Chapter 309: Change the rules

Time passed minute by minute, Ye Hai finally successfully analyzed the genes of the unknown monster. See ‘Mao.line, Chinese.text, net
Theoretically, even if the worm is more powerful, it should not be able to continuously absorb energy. It ’s like eating, does n’t you always feel full?
The reason this worm is like this is because there is a black hole-like space behind it!
The characteristic of a black hole is that the more material it gets involved, the larger it becomes and the greater the suction power!
Therefore, this worm can always absorb the energy of the swallowing star. In fact, this worm is also very poor. It just serves as a converter.
This worm naturally shouldn't be like this originally, it should be a bio-type organ modified by someone, and its role is to control the swallowing star like a tadpole. Control him slowly begin to devour the planet to absorb energy, and even more and more energy is needed until this-the balance of the universe.
So who is this person? The first thing Ye Hai thought of was the master of the rules. Only he can surpass the six gods, and only he will consider the rules everywhere.
If it weren't for him, Ye Hai wouldn't know who it was.
What Ye Hai has to do now is to add a switch to the black hole, and then wipe out the idea of ​​the bug, so that the star swallow can execute the rules autonomously, instead of being forced to execute in order to survive.
This matter is simple to say, but it is very complicated, because he has to make sure that the switch will never break!
So he began to study the principle of black holes. Black holes say that white is a very heavy planet.
The greater the gravity, the greater the planet's gravity. As it rotates, this gravity will produce something like a tornado. To attract all particles close to this "wind eye", even light is no exception, because light has particles!
This force will make the inhaled particles more closely integrate into the planet, so its mass, volume and even density will become larger and larger, and the suction will become larger ...
After researching for a long time, but without any clue, he had to walk around the lab very irritably.
After a long time, he suddenly patted his head and said, "Oh! I'm so confused! Teng Xingming told me clearly that the energy of this world is also limited. Since I don't want to destroy this universe, what is the energy of this universe Continue to drain! Since you can't control it, just cut off the contact! "
If you think about it, do it. Ye Haisheng was afraid that swallowing the star could not bear the feeling of lack of energy, and ran to destroy the planet, so quickly thought of a way to close the black hole.
Just use your own space and completely cut off the connection between them!
Now you need to make reagents immediately to erase the genes that open the black hole space in unknown monsters.
This was a lot easier for Ye Hai, and he immediately came outside, waiting for Peng Xing to wait outside.
After seeing Ye Hai come out, he still couldn't help asking: "How? Dr. Ye, what's the result?"
Ye Haiyang raised the syringe in Yang's hand and said with a smile: "It's okay, but fortunately, I made a thing that can make your body energy no longer lose!"
Talking about Ye Hai, he opened the field and injected the medicine into the same way as the blood of giant worm.
After the potion took effect, Ye Hai immediately used space capabilities to fight the black hole.
Originally, it was impossible to fight the horrible black hole with one's own strength, but at this time Ye Hai was supported by the power of the world, and he had mastered a little power of the rules. , And finally closed this horrible black hole.
Ye Hai didn't relax. In case the medicine fails, the bug will instinctively open the black hole.
Fortunately, the reagent was so successful that the black hole never appeared again!
After waiting for a while, Ye Hai saw nothing unusual and put on the armor of Tun Xing, and then withdrew the realm.
Tun Xing looked at Ye Hai with an expectation and asked, "Dr. Ye! Did you succeed?"
Ye Hai touched his head and said embarrassedly, "It should be successful. Do you see your strength still being lost?"
Swallowing the stars carefully, he said with overjoyed, "It's done! Dr. Ye, my energy is no longer lost!"
······· Asking for Flowers ·········
Ye Hai nodded and said, "That's good, but because I'm afraid you're losing too much energy, and only solve this problem, you may have to wait for a while!"
Star Swallowing had already obeyed Ye Hai at this moment. When he saw the things that troubled himself not knowing how much time, he was so easily resolved by Ye Hai that he could not admire Ye Hai.
Tun Xing nodded and said, "Dr. Ye, it's really amazing! In fact, you don't need to bother Dr. Ye anymore, it's good!"
Ye Hai looked at him up and down and said lightly, "This is fine, but the worm stays in your stomach, aren't you disgusting?"
Swallowing the star unexpectedly said Ye Hai: "This bug is too dangerous, and it is a scourge to let it out. Let it stay in my stomach!"
Ye Hai seemed to know him again, and said in a low voice: "It has its own soul, and now it doesn't need to absorb energy, I'm afraid it will make a ghost! I have to erase his soul to be assured. Then, you Don't you want to take off this armor? "
After speaking, before Tun Xing answered, he returned to the laboratory and continued to study the next question.
Star swallowing has fallen into meditation: a person who has the power of some rules can destroy the rules that he is carrying. Who is he?
Ye Hai did not know the thought of swallowing the stars, and was still busy in the laboratory ...
Based on the previous data, Ye Hai quickly perfected the genes of unknown monsters.
Not only that, he also discovered that the reason why the swallowing star cannot consolidate the body is because this kind of bug has a very powerful ability, which is to destroy cell permeability!
After the cell's permeability is destroyed, it is naturally impossible to retain the energy in the cell.
Since Ye Hai wanted to swallow the star to walk freely, of course he would not let him go on like this, so he completely wiped out this ability of the bug from the gene, and also repaired the star swallow gene.
The genes that seemed to be perfect at this time, after knowing the damage done by the bug at this time, it was obvious that a small, almost invisible piece was missing! .
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