Chapter 801: Every strong man has sad things (end)

Since this special plane was tailor-made for the promised wife, all functions cannot be adjusted greatly, and it is almost impossible to have another suitable driver. This is why Commander Ma hesitates to deal with it.
Fortunately, promise and his wife are basically practicing together. The two people exchanged and learned martial arts are similar. Their characteristics are very similar. The biggest difference promises to be better at long-range shooting, while his wife pays more attention to close combat. It is also a result of their division of labor.
Therefore, after the special plane is assigned to the promise, it only needs to make small changes to it, and then rebuild the long-range weapon to quickly set foot on the battlefield. Comprehensive consideration is the best result.
In the transformation of the special plane, Murong Fan, the "War God", also played a role. His special plane had just been built at that time. The research institute that built his special plane has the strongest scientific research force. Murong Fan recommended Xu to go to his research. The transformation of the special plane was carried out, so Murong Fan also had a good understanding of the promise, which paved the way for the future promise to ask him for advice.
It was also because Xu Xu asked Murong Fan for some martial arts experience, that Murong Fan learned that Xu Xu actually has the inner strength mental method that can increase the synchronization rate, so that he can tell Chen Feng the news. It can be said one after another, regardless of Any problems in any of these links will not produce the current results.
The only shortcoming is that the special machine is customized for the promised wife, so the body of the machine is slightly smaller than other mechas, but the special machine has been built and cannot be changed, so it becomes a bit inconsistent with the promised habit. , But promised to overcome this problem. With his deep love for his wife, he forced himself to adapt to all the unsuitability, and finally he was able to fully exert his special machine ability.
After the special plane was remodeled, he promised to name it "Phantom" and drove it onto the battlefield. This time he never failed again. He defeated one enemy plane after another, and encountered the "Duke of Hell" again. "Then he took a punch, and the beam rifle in his hand nearly pierced his cockpit. If there were too many mechas on the battlefield, someone would immediately rescue the "Duke of Hell" and go back. Maybe he could avenge his wife directly at that time. .
It is a pity that this regretful promise never had a chance to make up. In the follow-up career as a pilot, the "Duke of Hell" never appeared in front of him. The trajectory of the two people's battles was completely out of the same line. They met again, until the promise was tired of endless battles, and his body was no longer suitable for continuous high-intensity piloting mechas, and both left the barracks with Langba to become teachers of Langya Mecha Academy.
The promised aptitude is pretty good, and there is a Heart Wash Sutra that can speed up the synchronization rate. It should be able to maintain a high level for a long time. Why would you retreat with Teacher Lang who is much older than him? Chen Feng couldn't help but have questions when he heard this.
He promised to laugh loudly, and while laughing, he raised the wine gourd in his hand to Chen Feng, and didn't mind telling Chen Feng about his physical defects: "Haha, it's mostly because of the wine. During the dark hours, I drank countless alcohols every day, which greatly impaired my body's functions, so my body was consumed more severely than my peers."
Hearing that the promised body was actually emptied by wine, Chen Feng anxiously wanted to smash away the evil wine gourd: "Then drink less, Master, you have been drinking too much. Are you afraid of continuing to burden your body? "
"It's too late. Failure and good wine can also be good wine. My physical condition is very bad. If I don't rely on drinking to numb the nerves to relieve the pain, I am afraid I will be in pain." Xu promised to avoid Chen Feng's hand and shook his head to Chen Feng Said that he could not do without wine now, and wine was absolutely indispensable for his second life.
Chen Feng clasped his hands clasped and squeaked. He never thought that the master in front of him who had always maintained a optimistic mentality had experienced such a dark past, and his body had to endure huge pains. As a disciple, he would do anything to help. No, it made him feel very useless: "Damn it! With such advanced technology, can't we think of other ways?"
"It has been solved long ago. It is impossible to wait until now and don't care." And promised still smiled heartily. He was used to this kind of life, and didn't feel how sorry he was, so he continued to Chen Feng: "There is another reason. Although the Marrow Heart Sutra can speed up the synchronization rate increase, it is based on the overdraft potential. The later your synchronization rate increase will become more difficult, and it will also cause damage to the body. A very heavy burden, this is a defect I only discovered later."
It turns out that the Heart Washing Sutra is not perfect. Even if it has a powerful effect that can increase the synchronization rate, the practitioner must pay a corresponding price, and this price must be compensated by the latter half of the practitioner's life.
Chen Feng was still digesting the defects of the Heart Washing Sutra, and promised to give a new blow again: "And I have not found a way to make up for this huge defect. Although I am its creator, part of it is my wife. Created, I alone cannot perfect it."
"In other words, if I learn the Heart Washing Sutra, my synchronization rate will improve rapidly in a short time, but when the synchronization rate is high, its effect will become smaller and smaller, and it will also affect my body. It caused backlash, and this backlash hasn't been solved yet, right?" Chen Feng asked in summary after the promise had finished talking about the defects of the Heart Wash Sutra.
Promise put away the cynicism, his face was very serious, and he confirmed to Chen Feng whether he really wanted to learn the Heart Washing Sutra: "It's not wrong! It can't be solved! So do you still want to learn?"
Chen Feng took a hard breath. Does he want to learn the Heart Washing Sutra? If you don’t learn, he won’t suffer as much pain as he promised when he gets old, but then he won’t have the chance to become a top pilot, and he will never be able to follow the footsteps of Hongbin, let alone find the one who might be a demigod pilot. Smith's revenge.
After careful consideration, Chen Feng decided to learn more than the future. He raised his head and responded with a firm tone of promise: "Master, I want to learn! I want to become one of the few pilots in the world. How could it be possible? Without paying the price, even if I collapse in bed in the future, I can't do anything, as long as I have been brilliant, it will be enough!"
"Is it determined? Are you really determined? Are you sure you won't regret it?" The promise actually wanted Chen Feng to learn the Heart Washing Sutra, but out of consideration for his apprentice, he repeatedly confirmed to Chen Feng whether it was true. To learn.
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