Chapter 2342: Out of battle

The opportunity to kill Chen Feng made Griffin become very cautious. He was not eager to chase Chen Feng, but increased the threat of attack while chasing Chen Feng. He had to cause enough damage to Chen Feng before catching up to Chen Feng. Feng had no resistance.
Of course Chen Feng understands Griffin's intentions, so will he be caught like this? The answer is no. After he flew for a certain distance, two mechas rushed out of the sea. They went straight to Griffin and the other.
The two mechas that appeared suddenly caught Griffin’s attention. He turned around and saw that they were "Dark Night" and "Crazy War". In other words, they promised to come over with Pan Yuguo to meet Chen Feng: "The arrangement is really true. Yes, someone will answer you!"
Commander Ma’s deployments are interlocking. Since Chen Feng is going to the coastline of the Saint Gama Empire to kill Smith, it will inevitably lead to Griffin’s pursuit and killing. There is no strong enough person to take over Chen Feng. Will die too.
After Chen Feng returned safely after killing Smith, this operation was considered a success. Commander Ma expected Griffin in advance that Chen Feng would not let Chen Feng go, so after Chen Feng attacked, he dispatched Promise and Pan Yuguo to lay ambush in Chen Feng. On the way back.
When being chased by Griffin, Chen Feng received a promised communication. The promise was very simple. It was to ask whether Chen Feng was being chased by Griffin. Chen Feng expressed affirmation, and promised to ask for himself. The ambushing area was sent to Chen Feng to let him come.
Chen Feng quietly changed a little bit according to the position given by the promise, and Griffin mistakenly believed that Chen Feng was forced to panic by himself, but did not think about whether there would be any problems, and just followed all the way.
After the "World Breaking" passed from above, Xu promised and Pan Yuguo jumped out from the bottom to attack Griffin, trying to prevent Griffin from putting all output on Chen Feng. Their mission was to save Chen Feng. go back.
Griffin glanced at him and saw the two special planes that came straight to him. He didn't care very much about Promise and Pan Yuguo. The two were just half-skilled pilots, even if they performed their best. How much impact did he have.
And even if he promises to join forces with Pan Yuguo, Griffin is still sure to defeat them within three or five rounds, so Griffin's attention is still on Chen Feng, and the top priority is not to let Chen Feng escape in chaos.
"Be careful, the'gun god' is very intent on killing today!" Chen Feng reminded Xu and Pan Yuguo not to take it lightly. They came to rescue themselves, and Griffin might choose to defeat them first because they were in the way.
"I am your master, and it is only natural for me to save my apprentice. If something happens to my old arms and legs, there is nothing to be afraid of." Xu promised to chuckle. He came with a mortal consciousness, "It's you Pan Yuguo, for a while. If the situation is wrong, go quickly!"
He promised that he would die, but Pan Yuguo could not die, because Pan Yuguo and Chen Feng are the future of the Republic of the Quran. He promised that he would die if he wanted to die. If he could use his own death in exchange for the safety of Chen Feng and Pan Yuguo, he was willing.
"No, you all have to come back safely!" Chen Feng absolutely disagrees with the idea of ​​sacrificing himself, why kill Smith to take the promised life, can't the sky have no eyes, can't see how big the difference between these two people is ?

Chen Feng was unwilling to sacrifice his promise because of himself, and Griffin did not intend to take the promised life. He gave him enough respect for this top pilot Griffin of his time, and shot the promise away. Flew over.
But the promise was to rescue Chen Feng. How could he watch Griffin attack Chen Feng, so he drew his gun to shoot Griffin, trying to buy as much time as possible for Chen Feng.
The promised shooting skills are still quite good, and it has a certain impact on Griffin. Griffin tried to avoid the promised attack several times, but was unable to dodge the promised attack by the way. The light beam from him hit the fuselage, slightly Lost face.
This is also because Griffin wanted to kill Chen Feng as soon as possible. He chose to chase after the two options of chase and face. He would rather catch up with Chen Feng if he was not as good as his promise. He was determined. Eliminate this greatest threat.
Don’t forget that the promise is not fighting alone. It is absolutely impossible for him to stop Griffin alone. Pan Yuguo also came with him. Pan Yuguo blocked him when he started shooting, and used his own way to stop Griffin. Liffin.
Although the speed of "Crazy Fight" is not very fast, it is enough to block the road. Pan Yuguo put all his attention on Griffin, and put his right hand on the handle of Tang Dao to see if this posture is to be used. Swordsmanship slashed the opponent.
Each of these young pilots in the Qur'an God Republic has their own ultimate move. Whether it is drawing or double drawing swords, being hit by them will cause considerable damage. Griffin is unwilling to one million Beheaded by Pan Yuguo.
Being hit by the promise to Griffin still has reason to comfort himself, after all, he is a strong man of the same era, and the promised beams shot so many, it is normal to be hit by a few of them occasionally. But Griffin would not be able to stand it if it was replaced by Pan Yuguo. This young pilot was just a demigod. If he was cut with a sword, he would be injured, and it would make people feel that Griffin was nothing more than that.
Griffin has his pride, so he slowed down and prepared to seriously break through Pan Yuguo’s defenses. Griffin’s reaction made Pan Yuguo more focused. The opponent is the strongest of war in the world. If he is careless, he has a high probability of dying. Before Chen Feng.
Without seeing any movement in Griffin's hand, several beams suddenly flew out of the double guns in his hand, and the trajectories of these beams were very strange, not like the angles that can be created by face-to-face shooting.
This is Griffin's strength, no matter from which direction he attacks, he can control the double guns to launch attacks that the enemy can't defend against. Coupled with double gun fighting skills, it complements each other. No one has rivaled his skills.
Pan Yuguo definitely couldn't handle it. He frowned and looked at the flying beams thinking about countermeasures. These beams are not many but the flight path is too weird. He has no good way to deal with them. If he wants to protect himself, he must back up.
However, once he retreats, it is equivalent to giving Griffin the channel to chase Chen Feng. Compared with his own safety, Pan Yuguo is more unwilling to expose Chen Feng to danger. Therefore, he gritted his teeth and refused to retreat. He would rather pay the price of serious injury to hinder him. Griffin.
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