Chapter 2215: Hide in the water

Griffin saw the opportunity to merge the two guns and aimed at Hong Bin's back with one shot. The beam broke through the sky and went straight to "Candle Lights Youying". Smith stepped aside sensibly to avoid being injured by Griffin's attack.
After Smith avoided, Hongbin suddenly felt relieved, but he didn't dare to relax at all because more trouble was coming. Griffin's threat was greater than Smith's shot, and it would be easy for a person to be accidentally destroyed.
He looked up and saw a beam of light coming straight to him, but Honghong Bin didn't know how to dodge. This beam of light seemed simple but covered all the roads he left. No matter which direction he chose to dodge, he would inevitably be hit.
The more hesitated, the more heavier he would be hurt. Hong Bin was shocked for a while and went underwater. In the sea water, it was equivalent to the home court of "Candle Light Youying". Even if he was injured, he could still have the power to fight.
Unexpectedly, Griffin had long anticipated the choice of Flood Bin. The beam of light emitted seemed to block all the evasion spaces of Flood Bin. In fact, the main attack direction was the area close to the sea. When Hong Bin just wanted to approach the sea. At that time, the light beam suddenly accelerated downwards, and it seemed to Smith that Hongbin took the initiative to hit the light beam.
Of course, Hongbin cannot find his own way of death. It can only be said that Griffin’s skills are too superb, forcing the opponent to jump into the trap. Smith was very convinced and exclaimed: "It's amazing, even I have to obediently do this. Dao!"
It’s too late for Hongshui Bin to think about changes. He can pull up again in the shortest time possible, but Griffin’s beam will not give him time. It will be before "Candle Lights Youying" lifts off again. Hit him first.
If Hongbin is hit, then Smith will never let him go. Griffin may still be ruthless because of his identity, but Smith will not have this restriction. He will definitely use all brutal methods to make Hongbin die. It's miserable.
This was the critical moment of life and death. Dense beads of sweat ooze from Hong Hung Bin’s head, and his brain was spinning quickly to try to find a solution. Unfortunately, none of them could be used. He could only use his super dynamic vision to watch the beam leave the mecha. Coming closer.
"Don't want to hurt Shui Bin!" Chen Feng arrived at the scene very promptly, and a total of ten floating guns launched a salvo.
Struck by a series of attacks, Griffin’s beam dissipated unwillingly in the air. Griffin shook his head slightly:
Unfortunately, it’s a little worse. The'World Breaking' attack is really unmatched. He can also make me fall short."
After helping Hongshuibin resolve the crisis, Chen Feng quickly flew to Hongshuibin's side and confronted him: "Is it all right?"
"It's okay, it's a bit embarrassed to be chased, and other problems are not big!" Hongshui Bin said that he was not in serious trouble. The military base he raided did not cause him any trouble. On the way back, he had not been fleeing and would not be injured naturally.
"They are two people now, shall we go together?" On the other hand, Smith asked Griffin for his opinion. Chen Feng will definitely fight with Hongbin after he arrives. He is easy to suffer by himself and must get Griffin. Row.
Griffin agreed with Smith’s suggestion. He chased all the way for fun. Hung Bin dared to attack the military base on the homeland of the Saint Gama Empire. How to deter other countries without sanctions: "Yes, they have to pay a price. Row."
With Griffin's words, Smith no longer has any worries. The opponent, the most powerful God of War, will not fail if he joins forces with him: "Then I will go up and hold them first, and I will never let them run away!"
"Okay." Griffin is noncommittal. Anyway, he is very good at fighting at any distance. The double-gun fighting technique is famous all over the world, even if Smith wants him to fight closer.
There is Griffin beside Smith who is full of confidence, and he really took the initiative to approach Chen Feng and Hongshuibin to fight. You must know how many times he saw these two young war gods attack together in this period of battle. How far to hide.
"Fox fake tiger!" Chen Feng looked very uncomfortable with Smith. Apart from the grievances of his parents being killed, he also disliked people who pretended to be. Smith had never been like this when Griffin was away. warlike.
Smith turned a deaf ear to Chen Feng's contempt. Winning is the last word. He doesn't care what method he uses.
Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin separated from each other. Hongshui Bin dived into the water and prepared to fight in his strongest domain, while Chen Feng also sank into the sea on the other side, as if he was going to fight under the water. .
Although "World Breaking" will be subject to certain restrictions under the water, it is much better than the two special planes on the opposite side. Griffin is very strong and will definitely not be able to fight normally. They have to use other methods to make up the gap.
As for Smith and the two did not have much scruples, this guy is becoming less and less a threat, but Chen Feng has not found a chance to kill him. If Smith will follow in the water, then today will probably be his death day. .
Smith really didn't want to go into the water. He was totally unsure that he would be able to fight Chen Feng and Hongshuibin in the water. He looked at Griffin and said, "They are all in the water. Do you want to continue fighting?"
"Fight, why not fight, even if they enter the water, they can attack them!" Griffin didn't mean to give up. Don't think that entering the water can reverse the disadvantage. First, you have to ask whether the two guns in his hand agree.
Combining the two guns again, Griffin began to aim at Chen Feng under the water. The marlin-shaped "Candle Light Youying" swims too fast, so he is going to try Chen Feng, who is easier to hit, and let the opponent Know your own strength.
After being locked, Chen Feng hurried down for a deep dive. First, he wanted to affect Griffin’s aim. Second, he could use sea water to ease the power of the beam. If he was hit, the beam that was consumed during the journey should not be too large. Threatened.
Griffin's aiming speed was strange. He had already launched an attack when Chen Feng had just moved. A bright beam of light rushed out of the combined dual-gun muzzle, which made Chen Feng only have time to shout.
The beam broke through the water surface and penetrated into the sea. The seawater where it passed was either evaporated or squeezed away, forming a small vacuum area. The loss of the beam was much smaller than Chen Feng had imagined, and the power was basically not reduced.
It seems that the plan of using sea water to consume the beam of light has failed. What Chen Fengneng did was to try to move to other areas, but the speed of the beam was not slow, and he was not sure that he could leave before it hits himself.
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