Chapter 1577: Retreat

Although Smith evaded very quickly, he inevitably got a few shots, and the fuselage armor was damaged in several places in the explosion.
With one hit, Chen Feng immediately controlled the "World Breaking" to fly away from his original position. When he just flew into the sky, Smith swung his huge sword into the spot. If Chen Feng didn't deal with it properly, this one was enough for him. Lose most of the combat effectiveness.
"Don't fall in love with it, come back quickly!" Commander Pan ordered again, strictly requesting Chen Feng and his party not to fight Smith again, and to move them to the land immediately. He has other tasks to be done by them.
Taking a look at Smith unwillingly, Chen Feng flew to the land not far away according to Commander Pan's order. The mecha sent by Commander Pan swarmed to fill his vacancy and surrounded Smith.
"Will it be useful? Smith's attacks and defenses in the demigod state are all at another level, and they can't be handled by simply relying on human tactics." Chen Feng had some doubts about Commander Pan's command. In the powerful Smith In front of him, those mechas besieging him couldn't have any special performance opportunities.
Zheng Zhirong and Ji Ling placed the Nangong Phantom Butterfly in the rear rescue area. The maintenance team came to check the status at the first time. In addition to saying that the Nangong Phantom Butterfly’s modified machine would need to be repaired for at least three days, let the two who brought her back also. Go to repair their mecha immediately, they also suffered a lot of damage in the battle with Smith, it is best to repair it before talking about participating in the battle.
But the battle was urgent. Zheng Zhirong and Ji Ling unanimously rejected the kindness of the maintenance team. Chen Feng in their team had not returned to save them, so how could they leave regardless. Besides, now the Saint Gama Empire has launched a night attack on the coastline, they have to go over and help defend the line of defense.
The maintenance team couldn't screw the two of them, so they had no choice but to let them go. Nangong Magic Butterfly was very unwilling to do nothing but waited for the modified machine to be repaired. He borrowed a mecha from the rear and returned to the battlefield. To find the lost Chen Feng.
Chen Feng helped the mecha troops to launch a fierce attack on Smith and witnessed the horror of Smith in the face of ordinary pilots. Then almost none of the mechas participating in the siege could hit Smith, but Smith could at least take with him every time he attacked. Taking the life of a pilot, the remaining mechas around it became less and less.
Smith's performance constantly stimulated Chen Feng's nerves. Chen Feng was very unwilling to watch the friendly forces continue to fall, but he could not save them. This torture was too cruel for him, and he almost lost his emotions and collapsed on the spot.
Although he did not fall into depression completely, Chen Feng's state has begun to become abnormal. He no longer cared about energy consumption, and all attack weapons were firing fiercely, trying to stop Smith's slaughter: "No more killings. Stop it for me!"
Chen Feng’s attack was very threatening at first, but Smith became comfortable after he adjusted to the rhythm. After evading all the attacks, he provocatively said: "Are you so capable? If you can't hit me, then these You can’t save people."
"Damn it!" Chen Feng wanted to increase the energy output again, but the floating artillery went silent. No matter how he activated it, he couldn't shoot again. He couldn't even float and fell to the ground.
The pressure brought by Smith was too great. In order to maintain his suppression power, Chen Feng could not take into account the consumption of floating guns. The floating guns that had replaced the new energy system used almost energy in less than half an hour of battle. Bottomed out.

Having lost the most important weapon, Chen Feng was equivalent to breaking off two arms. Knowing that he did not pose much threat to Smith, he quickly reminded the mecha that was still besieging Smith to leave.
The abilities of the pilots who can be sent by Commander Ma are pretty good. Although there were a lot of casualties in the battle with Smith, they could still maintain the formation and stable output, and moved backward when Chen Feng came to help. Some distance.
"Oh? Finally can't hold on?" Smith has been waiting for Chen Feng's exhaustion period for a while. He knew that Chen Feng could not maintain high frequency output for too long. Waiting for Chen Feng's offensive to slow down was his best opportunity.
To say that Chen Feng's output was really explosive. The floating gun fired at Smith from all directions, making it difficult for the demi-skilled pilot to protect himself. There were a lot of potholes on the armor of the "Necromancer".
What surprised Smith even more was that Chen Feng’s floating artillery persisted for a very long time. It stands to reason that the stronger the attack, the shorter the duration should be. Chen Feng hindered him for so long. Besides the new energy system, there should be more Very strong control skills are right.
Now the guy who got in the way couldn't hold on anymore. Smith, who hadn't played to his fullest, could finally reveal his instinct to kill, grinning and flew towards the southeast military mech that he regarded as a lamb to be slaughtered.
Smith had just accelerated, and as a result, another beam of light flew to stop him. This beam was a few times larger than the "dead". At first glance, he knew that it was shot by the special heavy beam sniper rifle in the hands of Nangong Mengdie.
Nangong Mengdie went silent after a period of attack. At one point, Smith thought that her sniper rifle had run out of energy, because this sniper rifle consumes more energy than a floating cannon. It can only be used ten times in a battle. almost.
The blocking gun in Nangong Mengdie’s hand was indeed ringing the alarm of energy exhaustion, but she stopped the attack in advance to confuse Smith, leaving the time for the final blow when she needed it most, when Chen Feng was unable to maintain it. Help him procrastinate Smith again.
The successive attacks made Smith's pursuit quite unsatisfactory. When he was sure that there was nothing else that could hinder him, Commander Pan had already directed the large forces to the direction where he was, using his overall strength to blast him. Explode, don't give him too much room to play.
All actions are seamlessly connected. Even if Smith is strong, it is impossible for him to break into the mecha force of the Southeast Military Region. He wisely chose to give up chasing and go to meet Adams in the fierce battle nearby.
Pan Yuguo received a reminder from Commander Pan in advance, used Tang Knife to force Edward back and found the special plane "Booming Heaven". The two of them worked together to repel the separated father and son, and then turned directly back to the camp of their own mecha. Give Smith a chance to unite them to attack himself.
When Smith found Adams and his son, they had lost all the top pilots in the Southeast Military District.
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