Vol 2 Chapter 842: News that shocked the world

   Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, another two days passed.
   During this period of time, everyone had no fear of any crisis they were about to face in the future after experiencing the relaxing moment of that day.
  As superheroes, this is something they should face.
  As a human being living on the earth, it is their responsibility to protect the earth.
   It's just that their abilities are much stronger than ordinary humans, so their responsibilities have also increased correspondingly.
   Before the meeting, they had basically completed all the things that needed to be prepared before the establishment of the new Justice League.
   There was another two days in between, because they needed to ensure that there would be no errors or surprises at the moment of the establishment of the new Justice League.
   And these two days are the time for everyone to make perfect preparations for the moment the Justice League is established.
   Because, according to the latest plan, their new Justice League inauguration ceremony is not the same as the last one, only their internal members participated.
   It is to face the entire world, all countries on the earth, established under the witness of all human beings.
   Therefore, at this inauguration ceremony, there may be many unexpected situations.
   After all, such an organization jointly established by superheroes has very powerful strength and deterrence.
   Even some countries with strong military strength will feel very powerless in the face of alliances established by superheroes.
   If the nuclear bomb, the most powerful weapon of mankind, is not used, I am afraid that it will not be able to pose any threat to these superheroes.
   Therefore, less than a month after the crisis of the Black Super’s ruling the world, all humans heard the news that the new Justice League was about to be established.
   Not only were all human beings on the entire planet shocked and surprised by this news, even the countries on the planet that had just recovered were also a little bit shocked by the sudden news. First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/
   Perhaps Batman deliberately informed the whole world that the New Justice League was about to hold an inauguration ceremony before the establishment of the New Justice League.
   The purpose of doing this is naturally self-evident.
   is to divulge the news of the establishment of the new Justice League too soon, so that some organizations or countries that want to oppose the establishment of the Justice League have the opportunity to make preparations to sabotage the establishment of the alliance.
   In fact, Batman was right.
   When the news that the new Justice League was about to face the world’s inauguration ceremony swept the world, the whole world was instantly stirred up by this news.
   After experiencing the crisis of the dark superpower ruling the earth that has just passed less than a month, everyone naturally has not forgotten the darkest moment in the past few days.
  Almost everyone has just escaped from the shadow of being ruled by the black super.
   And the sudden blackening of Superman naturally inevitably makes many ordinary people fear superheroes.
   They are very scared, one day something similar to the blackening of Superman will happen again, and the whole world will once again fall into a moment of darkness.
  Although, some of them knew very well in their hearts that if they hadn't had the existence of these superheroes, they would not be able to overthrow the rule of Hei Chao as ordinary humans.
   Therefore, the reason why the previous crisis was able to end, they also have to thank those super humans who united and resisted the rule of Superman.
   However, sometimes, after the crisis has passed, some people will at the same time forget the heroes who once saved them during the crisis.
   In this world, there are not many ungrateful people.
   What's more, in their hearts, what they have done is not considered ungrateful at all.
   Therefore, when the news that Batman was about to form a new Justice League once again swept the world, the whole world began to feel enthusiastic.
   Everyone has experienced the previous black super crisis.
   But at this moment, it exhibits two completely different states.
   One is the ones mentioned earlier, people who are afraid that there will be a superhero who will suddenly blacken out again and want to rule the earth again.
   They are opposed to the establishment of the new Justice League, or they are opposed to things that are not controlled by any country or government after the establishment of the new Justice League.
   For these people, only by letting these powerful superheroes be under the control of their humans, can this superhero organization exist with confidence.
   The other outer part is that Batman united all the extraordinary humans to overthrow the rule of Hei Chao, and his heart is full of gratitude.
   So they also understand that in order for the future world to have stronger protection when facing greater crises, the establishment of a new Justice League is also indispensable.
  Because the power that a single superhero can exert is limited after all, it may only be able to protect a city.
   But if all the superheroes in the whole world unite, then the power that can be exerted will be unimaginably powerful, and it will be the fastest response to the crisis that threatens the entire planet. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/
   So ~EbookFREE.me~ Among the human community, some people hold strong opposition to the upcoming establishment of the New Justice League.
   There are also some people who support the re-establishment of the Justice League.
   There is also a majority of people who are tired and neutral. They also agree that the Justice League can be established, but they put forward the idea of ​​letting humans be the leaders of superhero organizations.
  Of course, it is not just ordinary people who had a lively discussion about the news that Batman suddenly announced the upcoming establishment of the Justice League.
   Even the governments of some countries that have just regained their vitality are also discussing that if a new Justice League is established, it will represent a good thing for them, or a bad thing.
  The result of the discussion is that their opinions are the same as most ordinary people.
   can accept the new superhero organization, the new Justice League is established.
   However, the leadership position of the alliance must be held by a member of their national government.
  All superheroes in the alliance must also be controlled by state agencies, and they must unconditionally accept orders from the national government just like the national military.
   The results of urgent meetings in almost every country are like this.
   After experiencing the crisis of the darkening of Superman, they understand more about the power of the supernatural, and understand even more that if there is no supernatural being able to be controlled by them, their future status will also be very unstable!
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