Chapter 2013: Tianluodiwang

Chen Feng used all his shooting skills, but Abe Boya kept the surrounding defenses airtight, so that such a watertight defense, let alone a light beam, Chen Feng felt that even if it was drifting heavy rain, it might not be able to "cut" Get wet.
Although the effect was not good, Chen Feng's attack still dragged Abe Boya, allowing Hongshui Bin and Pan Yuguo to slow down. Just now Abe Boya pushed them back and staggered for several steps, which looked quite embarrassed.
In fact, with the abilities of the two people, this is not the case, mainly because they chose to be pushed away considering their weapons. There is no weapon in the world that can confront the Ship Slayer head-on. They just gathered the strength of the two to resist. That's it.
After Abe Boya's new power broke out, the previous balance was immediately broken. If they could not deal with their weapons, they would collapse because of this, so they retreated together tacitly so that the weapons would not bear the full impact.
Chen Feng prolonged enough time for them. The two saw that their weapons had no major problems and then went back and attacked Abe Boya from different directions. As a result, they became three people fighting together, making Abe Boya even more difficult.
Chen Feng’s battle is dominated by a large number of weapons, Hongbin’s battle is mostly becoming the master, and Pan Yuguo’s battle is mainly fierce. The three have their own characteristics and their own uses. Abe Boya can’t adapt to different attacks at the same time. Can passively defend.
The three of them slowly became proficient, but Abe Boya's strength was finally better. He once again used the deterrence of the ship-cutting knife to force Hong Bin away, and then slashed towards Pan Yuguo. Pan Yuguo hurriedly resisted with a Tang knife and was shot by Abe Boya Into the soil.
Tang Dao made a crisp sound. It should be that damage occurred during this contact. Pan Yuguo couldn't care about leaving from the soil and turning his head to look. He saw a piece of Tang Dao's blade collapsed: "Sure enough, there is still a gap in the weapon. Shui Bin, you have to be more careful."
The Tang Knife used by Pan Yuguo is a relatively sharp weapon, so in the fierce battle, there will be some damage to the body from time to time. Therefore, he does not react very much to this, reminding Hongbin to continue to enter the battle.
Hongshui Bin was not too worried, any weapon could be damaged, and the most indestructible weapon in the world was the Ship Sword. The other weapons in front of it were younger brothers, as long as they were not directly destroyed before the end of the battle.
At this time, everyone didn't know that Murong Fan's counterattack had created an irreparable weakness for the Ship Slayer. In their eyes, the Ship Slayer was unmatched. They needed to make up for it in other ways, which caused the battle to be tied and dangerous.
Hongshuibin and Pan Yuguo were sceptical, so the focus of the battle shifted more to Chen Feng. After a period of attempts, he found that ordinary attack methods could barely penetrate Abe Boya’s defenses. He wanted to make changes to be effective. Just work.
The floating artillery flying in the air changed in vain, scattered and flew in eight different directions. Until now, Chen Feng has not yet used the beam cage. He has to put the strongest skills first during this period of time when he can maintain his demigod state. Used out.
Now Chen Feng's beam cage is no secret. His outstanding performance in many battles with powerful enemies has made him famous. His battle process has also been studied by everyone, and it turns out that the beam cage can be regarded as the top skill.
Seeing the unusual behavior of the floating gun, Abe Boya guessed what Chen Feng wanted to do. He didn't want to be enveloped by the beam when he was besieged by Hongbin and Pan Yuguo. He accelerated his hand and pushed Pan Yuguo back again.
Feeling Abe Boya's impatience, Hongshui Bin stepped forward to stick to him firmly and did not give him a chance to get out: "I will be responsible for all the defensive actions now. You can attack the country, you have to hold it until Chen Feng's beam cage is displayed. ."

"Okay!" Pan Yuguo pounced on with his feet again. Since Hongbin will help directly resolve the threat, he only needs to take care of the offense. If the demigod pilot breaks out with all his strength, the power is still considerable, even Abe Boya has to deal with it carefully. .
In this way, Hung Hung Bin took most of the pressure. He gritted his teeth and worked hard to fight Abe Boya. Both his hands trembled because of the continuous collision with the Sword Sword, and the two swords were also faintly cracked.
Pan Yuguo had already used all his milk-feeding energy on offense, but Abe Boya was always able to resolve his threats and never let Tang Dao hit him once. As the God of War, how could he let people far worse than himself succeed?
Pan Yuguo didn't have time to complain that he was still attacking, because it was the most important thing that Abe Boya had no time to care for him.
The two worked very hard, but it was not enough for Abe Boya. Hongshui Bin felt that it would be difficult for him to resist the impact of the other party anymore, and hurriedly shouted at Chen Feng: "Chen Feng hurry up, I can't hold on anymore!"
"Come on, you guys be careful." Chen Feng launched the minimum number of beams to form a beam cage in the shortest time, and skillfully controlled them to fly in the direction of Abe Boya, and reminded the two of them to observe.
Abe Boya looked behind him with his peripheral light and realized that he had failed. The beam cage immediately surrounded the three of them. Numerous beams of beams flew around the fuselage, seeming to be hit at any time.
Now Chen Feng's shooting skills have been perfected. He accurately swam through the middle reaches of Hongbin and Pan Yuguo, but none of the beams missed them. All the beams were aimed at Boya Abe.
Only when you are in it can you feel the wonders of the beam cage. No matter how Hong Bin and Pan Yuguo act, the beam will avoid them in time, without causing them much impact.
On the other hand, Boya Abe felt completely the opposite. No matter what he did, the beam would always appear to be harassing. One failed to come again. He had already smashed dozens of obstructive beams, but it seemed to have little effect on the surrounding environment.
Don’t forget that what Abe Boya has to face is not only the attack of the beam cage. Hongbin and Pan Yuguo are still beside him. After a short break, they went into the battle again, and together with the beam cage, they formed a bigger impact on Abe Boya. Threatened.
At first glance, Abe Boya seems to be unable to get away. Chen Feng and his team have a huge offensive, as if a net of heaven and earth have firmly controlled him. If you want to get out, you have to get rid of at least a few layers of skin.
"They performed really well. Could it be possible to defeat the'Knife God' today?" Brahman Kaur was shocked by the performance of the three. I never thought that they could cooperate with each other to such a degree. Maybe there is real hope of victory.
Xu promised to pick up the wine gourd with a smile, sip and sip, and said: "Impossible, why do you think there were only three Gods of War in the world before? That is because their strength surpasses the others too much."
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