Chapter 1276: Manipulator (Part 2)

Chapter 653 Manipulator (Part 2)
Compared with the source of the airflow network, the newly discovered points lack the aesthetic sense of order. It feels very vague and chaotic. There is no rhythm at all, and there is no template that can be concrete. It seems that a variety of elements are mixed together, but they are indefinite and turbulent.
Maoyan forwarded the latest situation, and she was 70-80% sure that that point was the source of the chaos of the underground labyrinth. Although it was messy, it replaced the relevant information. The messy data flow before, but all of a sudden. Straighten out.
The external movement that has been overheated and hot has become "easy", and a number of sensor structure adjustment suggestions have been issued in a row. The first one at the top of the row is to suggest that she and the "atmospheric manipulator" order airflow network to form a closer connection.
With the eyesight of a cat's eye, I also feel that the sensing structure to be adjusted by this suggestion looks the most reasonable, the most labor-saving, and the number of follow-up changes is also the richest.
This fit...
Of course not with her.
The images of Ronan, Dean Wan, and Tu Ge flashed past Mao's eyes, thoughtfully.
Not long after, Fries said to the side: "Hey, take the initiative to contact me over there."
The so-called over there is the temporary team of Air and Space Army Major Yuan Wuwei. When Fries spoke, he had already obtained communication permissions, and several heads had been added to the team channel.
Across half of the underground palace, the contact signal is definitely not direct, this kind of transfer is helped by the headquarters.
One of the people labeled "Yuan Wuwei" said directly: "You did a good job just now, continue to cooperate, and sort out the interference signals here."
"Is the Air Force so horizontal?"
It was the one named Yuan Wuwei who spoke very arrogantly.
Fries has never been a fuel-efficient lamp. Even though the speeches on the team channel are under the watchful eye of the command headquarters, he still wants to be angry, emotionally, even Mengtu will not let it go:
"Hey, our commander changed?"
Meng Tu's response was flat: "Major Yuan has come up with credible coordinates, and you can cooperate with them in the future."
"...I stared at him."
Improving temper is also a way to vent pressure and fight for rights and interests, as long as you can get it back in the end and get it up.
This hand Fries is a professional level, seldom play off.
Looking back, he reminded his men next to him: "Pay attention, the reputation of the Aerospace Army is good, and that category A target is not easy to say. He should be the guy who provided the coordinates."
With that, Fries looked at Cat's Eye again.
The latter groaned and responded: "At present, Tu Ge is controlling the airflow in the underground labyrinth... it should be."
"What the is this, blower?"
Friis joked and laughed, and he was still incomprehensible about the means of distributing the airflow through the thick stratum and thousands of holes.
Jin Ying was speechless: "Is this a human thing? Special equipment?"
"That's why it's called an extraordinary species." Maoyan connected smoothly.
The question is, the transcendents usually just surpass common sense. Is this a means of challenging imagination a bit too much?
Cat's eye cares a little bit.
The "credible coordinates" mentioned by Meng Tu came as agreed, and the corresponding direction correction instructions also followed, indicating that the command headquarters has fully studied and judged this and endorsed it.
There was a period of silence in the combat team. Everyone was immersed in their work to clean up the aberrations that emerged, until the high-profile and boring Major Yuan Wuwei once again spoke on the team channel.
"Hey, Scout, Cat's Eye? Your noise interference is too severe, and I can't perceive the details well... Forget it, speed up, and try to make a field survey today. Be bold, it's okay!"
Hearing this, Fries was swearing again.
Maoyan probably understood what Yuan Wuwei meant.
After performing a few operations in accordance with the adjustment plan of the external movement, her sensing structure is more closely integrated with the orderly airflow network controlled there, and more details are captured.
Where there is a clear target, chaos is one thing, but actual threats are another.
From her own fuzzy perception and the analysis and judgment of the external movement, there does not seem to be a particularly obvious "existence"... well, it is more like an unstable "area" with a mixture of multiple elements.
The "air flow of order" passes by, and the "touch" is empty.
The "echo" of multiple elements is integrated, and there is no obvious object reflection.
It's just "area".
"You should pay attention to the factors of natural disasters." Maoyan also left a message on the team channel, which is a point of Yuan Wuwei's unfinished meaning.
"Earthquake?" someone replied.
Huaicheng is indeed located on a well-known seismic belt in East Asia. In the past three to four hundred years, there have been continuous large and small earthquakes in the surrounding area.
To say that the Tooth Crocodile Corps is turbulent due to this element, it can be said to be - in fact, it suddenly became simple.
However, as a frontline commander, Fries is more cautious at this time: "There is an A-type target next to it, and it is not uncommon to have two or three opponents. So... sure?"
There are still too few credible elements that can support judgment.
