Chapter 1150: be found

Fortunately, Chen Feng remembered the location of Ji Ling's room very clearly. There were not many detours on the road, and there were fewer people searching there. Chen Feng saw the door of Ji Ling's room after evading several waves of searches.
Pulling You Jia to squat in the shadows, Chen Feng pointed out the location of Ji Ling's room to You Jia and gave her the key: "Ji Ling's room is there. I will help you watch the wind and go in first, and then I am looking for a chance to act. ."
You Jia was still wearing rough clothes, and being in a state of high tension for a long time made her consume a lot of energy. If it were not for Chen Feng's support, she might have been spotted on the way.
At this moment, You Jia had no energy to think too much. After receiving the key in Chen Feng's hand, he rushed to Ji Ling's room. He didn't meet anyone from the Creation Organization on the way, and smoothly opened the door and got in.
Seeing You Jia safely entering Ji Ling's room, the big rock in Chen Feng's heart finally fell to the ground. Unlike him, You Jia has not undergone rigorous training. The rushing along the road just now caused a great deal to You Jia's body. Burden, he was afraid that You Jia would not be able to support it, but now he doesn't need to worry, You Jia should be safe to hide in the Ji Ling room, and it's up to him behind.
Chen Feng was about to follow You Jia's footsteps and rushed towards Ji Ling's room, but at this moment a member of the Creation Organization appeared. Chen Feng had to stop and wait for him to leave before his eyes.
But the people of this creation organization wandered around in front of Ji Ling's room and just didn't leave. This made Chen Feng very embarrassed. What exactly did this guy want to do? Do you want to go to Ji Ling's room to search for his actions?
"Never let him go in and see You Jia!" Chen Feng thought to himself that this person must never be allowed to break into Ji Ling's room. You Jia does not have his skills, and if someone finds out, it is likely to have a very bad ending.
Thinking of this, Chen Feng took the initiative to jump out. He must divert the enemy's attention from Ji Ling's room and create a safe environment for You Jia: "Hey! Stop looking, I'm here!"
The sudden emergence of Chen Feng frightened the people of the creation organization. When he saw a completely strange face, he was very excited and blew the police siren in his hand: "I have someone here, come and catch him! Don't let him He ran away!"
After issuing a warning to other people in the base, the people of the Creation Organization looked carefully in the direction where Chen Feng appeared. The more they looked, the more they felt that this person was familiar, as if they had seen it somewhere before.
Searching for the faces they have seen in their minds, the people from the Creation Organization slapped their thighs. Isn't this Chen Feng who has repeatedly troubled them with the Creation Organization? ! If you can catch him, that would be a great achievement! The leader Anonymous will praise himself!
With this thought in mind, the people of this creation organization don’t want to share their findings with others. They shut their mouths and no longer yell at someone here. Instead, they ran to the place where Chen Feng appeared. You must rely on yourself to seize Chen Feng's contribution.
After Chen Feng attracted the person's attention, he ran in other directions. He wanted to lead the person away from Ji Ling's room, so that You Jia inside would not encounter any accidents, and that dangerous things would be handled by himself!
Hearing the sound of police sirens, people searching in other areas crowded around. Although the first person who called the crowd to gather did not issue a warning, they already knew that there were outsiders and started a new round of search.

But none of them paid attention to Ji Ling's room. Chen Feng ran in the opposite direction. They would never think that there was a person hidden in the leader's room behind them.
Hiding in Ji Ling’s room, You Jia saw Chen Feng committing a risk for her own life and was almost excited to open the door to come out, but thinking that Chen Feng did it all for herself, she couldn’t let Chen Feng’s efforts in vain and gritted her teeth. Stay calm in the room.
In You Jia's heart, I have been praying for Chen Feng, hoping that God can hear her prayer and help Chen Feng escape the search of the Creation Organization and successfully return to her side.
The people of the Creation Organization were searching aimlessly. In order not to have any accidents, Chen Feng deliberately ran past them again, let them see the direction of their escape, and attracted them all.
Now Chen Feng was under tremendous pressure. Dozens of people from the Creation Organization formed a circle and kept compressing the space for him to avoid. Many of them recognized his appearance. Everyone knows that this outsider is Chen Feng, and everyone has a reason to win Chen Feng, and Chen Feng's situation becomes even more difficult.
And the person who first discovered Chen Feng was mad. It was Chen Feng that he found, but he attracted so many companions. Now that there are more wolves and less meat, you will be divided by so many people to seize Chen Feng’s merits. There are very few on his head. He regrets that he shouldn't have called so many people over.
More and more people gathered, but Chen Feng's mood became more and more relaxed. He has experienced many more dangerous situations than this. This time, it must be possible to turn the danger into a waste, mainly because You Jia's safety is safe. All right.
The scale of the underground base of the Creation Organization is small, and Chen Feng has very little space to escape. When the escape route is continuously cut off, he will soon fall into the urn to catch turtles.
Chen Feng took out the dagger he carried close to his body. If it was true that when he was desperate, he would never show mercy. He didn't need pity for the people of the Creation Organization. This dagger would let them atone for their past actions.
In the crowd surrounding him, Chen Feng noticed a person who was particularly active. It seemed that he was the one who was wandering in front of Ji Ling's room at the time. It is estimated that this person regretted telling other people the news of his appearance, so he was ashamed. Chasing after myself, I want to grab the biggest credit in my hands.
Since there is such a person who is eager to take credit, Chen Feng feels that he has a chance to comeback. As long as he makes good use of it, maybe he can hide in Ji Ling's room and wait for Ji Ling to return with You Jia.
Hiding behind a pillar, Chen Feng slightly poked his head out and observed the number of people chasing behind him with his eyes. Except for the one who couldn't get rid of it all the time, everyone else seemed to have not noticed his side.
Since there are no extra people around, things are easier to handle. It is better to face one person than to face a group of people. Chen Feng's years of hard work are not for nothing, he is sure to pursue this People solve it.
In order to be able to get the credit for catching Chen Feng alone, this creation organization left the army and pursued him by himself.
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