Chapter 2153: The last one

An ordinary attack could not stop Chen Feng. Chen Feng flew past the edge of the defense line in the rain of bullets. The floating gun took the lead in the attack, and then followed up with the beam rifle to accurately shoot down one enemy plane after another. .
In just half a minute, Chen Feng killed more than a dozen mechas, but these enemies still did not fluctuate. It can be seen that they are ready to die here. They already have faith. People in the city are dead. !
"Let me come!" Nangong Mengdie called out to the allies in front to pay attention to dodge, and then a thunder-like beam shot past.
When the enemy got together, the special heavy beam sniper rifle was most useful. Nangong Mengdie used the maximum power to attack after aiming. The enemy had the insistence of the enemy. She also vowed to create a safe breakthrough environment for Chen Feng.
The enemy could not act at will in order to stabilize the defense line, so Nangong Dream Butterfly's attack effect was outstanding. The beam swallowed nearly 30 mechas at once, causing a huge gap in the defense line. Chen Feng saw the plane flying and went through before the enemy reacted. past.
"Stop him!" The Saint Gama empire pilots turned around and wanted to chase Chen Feng, but how could they keep up with Chen Feng's speed, one by one was defeated by Nangong Huadie and others on the way to chasing, unwilling to fall down. Down.
These pilots seemed to only have Chen Feng in their eyes. Even when they were attacked by other people and even if they were in a dangerous situation, they never turned their heads to fight the enemy. Everything they did was to catch up with Chen Feng to prevent him from destroying the city.
Their persistence touched the hearts of the pilots of the Qur'an God Republic. When they shot, no one had a hippy smile. After Ji Ling pierced the cockpit of an enemy aircraft with a dagger, he stopped and bowed to him. They had won. respect.
Chen Feng's advance was unstoppable, and all the mechas blocking the road were shot down, leaving only the wall in disrepair in front of him.
"You have your perseverance, we have our forge ahead, and the Quran God Republic will win!" Chen Feng roared into the sky, all weapons fired through the city wall and penetrated into the city before the dust fell.
The soaring flames lighted up again. Chen Feng wrecked the abandoned mechas in the city and ignited the temporary gunpowder depots that he encountered along the way. The city was reduced to ruins by the continuous explosions, leaving only the broken walls eroded by the flames. .
There is only the last city left. Although Chen Feng's heart is full of guilt, he can't stop now: "Everyone, work harder. The last city is ahead. If we break it, we will win!"
"Charge!" Zheng Zhirong rushed to the first one. The shields he equipped with the modified machine were all used up. At this time, he was using the remaining weapons to resist the enemy's attack. Every time he advanced a certain distance, he had to lose a damaged and unnatural one. arms.
Zheng Zhirong rushed forward and became the target of the enemy's attack. Many beams were all aimed at Zheng Zhirong's modified machine and flew away. Zheng Zhirong resisted a while and felt powerless, so he moved into a depression to temporarily avoid the edge.
The enemy didn't seem to want to let Zheng Zhirong go. The attack changed with Zheng Zhirong's movement. Zheng Zhirong heard tears from the armor of the modified aircraft, and the alarm also reminded him that the modified aircraft was approaching the edge of collapse.
Zheng Zhirong estimated that before the modified machine was broken, he would not have time to hide in the depression, but he did not give up. He drew several weapons with his left hand to protect his body, and tried to resist the enemy's blow and continued to move.
However, the targeted attack by the enemy is not so easy to block. Zheng Zhirong's remaining weapons are not many and soon he is in a hurry again. He drew the last three weapons and closed his eyes and rushed: "It doesn't matter, it depends on my luck. Okay!"
After all, these three weapons could not hold up. Before Zheng Zhirong arrived at the target location, they broke apart one by one. Seeing that Zheng Zhirong was about to face the flood of gunfire, Chen Feng appeared beside him and used a beam to form a large net attack. Intercepted.
Then use the beam sword to smash the missed attack, Chen Feng shouted to Zheng Zhirong: "You are too far ahead, hide for a while."
Ahead is the last city of the Saint Gama Empire to be defended. The enemy will want to defend it anyway. You must be careful and careful when approaching. Zheng Zhirong is paralyzed because the front is too smooth, otherwise it will not be so miserable.
The proud ability of his own modified machine is equipped with many weapons. As a result, there are not any left, which makes his mind a little clear: the enemy is the powerful Saint Gama Empire, even if they have the upper hand, they can’t. contempt.
How to fight without weapons? When Zheng Zhirong wanted to find a companion for help, he saw Nangong Huadie and Ji Ling passing by and shouting at the same time: "Zhirong, catch the weapon!"
Zheng Zhirong looked up and saw a beam sword and a dagger flying towards him. They should be the spare weapons of Nangong Phantom Butterfly and Ji Ling. It is not a problem for him to use all kinds of weapons under Langba, so he can directly grab them and attack again. Out.
Chen Feng attracted the firepower of most of the enemies. Zheng Zhirong was under much less pressure after he reappeared. It also made him realize that Chen Feng had helped them carry so much, and he just couldn't hold it for a long time. This shows that Chen Feng has How powerful.
While attracting firepower for everyone, Chen Feng noticed that there were three different mechas in the opposing line of defense. If you were serious about it, you could not see who the three of Frankie would be. It should be the Saint Gama Empire. Let them attack.
"You have never succeeded. Don't want to stop me this time!" Chen Feng's fighting spirit soared. The ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties have reached the last one. How can he give up because the enemy is troublesome? He must penetrate the last line of defense ahead. .
The "World Breaking" shuttled smoothly through the artillery fire. Frankie tried very hard to prevent Chen Feng from approaching but failed repeatedly. He was so angry that he yelled, "How is Chen Feng as slippery as a loach? Can't hit!"
"That's right, the mobility of the World Breaking World is too strong!" The two machine emperors next to him were also quite discouraged. They obviously tried every means to shoot, but Chen Feng's speed was not affected too much. It was really too shocking. People.
The floating cannon behind "Broken World" is not a display. Through them, Chen Feng can flexibly change directions, and the speed will change even faster, as long as his body can withstand it, he can keep going.
But this is definitely impossible. Maintaining a high speed for too long will cause Chen Feng huge damage, and will even be more deeply injured than being attacked by the enemy, so he is constantly looking for opportunities to narrow the distance and use the floating cannon that flies out first. Start shooting.
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