It is true that there are a large number of gas molecules. Through the "Little Turtle" enhanced version of the sniffing analysis module, a richer response is given-there are many oxygen-deficient gases and harmful gases released after the soil layer is broken.
It seemed that there was a landslide on a certain scale, but there was no obvious vibration.
It doesn't make sense logically.
Maoyan still doesn't make the final judgment, but sends the first-hand information collected back to the headquarters.
Mandala is very cautious about this information and does not make any speculative evaluations. On the other hand, Major Yuan Wuwei chatted through the team channel:
"It's great, I believe this is an interesting discovery... But, for this kind of detailed exploration, I have never been good at it, and it's not interesting to pick it up. So, it's better to have a bigger momentum, but to get it. For more and more macro-level information, Mr. Tu Ge also agrees with me."
Frith's eyelids twitched: What the is it that is stronger?
"This guy is mysterious and looks like he's looking for something."
As the fireman Banner said, he beat a few lonely toothed crocodiles into flesh, let the barrels spin idly, and watched the subsequent reactions in those holes.
He consciously did it more cautiously, but Fries still glared at him through the mask.
"Shoot! I said I want to control the situation."
"The opposite is different..."
As soon as Banner had spoken half of his words, there was a clear sound and vibration that was transmitted, which was obviously different from the sound of the machine here, mixed with the strange whistling and hiss of distortion, and the momentum was not small.
Everyone in the battle group immediately entered the state of holding their breath, and the operation of the exoskeleton motor was switched to the stealth mode.
Soon, they discovered that something was wrong.
The sound of vibration continued to escalate, so that the area where they were located began to shake, and soil and rocks fell from the top of their heads and the surrounding rock formations.
Is it really an earthquake?
Fries is still wondering, but has already issued instructions to throw away the large equipment and quickly withdraw.
The maintenance technician was so distressed: "These are all buried here? And the tortoise..."
He was not slow under his feet, but when he turned his head, he saw that the cat's eye was dragging behind and there were still operations on his hands, so he couldn't help but uttered a voice reminder:
"Maoyan, leave it alone, withdraw!"
Maoyan didn't turn his head back and waved his hands, almost in sync with her movements. The ground turbulence that had just continued to escalate suddenly fell back. Even if there are still some aftershocks and smog, it feels completely different.
On the contrary, there are more toothed crocodiles, as well as other distortions, which burst out from the nearby holes, but are obviously overwhelmed, regardless of the combat team and the equipment, swarming away.
"It collapsed."
"It was collapsed."
Fries was retelling the team’s channel information, and Maoyan added it.
Thanks to the close cooperation with the order airflow network over there, Maoyan has obtained more direct information. She can grasp the transition process of this network from thin and long to sudden violent.
The force that caused this drastic change was finally released at a certain node of the airflow network. Deep in the underground labyrinth, the confirmed target point was very close, and it logically broke the already fragile regional framework.
Maoyan glanced at the team channel, and the latest intelligence showed that a small-scale stratum collapse occurred in the central area of ​​the poison swamp area. Because of this, the originally interconnected underground labyrinth environment suddenly changed, and the remote sensing cooperation between Tu Ge and Maoyan was also interrupted.
That guy probably collected more conclusive information than Maoyan, and then used a more direct method...
This level of violence is indeed in line with the impression of the transcendent.
Due to changes in the environment, the cat's eye's vague perception of the target point is also interrupted, and it is uncertain about the immediate status there.
At this time, Yuan Wuwei said on the team channel again: "It's much clearer now...Speaking we are going to meet you. Mr. Tu Ge's control is still a little lacking. The tunnel here is completely collapsed, which is not suitable. Digging further."
Mandala echoed this statement: "The combat group, you are on standby, ready to respond, and wait for the route correction to be confirmed."
Fries answered in a muffled voice.
Obviously, Tu Gelu's hand made the first-line commander need some time to digest. Moreover, at a level unknown to the combat team, there may be any off-board agreement or the like, and they only have to take orders.
Jin Ying looked at the positions of the two sides and realized a little later: "The straight-line distance is more than 30 kilometers. In this environment, how long will you have to wait... Wait, is this kind of operating distance so exaggerated? "
"During the previous exercises, we also played against the supernatural, didn't it seem like it would not be the case?" Banner was also a little uncertain.
"Miss Wan Liuhua played against the last exercise, Heart 8!"
"What's Turger? 3?"
"There is a specialization in the art industry, right."
"It doesn't show in the information, he specializes in bodyguards, not linked to Wang Yong?"
Within the combat group, discussions began.
At their level, in fact, there is no particular sense of awe for the transcendent species, especially the transcendent clock on the side of the body. Whether it is exercises, actual combat or daily learning, there is a basic concept:
Two or three groups of Deep Blue Walker squads that open the formatting space can basically contend with the extraordinary species on the side of the body.
But this time, the feeling seems to be different.
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