Chapter 2188: unique opinion

Hongbin and Smith fought fiercely here, while the two mechas crossed each other and dropped one or two from time to time, but this time it was not just the Koran Republic mech that fell into the ocean below, St. Gama There are also many imperial mechas.
Smith thought he could use the unstoppable power in front of him to suppress Hong Bin, but the other party simply ignored him, driving the "Candle Light Youying" several variants to wipe out his first strike advantage, and gradually began to take the initiative in battle.
Several forcible attacks failed to achieve the desired effect, and Smith began to retreat in his heart. Anyway, the effect obtained by playing today is already very good. He doesn't have to fight with Hongbin. He can't afford to fail again.
As soon as this idea emerged from the bottom of my heart, it could no longer be suppressed. Coupled with the impeccable performance of Hongbin, Smith believed that it would be bad for him to continue fighting, so he proactively informed the other pilots to prepare to retreat: "This is the end of today, look for opportunities. Evacuate."
In the last few battles, Smith's performance was nearly perfect, and he gradually established a better image among the pilots of the Saint Gama Empire. Therefore, his phone pilots were generally acceptable, and gradually separated from the enemy and began to retreat slowly.
Smith did not rush to get away but stayed behind to deal with Hongbin. After the failure in the homeland of the Chu Timor Federation, he figured out what to do in the event of failure, and no longer abandoned everyone to run away like in the past. So a little responsibility.
With Smith blocking the front, Flood Bin is naturally not good at chasing, while other pilots have just been chased and killed in a bad state. Asking them to fight hard to fight is not necessarily good and easy to be dangerous, so they did not chase. Hold on to the enemy.
The two special planes fought for a while. Smith saw that all the mechas behind him had retreated, and then he used the huge sword to force Hongbin back: "Forget it if you come in time, but do you have a way to appear every time? As long as I have no peace with you."
"Hehe, no matter where you attack, someone will stop you. You can try to see how we can never have peace." Hongshui Bin sneered at Smith. He had Chen Feng's hole card and he was not afraid of Smith's crazy attack.
Smith's instinct told him that Shuubing was confident, and it seemed that he could no longer be careless when he attacked later. He disassembled the giant sword and retracted it to the back of the "dead" facing Shuubing, and slowly left while preventing the opponent from chasing.
After Hongbin confirmed that the Saint Gama Empire had all retreated, he took the mecha units he rescued to return to the base. On the way, he encountered Pan Yuguo, who was speeding up. Pan Yuguo tried hard to come after he got the news. One step late.
Hongshuibin felt it a pity. If Pan Yuguo arrived at Smith so early, it might not have been so easy to leave, but if the opportunity was missed, there would be no more. After the two sides merged, they flew to the homeland of the Zhu Timor Federation.
After receiving the news that the frontline mecha was rescued, Pan Bayi and Chen Feng introduced the details of the Pacific Ocean. There are many small islands in the Pacific Ocean, and most of these small islands are distributed on the side of the Saint Gama Empire. There is a natural advantage when attacking.
As we all know, mechas need to consume energy when they act. The less energy they consume during an attack, the more energy they can use in battle. The trade-offs allow the Saint Gama pilots to have more performance. space.

At present, the energy system of the mecha of the Qur'an God Republic incorporates the most advanced technology of many countries. Unless there is any qualitative change, it is basically difficult to have any room for improvement. Therefore, Pan Bayi has been thinking about how to make his own available Island trimmed by mecha.
After listening to Pan Bayi’s needs, Chen Feng understood that this was the first task he had to complete. Perhaps he could attack the islands when Smith was trapped by Hongbin, and seize the opportunity for subsequent battles. .
Chen Feng had the idea of ​​going to war. Pan Bayi illuminated the overall map of the Pacific Ocean on the wall through a projector. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world today. The sea area covers a very large area, larger than the entire territory of the Qur'an Republic. a lot of.
Because the Pacific Ocean is too big, the map can’t see too many things, so Pan Bayi controlled the projector to zoom in. As the map gradually zoomed in, Chen Feng could see that the number of islands close to the homeland of the Zhu Timwen Federation was very small. And these islands are not big enough for mechas to be stationed on, but there are a dozen medium-sized islands close to the Saint Gama Empire.
Chen Feng estimated that the total number of islands should be able to accommodate two to three thousand mechas. These islands form a character shape. The closer they are to the Saint Gama Empire, the more islands there will be. No wonder the Zhu Timwen Federation has been unable to beat them. In terms of terrain Not even close.
After reading the map, Chen Feng's line of sight stayed on the island closest to the homeland of the Zhu Timwen Federation. It was far away from the other islands, and it was a separate piece that protruded and was very suitable to be the first target.
Pan Yuguo noticed Chen Feng’s sight, and he smiled softly and shook his head:
This island is called Gunkanji because it resembles a warship. Everyone knows that to attack the Saint Gama Empire from the Pacific, it’s best to capture the Gunkanji first, but The Zhu Timwen Federation has attacked it four times without success. Do you know the reason?"
"Because the Saint Gama Empire will definitely strengthen the defense of the warship island, and it is the largest of all the islands, can accommodate the most mechas, and has a very strong combat effectiveness." Chen Feng gave the answer in two clicks and watched the entire map. He already has a general judgment, but this does not prevent him from continuing to target this island, "I still want to capture it first."
"Why? Knowing that the difficulty is the highest, we must attack it. We can target other islands." Pan Bayi doesn't quite understand Chen Feng's thoughts. If he chooses him, he will choose a few more distant islands first. Several bases come over and talk about it.
Chen Feng still did not take other islands into consideration. He firmly said: "It is better to break one finger than one finger. It is far better to take the most important island than to take down the most important island, and the Saint Gama Empire will Don’t know if we want to take action on these islands? The Chu Timor Federation has been unable to defeat the warship island. Their fixed mindset will make them think that we can’t defeat the warship island and will turn to attack other islands, and then they will strengthen the defense of other islands. , This is our chance!"
Pan Bayi's eyes changed when he looked at Chen Feng. He had always regarded Chen Feng as a genius pilot, but today he discovered that Chen Feng also has extraordinary talent in strategy, and he has been commander-in-chief for many years. People are more insightful.
Feeling the change in Pan Bayi, Chen Feng couldn't help but touched the back of his head: "Commander Pan, am I wrong?"
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