Chapter 736: Being held

Chen Feng's whereabouts are now unknown. Life and death are unknown. The longer time passes, the more danger it will be. Therefore, Murong Nanbo must stop searching for him in the past and let Chen Feng completely die outside.
Nangong Mengdie understands Murong Nanbo’s thoughts, but due to her identity, she cannot deviate from Murong Nanbo’s order to drive her mech to set off. If she does that, she may be caught before her mech leaves the hangar. The stack of mechas was shot down.
With few scars, Hongshui Bin was still lying on the ground for treatment, and he was not allowed to go out to search for Chen Feng. This made Zheng Zhirong feel very aggrieved. He watched Murong Nanbo's eyes gradually redden, and he couldn't control it. Yourself.
"Zhirong calm down! This is the command room. We can't fight Murong Nan!" He Wenyong who was beside him noticed his abnormality, and quickly grabbed Zheng Zhirong's shoulder to remind him not to mess around.
On the other side, Nangong Mengdie is about to explode, even though she has been calm, but two friends have troubles in front of her, but she can’t do anything about it. How can she accept this, and her sister has a special affection for Chen Feng. If Chen Feng really ended up like that, how could she explain to her sister when she went back?
He Wenyong felt very tired, and Zheng Zhirong had just comforted him and he wanted to go to Nangong Mengdie to persuade him: "Cousin don't mess around, Murong Nanbo can't let us out. Let Shui Bin wake up and ask him what happened. "
"I see, thank you." Nangong Mengdie took a few deep breaths, and finally suppressed her inner restlessness. Since she could not go out to search for Chen Feng, she decided to stay in the command room and watch the changes.
Seeing that he could not provoke Zheng Zhirong and Nangong Mengdie to defy him in front of everyone, Murong Nanbo felt some regrets in his heart. This was his temporary thought. He wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of Chen Feng's friends. He Wenyong was destroyed.
After a while, the results of the feedback from the Royal Academy came back, and a soldier reported to Murong Nanbo: "Deputy Commander, the Royal Academy said that Hong Bin was driving the test flight of the modified mecha this afternoon. For the experiment, the destination is our Southwest Military Region, and the situation is consistent."
"Oh, then this person is indeed Hongshuibin. He actually ran to our Southwest Military Region to kill people. We must not let him leave easily." Murong Nanbo raised his eyebrows, and then he should implement the next plan from Murongxuan. He said: "Come here! Show Hong Bin to me. When he wakes up, he will be taken to prison for strict supervision. I will report to the military to let him take the responsibility."
"Deputy Commander Murong, the whole process has not been figured out yet. You can't just draw conclusions casually, let alone treat Hongshui Bin as a prisoner." Nangong Mengdie raised objections, and now she can't go out and look for Chen. Feng, can't just watch Hongshuibin sink into a situation where he is invincible.
If Murong Nanbo really reported to the military and asked the military to send personnel to investigate Hongbin’s responsibility, then Hongbin would be destroyed in the future, and he would kill the pilot who belonged to him for no reason. No one can bear this responsibility. From now on, Murong Nanbo wanted to kill him.
"I know that you are good friends, but it is true that Hongshui Bin acted on Chen Feng and his whereabouts is unknown. It was Hongshui Bin's own words." But Murong Nanbo's reason is very good, compared with Nangong Mengdie's defense. Very pale and feeble.
Then Murong Nanbo said Shishiran again: "Furthermore, when the outside situation improves, I will send someone to look for Chen Feng. As long as Chen Feng is okay, Flood Bin will be fine, even if the military comes to investigate. There will be too big a problem."
"I still don't think it's right. This matter should be notified to Commander Guan and let Commander Guan make the decision." Nangong Mengdie knew that he could not say that Murong Nanbo could not. When they moved their hands, a series of things revealed a strange atmosphere, which made them deeply unable to break free.
But Nangong Mengdie moved out of Guan Yuzhen in time. Guan Yuzhen is the commander-in-chief of the Southwest Military Region. All matters must be decided by him. Nangong Mengdie believes that as long as Guan Yuzhen knows about it, Murong Nanbo will not delay Murong Nanbo. Go down.
Of course Murong Nanbo would not do this. If Guan Yuzhen comes, then the dominant power will no longer be in his hands, and things will change again: "I am the deputy commander and I will be commanding in the command room tonight. I can make decisions about everything, without informing Commander Guan."
Once again, it was forcibly suppressed by the question of identity. Murong Nanbo said for this reason, Nangong Mengdie couldn't refute it anymore.
Just when Nangong Mengdie was thinking about how to change the situation, there was movement on the side of Hongshui Bin, only to hear him cough, as if there were signs of waking up.
The doctor in charge of treating him gently lifted Hung Hung Bin, slapped his back and helped him down, and took a few pills to help Hung Hung Bin take it, and then said to Murong Nanbo: "Deputy Commander, he is awake. You can ask questions."
"Okay!" Murong Nanbo did not immediately inquire about Hongbin. Instead, he turned to look at Nangong Mengdie and the three pilots who came back with Hongbin: "Next, we are going to discuss the confidential time, you guys leave first. "
The ranks of the Southwest Military Region are distinct. Murong Nanbo gave orders. The three pilots had no objections at all and bowed their heads and left the command room: "Yes!"
Only Nangong Mengdie still hesitated to leave. Hongshui Bin is their good friend. Chen Feng is now having something wrong. They are very eager to learn from Hongshui Bin what happened.
However, Hongshui Bin was still in a daze. All the actions of taking medicine were subconscious. It seemed that he could not fully regain consciousness for a while.
Not wanting Nangong Mengdie and others to have the opportunity to contact Hongshuibin, Murong Nanbo urged them to leave again: "Quickly leave! Don't let me lose patience."
"Yes!" Although she wanted to stay, Nangong Mengdie knew very well that they couldn't have a head-on conflict with Murong Nanbo. They had to save themselves before they could hope to save Chen Feng and Hongshuibin.
After only the people who should have been left in the command room, Murong Nanbo slowly asked Hongshui Bin, "Shui Bin, we have already found out your identity. Now I need you to explain why you ran to our southwest in the middle of the night. Military region, what happened after that?"
The rest of Hongshuibin's eyes saw the departure of Nangong Mengdie and others, but because he was not very clear after waking up, he only felt familiar, but he didn't know who it was.
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