Chapter 1341: Accountability

Edward smashed the two mechas in front of him and retreated resentfully. He now has no chance to make up for it. In the future, this failed mission will continue to haunt him. Many people will blame him for the failure. .
"Pan Yuguo! Shuibin! Only by defeating you can others' doubts about me be dispelled!" Edward looked into the distance. This humiliation must be recovered from the people who failed him. These two people are the best goals.
After causing a certain amount of panic in the mecha units of the Southeast Military Region, the "Boxing King" left the combat area in a timely manner, making it impossible to implement a series of backhands prepared by Commander Pan, and accurately avoiding the second defeat.
This is the importance of the rich experience of the older generation of pilots. If the "Duke of Hell" called Edward back in time, it is estimated that he would have to stay in the mecha unit of the Southeast Military Region, and then want to go to the sky again. It's hard.
Without the plasma gravity compression gun, the Saint Gama Empire is like a tiger that has lost its claws and can no longer pose a fatal threat to the Southeast Military Region. Naturally, it can no longer easily gain an advantage. It will have to pay more for victory.
This is not good news for the Saint Gama Empire, which attacked the two mecha powers at once. Once they consume too much combat power on the side of the Ancient Godlan Republic, then the Zhu Timwen Federation is bound to launch an offensive. To vent the grievances that have been suppressed.
"Everything has a turning point from the plasma gravity compression gun..." The commander-in-chief of the Saint Gama Empire shook his head helplessly. It was because of the loss of this giant gun that their original dominant situation suddenly turned upside down. As a result, their battle will become very difficult afterwards. Facing the alliance between the Ancient Godlan Republic and the Ju Timor Federation, even the Saint Gama Empire will be choking.
Ordered the mecha troops to retreat. The commander-in-chief of the Saint Gama Empire has already begun to make a plan to end the war. This retreat is estimated to abandon all the areas they previously occupied and return them to their original owners.
It is not reconciled to think about it this way, but the reality is better than human beings. Since there is no strength to support the battle and no manpower to protect these areas, it is necessary to let go properly. The Saint Gama Empire cannot lose its strength in meaningless battles.
After all, after this war, the Ancient Godland Republic and the Judean Federation will definitely look at them. If the combat power is wasted and declining, it is impossible for these two countries to stand by and be beaten into their own territory. Not fun anymore.
The three special planes of the Saint Gama Empire returned to their temporary location. Edward trot all the way to the "Duke of Hell", bending over to apologize to the pilot who had just gotten down from above: "Father, I'm sorry! I failed to protect the plasma. The gravity compression gun made us lose this battle!"
"It's not just this battle that we lost. I think we will return all the fruits of the previous victory soon." A strange voice came from the "treacherous" pilot. He Zhengyi He looked at Edward with an unhappy face, with an air of no place.
This person looks like a non-mainstream dress up and down, with patterns painted on his face, a dozen pierced ears, wrinkled clothes, torn pants, and long, unruly hair. Not the same.
His name was Franje, and he was born with an unpleasant personality. He didn't have a friend in Saint Gama's Empire if he spoke harshly. If it weren't for his superpower, no one would be a company with him.

Edward is very afraid of this moody guy, but his father is not afraid. The "Duke of Hell" pilot is named Adams. He is as stalwart as his own special plane. He has a pair of huge eyes and a high nose. There was an aura of no anger and prestige on his body, which could completely offset Frankie's vicious temperament.
"I will punish my son for his mistake. You don't need to speak here!" He choked back. Adams didn't give Frankie face at all, so he almost let him go away.
Flange was angry with Adams' attitude, and continued to attack with words in order to vent his anger: "Huh! Your son wants to let all of our efforts this year be wasted, I will see how you punish him!"
Ignoring Frankie, Adams slapped his son on the shoulders and led him to the depths of the station: "For such a bad influence, don't hide any of the responsibilities you should bear. I will take you to see you. Commander in chief, ask him to severely punish you."
"Yes, I won't evade punishment." Edward followed his father dejectedly. Although he was reluctant to see the commander in chief, the education he had received from a young age prevented him from choosing to escape, and he had to bear his own responsibilities. .
Franje followed them with a sneer, and when he thought of the hard work for so long, he was so angry that he wouldn't fight him. Later, he must file a lawsuit to vent his anger and let the commander in chief punish him severely. This young pilot who had just gotten into the battlefield caused great disaster.
The three came to the commander-in-chief together. The commander-in-chief didn't have any embarrassment on his face, and beckoned to them kindly: "You have been fighting hard. Come and sit down."
"I brought my son here to apologize, because his dereliction of duty allowed the plasma gravity compression gun to be destroyed by the enemy, which led to the failure of our overall campaign. He must bear the most important responsibility!" Adams made clear his intentions, not at all because He felt special because of his status as the emperor pilot, and asked the commander in chief to severely punish his son.
The commander waved his hand generously, saying that he would not punish Edward: "Hehe, it’s for this, I think it’s fine, young people always make mistakes, there is no need to count the faults on him. . And I’m too confident that I won’t be allowed to land on the island before the plasma gravity compression gun would be attacked. Strictly speaking, I have also neglected my duty."
What the commander-in-chief said was beyond everyone's expectation. Such an important weapon was destroyed, which involved the failure of the entire battle. How could it be exposed so lightly? No one can explain it to anyone.
Adams slapped him in front of the commander-in-chief. He felt that his identity benefited his son, and felt that he was insulted: "How can this be done? There is no rule, and he has to bear the consequences if he does something wrong. It's my son who can easily let him go!"
"That's right! He didn't fulfill his duty of guarding. All our hard work this year was in vain. How many people died because of this. How can this punishment decision be convinced?" Frankie also stood up and gave the commander-in-chief. Pressure.
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