Chapter 1742: Tenjinji Temple

Chen Feng was boring. He scratched his head and gave up the idea of ​​chatting with this local resident again. He started to climb the steps in a stride, but his physical fitness is very good. This level of steps will not cause trouble to him at all. It took a long time to walk the stairs smoothly to the front of the entrance of Tenjin Temple.
You can feel the magnificence of Tenjin Temple even closer. The bright red on the wall deeply attracted Chen Feng’s eyes, and it was almost difficult to look away from him. The same was true of the people around him. The outskirts of Tenjin-ji Temple are unmovable.
"Decorating buildings with such bright colors may be used to attract the attention of the so-called gods." Chen Feng soon wanted to understand the purpose of the bright red color of Tenjin Temple, and there would be no one who would not pay attention to it within a radius of several kilometers. people.
Chen Feng's ability to control his attention is very strong. He turned his head to observe the structure of Tenjin Temple and noticed that it was a rectangular building built halfway up the mountain, with a total of three floors. The temple was located on the mountain, so more A sense of solemnity.
There is a wide square in front of Tenjinji Temple. I don’t know how people excavated such a large area on the mountain at that time. Tenjinji Temple was built more than a thousand years ago. It stands to reason that it was difficult to do such a large project at that time. Very high.
"Could it be possible that Tenjin Temple was very effective a long time ago, so people spare no effort to build steps and squares." Chen Feng has new guesses, and he can see that the Tenjin Temple itself is even more ancient. Both the steps and the square where they are now were built one after another, and there should have been dozens of hundreds of years between them.
This means that Tenjin Temple does have a very large influence, and it will allow future generations to continue to develop the surrounding environment for it and spend hundreds of years to build a pilgrimage route for it.
In the square, there are many people kneeling down on the ground and worshiping the Tenshin Temple. Similar to the people on the steps, they have to perform a set of cumbersome worship actions every few steps. It is impossible to achieve this level without true piety.
Everything that I saw on the road gave Chen Feng a new understanding of Tianshen Temple. It seems that this temple is much more spiritual than he thought. If there is no effect, how could it be possible for so many people to worship so desperately? Chen Feng can feel this. People's actions come from the heart, and they are by no means the invited actors.
Chen Feng does not believe in gods and Buddhas, but he will not slander the beliefs of others. The problem on the steps is because he has doubts in his heart. Now that he sees so many people worshipping without hesitation, he will no longer conflict with this belief.
Chen Feng walked through the square and entered the Tenshin Temple. The road to enter this legendary temple is very long, and the space inside is also very large. The lower two floors of the three-story building are nearly 20 meters high, and the top one is reached. Over fifty meters, it is different from all the structures that Chen Feng has seen.
There is a reason why Tenjin Temple is built like this, because there are various statues of gods inside. If there is not enough height, then the statues of Buddha will not be big. Looking at the past, there is no way to convince other people.
The gods on the lower two floors are dedicated to ordinary gods. Only the most powerful gods are qualified to be placed on the highest floor, and their height is two to three times higher than the two floors below. A sense of oppression without anger.
Chen Feng didn't study the gods and Buddhas, and didn't know who these gods represented, so he went straight to the top floor and wanted to visit the biggest gods.
When Chen Feng came to the top floor, he saw a group of people in the center. Some of them seemed to be preaching. The people around were listening attentively to what the person was talking about.
The most central location on the third floor is the best, and the most noble statues are placed here. It is certainly not easy for these people to gather here to make noise. Chen Feng slowly leaned in to listen to the content of the mission. , By the way, you can look at the statues here.
On both sides of the largest idol in the center are two smaller idols, one holding a sword and the other holding a knife. They are all glaring, raising their weapon with one hand and pointing at the person in front of them. They are lifeless statues but possess evil. The same general look and feel.
In the center of the two statues is a statue with a naked upper body, with a left hand in front of the body and a slightly protruding right hand. It is the largest statue in Tenjin Temple. Its head has reached the top of the third floor, exuding majesty than The two idols next to them are worse than others.
Chen Feng took a closer look at this huge idol. Its body stripes are very clear, and all muscle stripes are clearly visible, almost exactly the same as normal people. Even the clothes worn on the lower body are lifelike. If you don’t prepare in advance, it’s easy to see it at first glance. Misunderstood as a real person.
This allowed Chen Feng to admire the carving craftsmen more and more. The skills they possess are simply amazing, and they can carve such extraordinary statues. If they are in the field of pilots, they may also be the top powerhouses in the category of God of War.
Because of the environment, the height of the idol may not be very high. It is not as high as the mecha that has 40 to 50 meters at random, but the two feel different from humans. Because of its agility and powerful destructive power, the mecha will cause fear in the people around it, but this idol is different. It gives people a tremor in the soul. Standing in front of it will feel extremely small and can’t bear it. I want to worship.
I came here to visit, not to find a worship object! Chen Fengmeng bit the tip of his tongue to make himself sober, and there was a feeling of lingering fear in his eyes. He didn't expect the statue to have such a big impact on him, and even the mental power he was proud of could not resist its erosion.
"These statues are unusual. Tenjin Temple is a bit evil." Chen Feng raised his guard. Tenjin Temple might have a special place. He must be careful not to touch too much, otherwise it may cause bad mental power. influences.
After returning to his senses, Chen Feng began to listen to the conversations of the people around him, saying that the conversation was actually the preaching of the middle person. He was dressed in a robe and his face was warm and smooth, and his head was smooth as a mirror. He should be a relatively high-ranking person in this temple. .
Chen Feng heard a few words. It turned out that the monk was explaining the origin of the huge idol behind him: According to legend, the universe was originally a small group of chaos, and there was nothing in it. One day the passed by. I had nothing to do with my hands to tear this chaos apart, and then used my powerful abilities to create stars, seas, planets, mountains, rivers, animals, plants and so on. Everything in the world revolved on its own and finally formed the present universe.
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