Vol 2 Chapter 792: Reaction speed

Following the Flash's explanation, everyone instantly understood what was going on with them at this time.
To put it simply, they are just moving fast. Moving objects that are at rest requires more effort than normal.
Just like an object, if it is accelerated to close to the speed of light, then no matter how small its mass, it can cause an extremely powerful impact.
In theory, even if a grain of sand is accelerated to the speed of light, it can also instantly destroy the earth.
However, a fast enough speed is not only capable of exerting a strong impact force. The faster the speed, the resistance it needs to bear also increases with the speed.
Therefore, in the scientific theories known to mankind, almost no object can exceed the speed of light.
In fact, this is also because there is almost nothing that can withstand the huge force that needs to be endured to reach the speed of light.
Therefore, in human cognition at this time, the speed of light is the fastest speed that a known object can reach.
Of course, it is said that the expansion of the universe far exceeds the speed of light.
However, human beings simply cannot understand and use this super-luminal method.
As for human beings, it is almost impossible to make objects move faster than the speed of light.
Back to this moment, with the Flash's explanation, although the people present are not considered professor-level scientists, some simple theories that are easy to understand are still clear.
And Clark finally found the reason why he needed to spend more energy to lift the nuclear reactor.
However, although they found the cause of the matter, they could not easily solve it.
Because, if you want to use less force to send the nuclear reactor that is about to explode to a location far from this area, Clark must slow down.
But if it slows down its own speed, it will suddenly increase the flow of time relative to him.
His time speeds up, and the speed of the nuclear reactor explosion will naturally speed up accordingly.
Therefore, if you slow down, Clark probably hasn't transported the nuclear reactor to the exact location, and the nuclear reactor has exploded.
However, if you don’t slow down, as Clark’s situation at this time, even lifting the nuclear reaction? It takes a lot of effort? It is undoubtedly not easy to transport it to a long enough distance. .
Moreover, no one can guarantee? In the process of transportation? Some accidents will happen to the nuclear reactor.
For example, will the huge resistance it encounters affect the nuclear reactor itself? Make it explode faster.
In short, if you choose to let Clark take this nuclear reactor away? It will also face many difficulties and unknowns.
And uncertain things? They naturally have to be cautious at the moment.
Therefore, before it was the last resort, Clark and the others temporarily abandoned the plan for Clark to risk the removal of the nuclear reactor after discussing it.
The first attempt at the scheme ended in failure? Both Flash and Clark were in a low mood at this time.
But? They quickly regained their mood and continued to think about feasible solutions!
Although at this time, they made time relatively slow with themselves at a very fast speed.
But the process of nuclear bomb explosion does not take a second at all.
And their limit speed at this time can only extend one second a few thousand times.
One second? For them, it can be spent as more than an hour.
But? Although this time seems to be very long, as their physical strength is slowly exhausted? When the speed becomes slower and slower, the flow of time will also increase.
The time left for them will become shorter and shorter.
So they must think of a solution to the explosion of the nuclear reactor in the shortest possible time!
But? Among the four people present who can act? Except that Li Yue has the ability to prevent this crisis, but he will not take action easily.
Although the IQs of the other three are not low, they also have a lot of experience in solving huge crises.
But it was the first time for them to face this kind of nuclear reactor about to explode.
When Clark and the Flash didn't think of a way, Kara, who hardly knew what the nuclear reactor explosion was, let alone think of a way to stop the explosion.
Therefore, although four people can act and think normally at this time, in fact, only the Flash and Clark are racking their brains to think of ways to prevent the nuclear reactor from exploding!
Unfortunately, although they proposed some plans later, they chose to give up because the plans were not very mature and even had unknown defects.
"I don't think we can go on like this at all. We don't know much about the factors that need to be paid attention to when the nuclear reactor is about to explode!"
"In fact, we don't know at all whether we are solving the explosion crisis of nuclear reactors or accelerating the speed of nuclear reactor explosions!"
"This also makes our proposal, even though we seem to ourselves, do not know whether it can successfully prevent the nuclear reactor from exploding or will accelerate the process of nuclear reactor explosion."
"Therefore, we urgently need the help of a professional who is familiar with the reaction of nuclear reactors affected by various factors. Only in this way can we combine the current situation and think of a solution that can really solve this crisis!"
The various plans proposed before were overturned by themselves because they couldn't determine whether the advance plan could be successful in theory. This made Clark feel a little discouraged, and at the same time thought of the key to their urgent need for help.
They don’t know much about nuclear reactors.
First of all, none of them have personally manufactured and observed such a real nuclear reactor.
Moreover, he has never really experienced this special situation where a nuclear reactor is about to explode. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm
This made them feel a little at a loss for a while.
Even if we can come up with a feasible solution, such as using Superman's cryobreath to cool the nuclear reactor, preventing the temperature in the nuclear reactor from continuing to rise.
But when Clark wanted to test whether this scheme was feasible, he blew a freezing breath at the nuclear reactor.
However, it turned out that although the nuclear reactor seemed to be cooled for a moment when Clark’s freezing breath was released.
But the next moment, as if the temperature change aroused the resistance of the nuclear reactor, a more intense temperature was generated instantly.
Clark had a freezing breath, not only did not let the nuclear reactor cool down, prolonged the reaction time of the explosion, but even accelerated the reaction time of the nuclear reactor.
It was originally just a nuclear reactor like a star emitting a strong light. At this moment, the hot energy in the center seems to have begun to slowly spread around.
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