Chapter 1389: Death of the Patriarch

"You are also tired these days. Go ahead and sleep. I'll take care of it." After helping You Jia to cover the quilt, Chen Feng walked out of the room and saw that Hongshuibin was about to open the door and walk out, calling him: "Shui Bin, what's going on outside?"
Hongshuibin shook his head. He also came out because of the commotion: "I don't know, I am going out to ask."
"Let's go together." So Chen Feng took Hongshuibin and walked outside the house together, to the area with the most loud voices.
A large group of people surrounded the river not far away. They were arguing red-faced and arguing with no one's backbone, doing nothing but making a lot of noise.
"It's weird, aren't these people under the master of the family? Why are they so flustered?" Chen Feng recognized that several of them were the people who had tied themselves into the interrogation room. Why didn't they celebrate with the owner today but were here instead? Call it a little.
Hongshuibin vaguely saw a lying thing in the crowd, and continued to walk forward to see clearly: "Look closer."
When the two of them were able to see the lying thing clearly, they were shocked. They saw that the patron who had just been re-elected was soggy, his skin was white soaked in water for a long time, and he fell the floor next to the river. , There is no more breathing, obviously dead.
"The Patriarch is dead?!" Chen Feng couldn't believe what he saw, how could a big living person with an extremely bright future become a dead person overnight?
The members of the Nangong clan who surrounded the patriarch's body saw Chen Feng and Hongshuibin and rushed forward to surround them.
Someone pointed at the two and shouted: "They! They must have done it! Since these outsiders came to our Nangong family, how many disturbances have occurred in the family. They didn't want to see the Patriarch re-elected, so they brutally killed the Patriarch. Up!"
"Yes! Patriarch died so unjustly, we want to avenge him and kill them!" The preconceived notion convinced these people that Chen Feng and Hongshuibin killed the Patriarch and were about to swarm them to avenge the Patriarch.
"Wait a minute! We also only saw the Patriarch's accident. We have nothing to do with this incident. Don't misunderstand!" Chen Feng explained quickly that he didn't want to misunderstand these emotionally unstable people.
Chen Feng's explanation didn't work. The clansmen continued to rush forward, punching others with their fists: "Apart from you, who else would be dissatisfied with the Patriarch? It must be you!"
How can you bear it if the other side has to do it? Hong Hung Bin made several moves to bring down the first few people he was relying on, shocking those behind him and daring not to move forward: "Do you still want to do it? To be honest, you are not my opponent if you really want to fight."
Hongshui Bin was a disciple of Murong Fan, the "War God". Those who learned a lot of powerful martial arts in Murong Fan can not only be used in mecha combat, but also very powerful in reality. Ordinary people are not his opponents at all.
Fearing the powerful force of Hongshuibin, the people of the tribe did not dare to step forward, and a cold female voice came next to them: "Stop it!"
Everyone turned their heads and looked. It turned out that it was Nangong Mengdie who rushed to the scene. After hearing a series of commotions outside, she also came out to check the situation. She just saw the confrontation between the two groups and came forward to stop it in time.
"Mengdie, our Patriarch is dead, you must seek justice for him!" A more imposing tribe came out of the crowd and explained all what happened to Nangong Mengdie.
Yesterday, after being re-elected as the head of the family, he had a carnival and celebration with all his subordinates. It was not until late at night that the subordinates were sent away from his residence. The two sides walked to the bank of the river to say goodbye.
They agreed to meet again today to go to the site of the re-election ceremony. Then the head of the family returned alone. He didn't drink much alcohol and had nothing urgent to deal with, so he should return to the residence smoothly and safely.
As a result, when other people went to the house of the house owner early this morning, they knocked on the door for a long time but no one came out. They shouted at the door for a long time and no one responded, as if no one was inside.
These people are all under the owner of the family, so it’s not convenient to force them in to check the situation. They were all anxious outside, and then the people coming from behind found a floating body on the bank of the river. It was amazing when it was salvaged. Last night, the Patriarch who talked to them about the wine, quickly called all the people who were still hesitating at the Patriarch’s residence, and everyone was dumbfounded.
The salvaged corpse of the Patriarch was soaked in the river all night, his body was swollen for several times, and his clothes were covered with scratch marks everywhere, and it looked as desolate as it was.
The Patriarch is still sober when he is separated from the others, and he is also good at it. It is impossible for him to fall into the river for no reason. Someone must have pushed him down after murdering him.
These tribesmen gathered together and didn't know who was the murderer. Until they saw Chen Feng and Hongshuibin, they thought that they might have hatred the Patriarch before, so they felt that they had killed the Patriarch.
Now that Nangong Mengdie appeared, someone asked her to ask for justice for the Nangong family.
Last night, Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin stayed at the residence of Nangong Mengdie, so Nangong Mengdie was sure that they could not be the killers of the Patriarch, and directly retorted: "You said that Patriarch was killed after separating from you last night. Yes, but the guests I brought with me were all with me at my home last night. They could not go out and kill the owner. You still have time to change your words. If I find out that you are talking nonsense, I will take you Be regarded as the murderer's comrade!"
The man did not have evidence to prove that Chen Feng and Hongshuibin were the murderers. Under the pressure of Nangong Mengdie, he was immediately counseled: "I'm just guessing. Apart from them, I can't think of anyone who will kill the Patriarch next time."
"No, there are still people, he is Nangong Ao!" Chen Feng's name appeared in Chen Feng's heart. He deliberately wanted to become the Patriarch but fell short in the end. Nangong Ao had enough reasons to assassinate the Patriarch so that he could succeed him logically. .
Looking up at Hongshui Bin and Nangong Mengdie, Chen Feng realized that everyone thought the same thing, and they all determined that Nangong Ao was the murderer.
However, they have no evidence to prove this. Now Nangong Ao has an extraordinary position in the minds of the Nangong family. If they accuse them for no reason, they will only be counterproductive and be wiped out.
The most urgent thing is to check the dead Patriarch's body for any valuable clues. Chen Feng turned around and pushed aside the crowd and walked towards the place where the corpse was located: "Please let me see what's wrong with Patriarch's body."
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