Chapter 1556: Lucky in the unlucky

No one from the Southeast Military Region came to welcome Chen Feng’s arrival. After the Saint Gama Empire launched the attack, everyone in the Southeast Military Region entered a state of combat martial law to prevent the enemy from reappearing, so they didn’t have time to run around and let the two of them go ahead. Go to the hospital.
A space has been cleared next to the hospital, enough for Chen Feng and Zheng Zhirong to park the mechas. As soon as they stopped, soldiers came to their elevator platform to confirm their identity: "Hello, please cooperate with us. an examination."
"Get out! I want to go to the hospital!" Zheng Zhirong wanted to see He Yuqi anxiously. How could he be willing to waste time outside the hospital, pushing the soldiers to force him through.
Zheng Zhirong's hand was very powerful. The soldier was pushed back several steps inadvertently. Other soldiers next to him saw Zheng Zhirong's arrogance, and they rushed over to take out their guns and aim at this unsure guy.
"Sorry, his lover is being treated in the hospital and is in a bad mood. I hope you can understand." Chen Feng came out in time to make the rounds. At this time, there should be no conflicts: "I am Chen Feng, and my special machine broke the world. I should recognize him. He is Zheng Zhirong. There will be no problem with our identity. Let us go in after a simple check."
Chen Feng's attitude was not bad, and the soldiers did recognize that this plane had twelve floating guns behind them, which looked like an archangel, so he gave a lot of face. After reading their documents and checking that they had no weapons, they gave up the road. .
"Thanks a lot." Chen Feng thanked the soldiers and took Zheng Zhirong to the hospital.
There are a lot of people going in and out of the hospital. From time to time, you can see medical staff pushing by the stretcher. The people lying on it are terrible. It seems that the attack of the Saint Gama Empire caused a lot of damage. There are hundreds of wounded patients sent to this hospital.
Finally, when he finally saw his lover, Zheng Zhirong's breathing became heavier and heavier, and his speed became slower as he got closer, for fear that he would get bad news for He Yuqi after entering.
Zheng Zhirong stopped at the entrance of the hospital, and Chen Feng pushed him in: "Anyway, you have to know Yuqi's current situation. Could it be that Yuqi will be fine if you don't go in?"
Zheng Zhirong still didn't dare to walk in. It was about the person closest to him. He couldn't bear to hear the bad news.
Chen Feng helplessly let go of Zheng Zhirong and walked in to the front desk: "Did you receive patients from the institute today? We are He Yuqi's family. I want to know where she performed the operation? Did the operation succeed?"
"Oh, it should be. Today we have a lot of patients here. I will help you to check it." The front desk staff nodded again and again. The wounded who were sent to the hospital today were endless, and she was so busy that she couldn't remember the name. .
After searching on the computer for a while, the front desk staff found He Yuqi's name: "He Yuqi is now in the operating room of 501. She is a more important wounded person, so our deputy director personally performs the operation. It is not over yet. ."
"Okay, thank you." After receiving the needed news, Chen Feng went back and pulled Zheng Zhirong up: "Quick! Let's go to 501, Yu Qi is undergoing surgery there!"
Finally got the latest news about his lover, Zheng Zhirong tremblingly asked, "How is she now? Can the operation be successful?"

Chen Feng held his head and felt that he was a big head. Zheng Zhirong is really Liushen Wuzhu now. He doesn't know what to do. He increased the strength of his hand and took Zheng Zhirong to 501 before saying: "Yuqi is still in the operating room. , I don’t know that her operation was unsuccessful, so go to the operating room and wait."
Two more injured people were brought in when they got on the elevator. Zheng Zhirong was not calm when he saw that one of them had a broken hand and the other had a broken foot. He is now very afraid to see He Yuqi also do the same. This girl is only in her twenties. Can't live a lifetime with disabilities!
"The news that Ye Qi got said that Yu Qi was injured, not disabled, so calm down." Chen Feng noticed Zheng Zhirong's emotional changes and continued to calm his emotions. You can't scare yourself before you see anyone.
"Ding Dong!" In a nervous and uneasy mood, the elevator steadily arrived at the designated floor.
The medical staff who pushed the wounded in didn't mean to leave. They all turned to look at Chen Feng and Zheng Zhirong. They didn't know why the two of them were too late to go out, which delayed their time to send the wounded to first aid.
Can't let Zheng Zhirong continue to struggle, or Chen Feng took the first step and walked firmly to 501. No matter what kind of injury He Yuqi suffered, they had to go to get the latest situation.
Zheng Zhirong followed Chen Feng absent-mindedly. By this point, he was completely out of ideas. The whole mind was He Yuqi's idea of ​​how to help her to spend the rest of her life happily if he was seriously injured and disabled.
There was also a soldier guarding outside 501. He saw Chen Feng and Zheng Zhirong walking towards the operating room, and reached out two steps to intercept: "Sorry, this is the operating room for the important wounded, please do not come near!"
Yes, I have to repeat my identity again. Chen Feng briefly explained the identities of the two, telling the soldier that He Yuqi, who was undergoing surgery, was Zheng Zhirong's lover, and they came here to find out the situation.
The identities that can enter the hospital should have been verified. The soldiers contacted the teammates in charge of guarding the surroundings, and after confirming that they were not in danger, they introduced their situation: "The wounded inside was named He Yuqi, who happened to be in academic exchanges at the institute. By the time of the attack, the splashed wall hit her body and caused multiple fractures and coma. Now the vice president of this hospital is performing surgery to deal with internal bleeding in her body."
Zheng Zhirong came back to life after hearing that He Yuqi was fractured. It was a blessing to have no arms or legs. He grabbed the soldier's shoulder and asked excitedly, "Is Yuqi's injury serious? How long will it take to finish it? surgery?"
"Sorry, I don't know about this. I'm just in charge of guarding here. You may have to wait for the people inside to get out." The soldier could not answer Zheng Zhirong's question. He also came later, even He Yuqi's people. I didn't see it.
Still not knowing the exact situation of He Yuqi, Zheng Zhirong squatted down wilfully: "I hope the operation will be successful, what should I do if something goes wrong with you Yuqi?"
Years of love made Zheng Zhirong and He Yuqi have a very strong relationship. That's why he was so gloomy. Chen Feng thought that if You Jia had encountered this kind of thing, he would definitely lose his soul. At this time, he should be more concerned about Zheng Zhirong.
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