Chapter 1140: Discovery!

Wu Ershan was indeed helpless to them. He thought that his daughter died under the insults of these power leaders. He wooed all the oppressed people to resist, but he suppressed them mercilessly. Since then, he has lost his thoughts. Focus on your own business.
These monitors followed him blatantly, which had a certain impact on Wu Ershan. At least he could not find people too obvious. Even if he found the black-robed man mentioned by Chen Feng, he would not be able to come forward, otherwise he would definitely Will be bad things for these people.
Fortunately, Wu Ershan is not alone. Chen Feng is still on standby in the small attic. As long as Chen Feng is not exposed, someone will do what he touches.
What Wuershan has to do now is to find the whereabouts of the black-robed man without causing any suspicion by the monitors, and then go back to tell Chen Feng and let Chen Feng come out to contact him. This is the perfect plan.
After looking for a morning, but also slowed down due to the influence of the monitors, Wu Ershan went to five places in total. None of them saw anyone wearing black robes. Only the strange faces were still traveling in old Myanmar. Moving around, it can be seen that the Creation Organization has not yet left.
After lunch, Wu Ershan continued to search. It really took luck to find a complete stranger in a huge area, so he was very patient, and recalled the remaining few people who often appeared in the creation organization. Place, patted clothes and rushed over.
The monitors followed Wu Ershan speechlessly. They didn't know what Wu Ershan was doing all morning, they just wandered around aimlessly, and now they are running to places they would never go to. I was playing with them.
So some watchers are reluctant to follow. They might as well go happily at this time, and what are they doing to stare at this person who is not capable of launching an attack? The three monitors turned around and left, disappearing instantly without a trace.
With three less monitors beside him, Wu Ershan’s actions became much smoother, and even the air he breathed seemed to become fresher. He walked briskly around several shabby markets. He found that the genesis organization’s People often buy things in these small markets, and people in black robes are likely to appear in these places.
Huang Tian paid his attention. When he came to the last old market, he finally saw the man he wanted to see inside. A man in a black robe was arguing with the stall owner in front of the stall, and the two stalemate over the price of an item. No less.
Wu Ershan did not step forward to interrupt their conversation. This behavior is likely to arouse the suspicion of the monitors around him. He quietly moved behind the black-robed man and stretched his ears to listen to the content of their argument.
After hearing a few words, when the black-robed man and the stall owner were still at the beginning of the argument, the two were stuck on the quantity and price of a certain mecha component. The black-robed man wanted to buy more data at a lower price. ; And the stall owner did not let go, he insisted that the black robe man must buy this mecha component, must sell it at the same price, in order to make more profits.
So the two people were in a stalemate like this, and Wu Ershan had to see the two men at least for a while, and went back early to inform Chen Feng that it should be too late.
Looking back at the watcher behind him, Wu Ershan said disdainfully: "After being with me for so long, you must be tired. Why don't you come home with me for dinner?

Wu Ershan was sure that they would not agree, so it was just a pretentious invitation. The facts were the same as he thought. Wu Ershan's proactive invitation completely dispelled the suspicion of the monitors. The last two monitors ignored Ur. Shan's invitation, leaving the market for themselves, they can be sure that Wuershan is not connected with the attack, and it is impossible for people with ghosts to invite them to have a meal at home.
After all the monitors had left, Wu Ershan still did not come into contact with the black-robed men, because he was afraid that the departure of these monitors was an illusion, and he was now hiding in secret and watching him secretly.
Be careful to sail the Wannian Ship, leave Chen Feng to the matter of contact, Wu Ershan hurried to the direction of the small attic, no one was by his side, he could speed up.
Soon Wu Ershan returned to his residence, opened the door and saw that Chen Feng had read the information he had left, and was walking idly in the house. He could feel that Chen Feng was extremely bored now.
Looking behind him cautiously to make sure that no one can see the situation in the house, Wu Ershan closed the door and dragged Chen Feng to a small room: "I found the person in the black robe you mentioned, but beside me Someone has been watching, so there is no contact with him."
Wu Ershan’s words surprised Chen Feng. He thought he would have to stay in the small attic for several days at least, but in less than two days there was good news: "I found it so soon? Great. !Where is he?"
"In a market in the northwest, he was negotiating the price of mecha parts with a stall owner. He shouldn't leave too soon, so I hurried back to tell you." Wu Ershan told Chen Feng where the old market was. Let him rush over earlier.
Chen Feng began to pack up his luggage. It is estimated that he will not come back to the small attic again: "You are right not to touch him. Whether or not someone is watching you, he will not trust you if he touches rashly. Leave it to me, I'll pass now!"
Of course Wu Ershan knew that Chen Feng could not be found in his house, and pointed out a safer path for Chen Feng: "Be careful, now I don’t know if anyone is watching me outside. You'd better go from there. Go out over the wall."
"Okay, goodbye, if I have the opportunity, I will definitely help your daughter get revenge." Chen Feng said goodbye to Wu Ershan, and did not forget to show his determination. He did not forget what Wu Ershan had said to him, he would find Ways to overthrow the ruling power here in Myanmar.
Wu Ershan is still not very optimistic. After his resistance is strongly suppressed, he does not think that his enemies can be easily killed. He is also not optimistic about Chen Feng: "Hehe, if you can succeed, then I will Pray for you day and night."
"Wait." It's useless to say more. Only by doing this can Wu Ershan believe in him. I don't know how long Ji Ling will argue. Chen Feng quickly overcame the wall and moved to the old market. He couldn't waste this. Not easy opportunity.
It was the evening, when people came and went on the streets, and there were people running around for survival. Chen Feng was able to hide among them and ran to the old market unobtrusively. This time he put on a mask specially. Used to conceal the difference in appearance between oneself and the locals.
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