Chapter 2133: Hit hard

Chen Feng used a beam sword to chop backwards, using the counter-shock force to get away faster and quickly come to a safer distance.
Smith found that he couldn't catch up with Chen Feng. His speed had no advantage compared to Chen Fenglai. After being thrown away by Chen Feng, he felt worse: "No, Chen Feng escaped. This is terrible!"
Just as Smith thought, the two opened the beam cage and engulfed him in it. Chen Feng's distracted battle finally paid off, and the basically formed beam cage began to launch an endless attack on Smith.
Smith used his seven swords to continuously destroy the beam and temporarily put himself in a relatively safe environment. Due to his previous containment, the beam cage did not reach the optimal level this time, so the threat is not big enough at present.
Chen Feng knew the fact that the beam cage had not yet exerted its full power. After covering Smith, he replaced it with a beam rifle and used all weapons to increase the number of beams in the beam cage. As long as he gave him a little time, he could increase the power.
Smith was repelled by the beam cage several times. In order to prevent the same thing from happening again, he spent a lot of time studying Chen Feng’s technique and came up with some solutions. When he saw that Chen Feng was about to increase the power of the beam cage At that time, he attacked with all his strength and used the seven swords in his hand to the extreme, destroying many unconnected beams.
Through the beam explosion affecting the flight trajectory of other beams, Smith regained the space to move, and saw him driving the "dead" to squeeze out of the beam gap and escape before the beam cage was completely sealed.
Chen Fengcai began to increase the number of beams in the beam cage. Smith seized the opportunity to get out. The beam cage was empty but lost the goal inside. This attempt basically failed.
To play the destructive power of the beam cage, Chen Feng must trap Smith in again, but Smith will not easily give another chance after he gets away. The two will probably fall into a deadlock and it will be difficult to control the rhythm.
Smith first checked the damage of the "dead" and the system told him that the result was more serious than he thought: "That's right, Chen Feng has strengthened all the weapons, and the lethality has been improved by half a level. ."
Smith suddenly envied Chen Feng. Not to mention Chen Feng’s continuous leaps in ability, he said that the
he drove had at least two improvements since it was developed and built. no.
"I don't know how the domestic guys are doing. If I can, I have to strengthen the'dead'." Smith wanted to upgrade his special plane, "I forcefully caught it from the creation organization. The scientific researchers at, their abilities are much stronger, I believe it should not take too long. I have to wait for a while."
Chen Feng didn't plan to use the beam cage anymore. He urged the floating cannon to join the battle directly, and in turn charged towards Smith. He wanted to have a new duel with Smith with the advantage of rapid offense and firepower.
Smith readily challenged. The two men fought inextricably. Neither of them was able to use their assassins to deter each other. They basically relied on driving skills and special aircraft abilities to fight against each other. It is estimated that they would not be able to tell the outcome for three days and three nights.
The battle on Chen Feng's side tended to stabilize, while the others had some changes. Hongshuibin became more and more courageous in the interception of the three fighter emperors. The double swords successively left wounds on their special planes, and gradually I can't hold it anymore.
It is too difficult to fight against the God of War with the three Kings of Mechanics, and Roberson, the only demigod pilot of the Saint Gama Empire, is devoting himself to the promised battle, and has no spare capacity to help others fight against Flood Bin.
And Pan Yuguo is similar to Hongbin. The two machine kings in front of him are weak. They are fine in a short period of time, but they are suppressed by him over time. Only when a suitable opportunity appears, they can defeat each other in one fell swoop. .
Lang Ba and Brahman Kaur are equally matched with their enemies, winning is impossible and impossible, and the situation is very stable.
However, as time goes by, the Qur'an God Republic will have more and more advantages. Once the emperor of the Kingdom of Flood Bin or Pan Yu fails, there will be a scene of defeat, and the Saint Gama Empire has to consider how to deal with it. problem.
In the end, the commander-in-chief of the Saint Gama Empire accepted the fact that his side was weak. The Quran God Republic had two war gods and two demigods. The advantage was too great. They had better not be too aggressive until they could not deal with these four bugs.
The battle has been going on for a while, and the mecha units on both sides have suffered varying degrees of casualties. Pan Bayi believes that the fatality rate is within an acceptable range, and the effect of the three generations of mechas is much better than expected, so he began to command the mechas to actively deploy Attacks kill more enemies, and the mechas on both sides expand outward and suddenly come back together, killing and injuring all enemy aircraft that come into contact.
The commander of the Saint Gama Empire guessed Pan Bayi’s intentions. Pan Bayi wanted to encircle the Saint Gama Empire here and then slowly destroy them one by one. This approach was the least costly approach.
"Go ahead and let the mechas at the edge to drive out the enemy planes, and then the front army retreats back to join the Chinese army." The Saint Gama Empire command issued successive orders, commanding mecha troops to be careful not to let the enemy encircle from both sides. .
The pilots of the Saint Gama Empire acted according to the order. After repeated battles, the front army retreated to the position of the middle army to rest. The mechas on both sides struggled to prevent the Koran Republic mecha from approaching. For a time, the Ancient Gods Republic mecha only advanced There is no other effect.
The Saint Gama Empire’s mech troops kept retreating, using space in exchange for their own safety. Without the assistance of top pilots, it would be difficult for the Ancient God’s Republic’s mechas to produce more victories. In view of this, Pan Bayi looked up. Where Chen Feng and others fought.
Not to mention the confrontation between Chen Feng and Smith. It was Hung Hsung Bin and Pan Yuguo that had already shown the dawn of victory. Pan Bayi contacted them first: "You two quickly solve your opponents. You still need your help to break through the enemy on the battlefield. Line of defense."
"Okay, come right away!" Hongbin suddenly speeded up his attack, using double-drawing swordsmanship to chop down one special plane first, and then force another special plane to force it to retreat. Another sword brought it down.
The sudden change of the attack rhythm of Hongbin made the Saint Gama Empire machine emperor who was on the edge of the limit unable to contend. In an instant, two special planes were hit hard and fell to the ground. The remaining special planes rushed back and did not want to end up with their companions. The same end.
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