to the highest level that other strong players may spend billions of years to reach.
This kind of growth rate, almost no one can match Li Yue.
Of course, the reason why Li Yue can grow so quickly in strength is entirely because he has received some special help.
It is the golden finger that is often said in some novels.
However, not anyone with gold fingers can grow up.
Since Li Yue has reached his current strength, he cannot deny his strong perseverance.
Moreover, Li Yue has always felt very confident in his own strength.
Among the strong at the same level, Li Yue thinks that he is already one of the best.
At this time, although it was just a clone formed by the convergence of Li Yue's mind and spirit, its strength also reached the pinnacle level of the single universe.
Even at this moment, after Li Yue has burned his physical potential, Li Yue's mental power has already entered another stage, reaching the mental power strength that can only be possessed at the level of the multiverse.
This situation, to be precise, what powerful effect does it have?
First of all, at this time, Li Yue can already be free from the constraints of some cosmic rules.
Just like the rune above the barrier, it can play a special forgetting rule that makes people forget it in a blink of an eye.
As long as your strength or mental power does not exceed the level of the multiverse, and cannot reach the strength beyond the rules of the universe, you have to bear the effect of forgetting the rules.
At this time, Li Yue's mental strength can guarantee that he will not bear the constraints of this special rule at this time.
Of course, this is not a complete power performance at the multiverse level.
The so-called reaching the level of the multiverse seems to be described in Xiuxian's novels.
A more vivid manifestation is that at this time, Li Yue is almost free from the control of the will of heaven and earth, and does not need to be tested by the rules of heaven and earth.
This is the more normal situation.
Only if Li Yue's strength once again produces great progress, he may be subjected to a special test from the will of heaven and earth.
However, Li Yue didn't quite understand at this moment, why at this time he was still oppressed by the will of heaven and earth while drawing this kind of rune.
Moreover, this kind of oppression from heaven and earth seems to have not left any opportunity for oneself at all.
It seemed to tell myself from the side that these runes could not be completely reproduced by myself.
Because, without re-engraving a stroke of this kind of rune, they will have to withstand a stronger force than the previous moment.
And some more complicated runes, if you want to draw them completely, it seems that it is not something that Li Yue can accomplish at this level of strength.
I am afraid that even if his ontology comes in person, he cannot withstand the huge oppressive force that needs to be endured after drawing some complicated runes.
You know, Li Yue's body power at this time has already reached the real multiverse level.
With his full burst of power, it is not very difficult to destroy dozens of multiverses.
However, at this time, facing a certain test of the will of the world, there was a situation in which he could not successfully survive, which was almost completely unacceptable for Li Yue.
"The will of the world can never set a test that can't be passed at all, not to mention that at this time, I already possess such a powerful force. According to common sense, it should be very easy to pass such a test. !"
"However, now that this situation cannot be overcome, it may be because I have found the wrong direction. The real way to overcome this test is not to rely on my strong strength to forcibly overcome it, as I have shown at this time. Passed!"
"But there is a simpler way to let yourself survive the test easily!"
"Perhaps even some people whose strength is far lower than their own can use this simple method to survive this kind of test from heaven and earth!"
At this time, the more Li thought about it, he felt that the will of the world could not create a test that could not be passed at all.
What's more, at this time, although his strength is not the top of the universe, it has also reached the peak of the existence.
If such a test cannot be passed by oneself, other people with relatively low strength will be even less likely to pass it successfully.
Therefore, there is probably a simple way to survive this test that Li Yue doesn't know at this time.
It's just that Li Yue at this time hasn't noticed it yet!
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I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see!
I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see!
I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see!
I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see!
I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see!
I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away~EbookFREE.me~ everyone, wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see!
I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see!
I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see!
I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see!
I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see!
I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see! I haven't finished writing yet, post it up first, and change it right away, everyone will wait and see!
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