Chapter 270: , Conspiracy first appeared

What shocked Ye Hai was that the scope of this high-evolutionist's involvement was quite wide. The research process of this cosmic spacecraft played a great role. If this person is not lacking in imagination, maybe he is no better than Ye Hai. difference!
Soon the spacecraft was completed. With the help of the system, Ye Hai confirmed the success of the interstellar spacecraft. Of course this so-called help has to pay scientific value.
After repeated adjustments, Ye Hai finally successfully built his interstellar spacecraft.
"Ding! The perfection of the current interstellar spacecraft is 99.99%, ready for use!"
"Ding! The host completed the mission to make an interstellar spacecraft. Congratulations to the host, and received 200,000 scientific rewards!"
Ye Hai finally has his own interstellar spacecraft, and he can begin his journey of earning points for "two six seven" ...
Of course, he will not be alone on the spaceship. He simply brought Gwen with him, and it is boring to travel alone in the interstellar!
So Ye Hai quickly arranged everything and took Gwen off to start the space voyage. In the vast space, except for the light reflected by the planets, it is dark everywhere. Ye Hai looked for a while, and soon lost interest.
The two of us were in the boat, and my life was fast. It's been a long time since the two of them have been together so comfortably and warmly.
The matter is not detailed yet. Ye Hai finally thought of it after spending a few days with Gwen absurdly. The systemic brain of that great scientist seems to have said that this is the strongest scientist training system, not the strongest. Mutant Training System!
It is very connotative to think about it carefully! The strongest scientist training system has been perfected by so many generations of earth civilization. This system turned out to be a great scientist training system!
What does this mean? This means that technology is the first productivity! This shows that the most powerful thing is not force, but technology!
Ye Hai immediately entered the previously opened laboratory and wanted to find out. After entering, he found that the system was indeed a fortune-teller. It took ten points to switch on and off, and ten hours for each hour of opening. integral……
Ye Hai once again experienced the harshness of this system, and the wealthy fans didn't miss these scattered points. Watch 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Website
Don't look at the consumption of this integral, but scientific research doesn't get results overnight. Every day and night you start will consume 240 scientific values, which is not a small amount in the long run!
Ye Hai can only pray silently, hoping that this broken system must not even use equipment for an extra fee!
He opened the instrument room, where a large number of instruments were copied from his laboratory before he left!
Especially worth mentioning is this system. Since the brain has awakened, it has become like a computer. It can directly copy, cut, paste and delete the laboratory items! Instead, the object can be copied regardless of whether it is an entity or something!
What made him very curious was that the system of this fortune fan didn't charge extra for copying, which was really not in line with its previous style!
As a scientist, he always has a research heart, so his spacecraft has a sample comparison and acquisition system.
He took a sample and was ready to start analysis, which actually deducted his scientific value!
Ye Hai was immediately angry, the exchange was so expensive, and his points were hacked at every turn. If he could bear it, he would not be called Ye Hai!
"System! You explain to me, what is going on! Why deduct my points again, what did I do?"
"Host, because you are using items copied from the outside world, you will need to consume points every time you use them! If you think you are wasting points, you can redeem the system's own equipment, and those points do not need points! "
This is simply the ridicule of nakedness ~ naked ~ nakedness, which is undoubtedly the same as saying: if you deduct the scientific value, go for it!
"I said, why are you suddenly so kind, you don't need to use scientific values ​​to duplicate the equipment, it was here waiting for me?"
"Host, the replication function of this system is for analytical materials. All non-analytical materials must be deducted from the scientific value when you use them! Or you can bring the materials in and make your own equipment. This is an experimental result and will not be consumed. Scientific value! "
Ye Hai was suddenly speechless ... forget it! Anyway, I'm not an opponent of the system, so let's follow the rules!
So Ye Hai concentrated intently hiding in this dimension of space to study the air of space!
In these two days, Ye Hai discovered a problem. There was a lot of mutagenic factors in the air of space, which could induce genetic mutation!
So Ye Hai immediately thought of mutants on the earth! Could it be that the mutagenic factors in space were carried on the earth by meteorites or something to trigger human mutation?
"System! Have there been mutants of ancient civilizations on Earth? Should I have the right to ask such basic questions?"
"Yes, host! Mutated humans have appeared in all civilizations of the earth!"
The system seems to have something in it, he especially emphasized the words of the past!
Ye Hai didn't rely too much on intellectual brain records. It is easy to form dependence, and his authority may not be enough!
The more he thought about it, the more he was afraid. Are these mutagenic factors 3.2 naturally formed or artificially created? It ’s okay if it happens naturally! Should it be artificial, these people spread these mutagens everywhere. What is the purpose?
Ye Hai secretly decided that he must find the source of these mutagenic factors, otherwise he will always be as if in the throat .......
Ye Hai kept correcting the direction, and wanted to find out what kind of factor came from the inside by analyzing the concentration! But he changed places several times in a row, and the mutagenic factors were very uniform, without much fluctuation!
Ye Hai groaned. According to a systematic description, this factor already existed tens of thousands of years ago. After so many years of diffusion, I don't know where the source came from ...
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