Chapter 1580: helper

Commander Pan was very surprised by this answer. If the promise fails, then the entire Ancient Godlan Republic will no longer find a suitable candidate. "War God" Murong Fan wants to guard against other war gods, so it is impossible to act at will. All the downward pressure was on the shoulders of the Southeast Military Region.
"Chen Feng and the little ghosts are not with you. They have a deep relationship with Smith, so let them continue to fight against this enemy hahahaha." Xu promised to put the blame on Chen Feng, saying that Chen Feng and others were in Smith's hands. After losing so many times, it is better to try to find the past failures in this battle.
Facing the promised joke, Commander Pan couldn’t laugh:
They’ve already fought Smith, and they still can’t hold on. Now Ye Qi has returned to the Southwest Military Region and Hong Bin is repairing'Candle Light Youying’ in the rear. won."
"It's okay. Now that you have become a pilot, you have to take on more responsibilities. You will hand Smith to them. It may be difficult in the early stage, but I believe you will fall in love with this decision in the later stage." He didn't care. He knew everything that happened to Chen Feng's independent operation team. He believed that once Hongbin returned in a complete state, it would become more and more difficult for Smith to defeat them.
Commander Pan did not have a better solution, so he could only pin his hopes on Chen Feng and others, hoping that these young pilots could surprise him in the near future: "I hope it can be done, but I have to do it again during this time. Give up some areas."
When Pan Yuguo brought Chen Feng and his party to the command room, Commander Pan just ended the communication with Xu promise. When the young man told himself expectantly that he hoped that he could come over, Commander Pan couldn’t help but laughed: "Ha Haha, I just contacted Promise, but he said that he has been suffering from a physical illness recently, and he has to give you the heavy responsibility of fighting Smith."
"Huh?" Chen Feng and his group were stunned. They also expected to promise to come and rescue them. How could they have thought that the promise would be rejected, so next time they would be miserable in front of Smith.
Commander Pan thought for a while. It’s better to try another method. It’s really too difficult for a group of young pilots to take charge of a demigod pilot:
I know Smith is very strong. It’s difficult for you to deal with him. I I will contact other military departments again to see if I can drop other pilots over."
Now that the Southwest Military Region is facing the Buddha Laye Country, Ye Qi has not yet grown up to be able to match Brahman Kaul, and it is estimated that he will not be able to draw manpower for a while. And because of the alliance between the Ancient Godlan Republic and the Ancient Soviet Empire, the Northern Military Region should have no major incidents for the time being and should be able to provide assistance.
After receiving information from Commander Pan for help, Jin Buhuan, Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Military Region, immediately called Fu Yuntian. This is Chen Feng and their old acquaintances. It should be more convenient to communicate and act: "Smith suddenly appeared in the Southwest Military Region. They asked us for assistance. I want to send you to assist them. What do you think?"
Fu Yuntian is not a reckless man. He knew that he could not be Smith's opponent. He was puzzled by Jin Buhuan's decision: "Should the Southwest Military Region make a promise? Smith is a demigod pilot. I didn't do much in the past, right?"

"It is said that we have promised that we can't participate in the battle if there is a problem with the body, so we can only take the next step, but you don't have to worry, Chen Feng and the others will help you fight Smith together, there shouldn't be much problem." Jin Buhuan from Pan The commander got the promised news, otherwise he would not send Fu Yuntian over casually.
Fu Yuntian expressed his understanding. If the promise was really unable to act, then he used to be the best choice for the Southwest Military Region: "It turned out to be the case. I have always heard that promised health is not good. It seems that recent frequent actions have caused him to become ill. ."
Jin Buhuan has his hands under his chin. Since receiving the communication from Commander Poon, he has been thinking about it. With one battle after another, it seems that the world has entered another state: "The international situation has been stable for almost twenty years. , But there have been countless battles in recent years. I think a new world war is about to break out. You’d better prepare in advance."
"We'll be old without a world war. If it happens, let's do it faster. It will be troublesome if we wait until we are driving without motivation." Fu Yuntian doesn't care much about a possible world war, he even hopes The sooner it happens, the better, so that he can still be able to contribute to the Ancient Godlan Republic.
"Haha, Master Fu, you are still the mainstay of our country. How can you get old so quickly." Jin Buhuan laughed. Fu Yuntian is only more than 40 years old, at least he can fight for more than ten or twenty years: "I don't have any other tasks to give you here. Let's set off as soon as you are ready, lest the Saint Gama Empire launches an attack on the Southeast Military Region.
"Okay, I'll go first." Fu Yuntian said goodbye and left. After a while, the special plane "Swordsman" flew out from the main base of the Northern Military Region and hurried all the way to the Southeast Military Region.
The news of Fu Yuntian’s arrival came to Commander Pan as soon as possible. He ordered the mecha along the way to Fu Yuntian to be released, and personally went to the hangar to greet him: "Thank you for your support. The horse empire repels!"
"Commander Pan is polite. I came here to do my duty. Now the Northern Military Region is relatively stable. I am idle and idle. I might as well come and help." Fu Yuntian and Commander Pan shook hands and asked about the follow-up action plan: "Then What should I do? How should I fight Smith when he strikes?"
"I have arranged for Chen Feng and others to fight Smith with you hand in hand. I will take you to find them and talk more about them after meeting." Commander Pan took Fu Yuntian to the residence of Chen Feng and others. The specific battle details are still discussed face to face. it is good.
When Chen Feng opened the door and saw someone familiar outside the door, he became more confident in the battle that followed, and quickly greeted Commander Pan and Fu Yuntian into their room: "I don't think I need to introduce me except Ji Ling. Everyone should be familiar."
"No need, no, it's been a long time since we've seen Master Fu." Zheng Zhirong stood up and saluted Fu Yuntian, respecting the pilot who had worked with the emperor.
Sister Nangong Mengdie also saluted Fu Yuntian, thinking that if he joins, there should be no running-in problem: "Hello, I am very happy to fight with you hand in hand."
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