Chapter 2409: 20,000 enemy planes

The defeated Roberson’s side also suffered very little damage. Except for the wound left by the ace pilot’s inability to control the strength, there was almost no damage caused by Griffin, because Griffin’s control was too strong and immediately after winning the victory. The cancellation of his own attack not only saves face to the opponent but also ensures that no damage is difficult to repair. The world's strongest pilot is indeed well-deserved.
Roberson now admires Griffin with a five-body cast, and can defeat him so thoroughly. There will be no other people except Griffin. After the training, he obediently followed Griffin and asked the other party to point him very respectfully. .
Since Robertson took the initiative to ask for advice, Griffin carefully pointed out some of his shortcomings found in the battle. Robertson benefited a lot from going back and working hard to find a solution, so that his strength can be improved to the next level.
Robertson admires Griffin even more. Even if Griffin asks him to participate in a mortal battle, he will agree without hesitation. He has completely sealed Griffin as a god, and he is willing as long as the other party says it. Believe.
The third training ended smoothly, which made the Minister of Military of the Saint Gama Empire feel a little unbelievable. The Robertson side really did not cause trouble again. From the training process, they are still working very hard to cooperate with Griffin familiar with the siege. skill.
Since there was no problem, the Minister of Military Department didn't bother to go into it. After the maintenance team sent a report on the damage of the special plane, he notified all the top pilots to come to the conference room for a meeting. Since it only took less than two days to repair the special plane Time, then it’s time to launch an offensive against the mecha troops of the Republic of the God of God, otherwise the domestic doubts will become more and more loud.
The military minister set the attack time four days later, and he specially set aside an extra day for buffering so that the maintenance squad can conduct a comprehensive inspection of all the special planes, and make sure that there is nothing wrong with no accidents.
Griffin agreed with the military minister’s arrangement. He can play at any time without much preparation. As for other top pilots, there is no objection. They control the force of shots in training for the purpose of attacking later. .
After the consensus was reached, the military minister began to deploy. One order after another ordered the mecha units to begin to approach the coastline again. Griffin led the team to occupy key areas on the coastline, and other top pilots were also arranged in different locations.
The abnormal movement of the Holy Gama Empire was quickly discovered by the Quran God Republic. Commander Ma immediately discussed with the think tanks in the command room and ordered Chen Feng and others to stand by at any time, in case the enemy does not know when it will start. attack.
But now the Saint Gama Empire has made an attack gesture, indicating that they will attack soon, Commander Ma told the reconnaissance mecha near the coastline to quickly retreat to a safe distance, and only needs to observe whether the opponent attacked.
At the same time, Commander Ma also asked the spies who agitated the national sentiment within the Saint Gama Empire to hide themselves. If the Saint Gama Empire wants to launch a war, the inside will certainly start to capture the leaders, and it will be too dangerous to cause trouble outside.
"Chen Feng, do you think we can stop it today?" Hongshui Bin was a little uneasy riding in the driver's seat. Griffin is already so strong and he needs to bring a helper. The effect of their training is not necessarily good. Can block each other.
"Follow my destiny, I can only say that I hope to stop it." Chen Feng spread his hands, he was not sure what he had to say, it is estimated that even if Murong Fan is still there, it will be difficult to do it, after all, no one has seen it. Griffin's performance when working with a large number of pilots.

At this time, Chen Feng was fortunate to have killed Smith before. The cooperation between Griffin and Smith was very simple. Although the two attacked together, they basically played their own games. If they cooperated skillfully, they would definitely fight. but.
But this does not mean that today’s battle is easy to handle, because according to the information returned, Griffin has taken people to train for many times, and he must have found a suitable way of fighting with his ability. Maybe it is better than before with Smith. It is more dangerous at times.
Hongshuibin's worry is reasonable, and Chen Feng can only try to comfort him: "What are we training so hard for? Isn't it to use our own strength to prevent the Saint Gama Empire from winning? I believe we can do it!"
"Well, no matter how much, just fight it!" Hongbin knew that no one could give a clear answer to his question. With the help of Chen Feng, he adjusted his mentality to prepare for the upcoming battle, and it was time to show the effect of his training. Up.
The Saint Gama Empire acted very quickly. After a large number of mechas were deployed in place, their military minister directly ordered: "The whole army will attack and kill all the enemies dangling outside the coast of our country. All of them will be given to me. Stay!"
This battle is a battle for the pilots of the Saint Gama Empire to prove themselves. They have no excuses for defeat at their doorsteps and in front of their citizens. They must give an explanation to defeat all enemies that can be seen. .
"Follow me, defeat Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin first!" Griffin took the lead to fly to the Pacific Ocean. He wants to make a good start for today's battle, and defeating Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin is the best way.
Behind Griffin with 10,000 mechas took off, and then another 6,000 mechas flew up to follow, and finally a batch of about 3,000 mechas followed. The Saint Gama Empire almost took all of them. All the mechas were dispatched.
This shows that the Saint Gama Empire’s desire to win victory, except for the plasma gravity compression guns that are not mobile, all the combat power that can be put into the battlefield has been sent to the battlefield. The large mechas cover the sky and the Pacific Ocean is up to the sky. It’s dark.
The reconnaissance mech hurriedly sent the news back after seeing it, and he drove the mech back at full speed. In front of so many enemy planes, they couldn't hold it for a second. If they didn't run quickly, they would be bombed. Not left.
After receiving the news, Commander Ma also issued an order to attack: "According to the instructions I gave you earlier, start the action. The Saint Gama Empire dispatched nearly 20,000 mechas, which is twice the number of mechas. , Everyone, be careful!"
The geographical advantage of the Holy Gama Empire prevents them from having to leave behind many mechas to guard against surrounding countries like the Qur'an God Republic. Moreover, they used to be the strongest mecha country and produced more mechas than other countries. Therefore, Today, nearly 20,000 mechas can be dispatched at once. You must know that Commander Ma’s tossing for a long time only brought me 10,000 mechas.
The situation is very serious. The number of mechas on both sides is not at the same level at all.
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