Chapter 14: 14th

(Shui Shui) After awakening, Ning Gu ripped off the bandage on his waist. The injury is already healed. The ability of the old eight uncle is still very practical. It can be better to press the small injury directly, but The annoying thing is that he has to spit on people's wounds every time, which is different from other people's healing ability. After all, this ability is not scarce in the ghost town. +++Mobile phone reading visit
Ning Gu got up and tried to find some water to wipe, but there was nothing in this hut.
As he circled through the window, he found that a person was standing on the open space outside the clock tower, standing next to the small red lantern lit by the human lighter, who could not see who it was.
He leaned over to the window and waved his hand. The man turned and walked along the path illuminated by a slip of lantern.
It’s not a nail. If the nail comes over at this time, it must be sneaky and dare not stand in the light.
This man looked like Lin Fan.
Lin Fan wanted to check his shoes in the car. He heard this sentence, but the whole person was confused at the time and couldn't move.
Fortunately, Li Xiang stopped.
Because of the so-called "key", he did take it, and it was hidden in his shoes, along with the feather.
He didn't tell anyone about this thing. It seems that the hammer responded quickly. Even without collusion, he concealed the "key" information.
Ning Gu sat back at the wall and carefully took out a black (color) round bead from the inside of the shoe, which should be an iron bead, and the tinkling metal sound could be struck on the metal shield of the shoe.
There are many small holes in the beads, so you can't see the reason.
But this thing may be very important, after all, Huang Huayan's "key" at that time can enable a group of people to start chasing (killing sha) without even judging the truth.
Moreover, he suspected that this thing had something to do with himself.
At least something in the main city has something to do with him, or Lin Fan wouldn't be so direct.
The small pits all over the metal ball that wraps this thing look like they have been smashed by many people and cannot be opened. If it is not faked by yellow eyes, then no one has opened it.
But when he got the ball, he felt that there was a place where he could bounce off with a pinch.
So he quietly pinched a few times, and it opened, and there was such a thing inside.
The key?
Where? (Dry gan) Why?
Do I have to find the same hole? The scope is too large.
The bats seem to know this thing, not a secret.
...Or someone once opened it and changed this little bead into it again?
In any case, this is an organ that he picked up in a place where he had never stepped on.
A ghost town, a ghost town leader, an ordinary person whose parents are not even known...
"who are you?"
He still remembers the voice in the little black house very clearly.
who am I?
Ning Gu, a ghost town bully, the successor of the leader who was raised by the leader of the non-ghost town, and the handsome facade of the ghost town...
So who are you?
He asked the head of the team many times, when he was young.
Who am I? Why don't I have parents? No one knows who they are?
The leader's response is always silent.
Ning Gu threw a small round bead in his hand.
Maybe the answer to all this is in the main city, maybe this is the reason why the head of the group did not let him go to the main city.
So he must go to the main city again.
And... he has a very good reason.
Why did Lianchuan let him see those things.
One thing he can be sure of now is that Lianchuan must know that he can see, and his special (exposed) eyes are for him to see and make him feel.
"Target locked." Lian Chuan said.
The car rushed forward in the air, turned around and stopped in front of a pair of young men running wildly.
A man and a woman, clasped hands, at first glance are lovers.
"The main city cleanup team," Lian Chuan looked at them from the sight and said that the line had been repeated many times, "According to the main city birth population management regulations, the 70135 female (sexual xing) did not get fertility. qualifications……"
"She has a name!" the young man shouted, with an angry voice, "She is not a number! She called..."
Lian Chuan pressed the button, and a silver (color) light hit the man's leg. He fell to the ground instantaneously, panting heavily, and the pain prevented him from speaking.
Don't tell me her name.
Lianchuan re-aimed at the woman next to her (sexual xing) and she smiled at the gun.
Lianchuan pressed the recycle button before she spoke.
In a blink of an eye, there were only tearful men lying on the ground.
The pain hadn't subsided, he couldn't move, he couldn't make a sound, he could only stare at Lianchuan who turned around and stepped on the car.
"Hyenas are going to die!" someone called out for him.
Lianchuan launched a01.
"Devil! Grim Reaper! Executioner!" Another voice joined.
"The main city doesn't need you! Get out!"
Lianchuan's head lifted up and jumped onto the roof. The boss glanced at him, followed by him and began to run on the rows of roofs.
"Come sit here?" Li Liang's voice came from the intercom. "You are very close to us now."
"Do not sit." Lianchuan replied.
"Don't drink alcohol," Li Liang smiled. "Lu Qian and I, at the Guangguang store, now have very few people. We are resting here."
Guangguang is a friend of Li Liang, a girl from a green field. Because of a rebellious (sexual) rebellion, he gave up the road to the internal defense or the city hall and opened an unremarkable entertainment store in the c area.
There are many places in the entertainment store, all over the abcd area, but with the chaos of the area from the inside out, the entertainment method of the entertainment store has also been upgraded from playing card chat games to various performing massages and alternative services.
It is said that there are also bats in the form of a very (strong qiang) strong bat style, such as a fully modified bat duel, which broke up.
Lian Chuan has not seen it, nor is he interested. His limit is to massage his head.
For him with a headache all year round, this is indeed quite comfortable.
"Really don't try anything other than your head?" Guangguang leaned his arms against the table and looked helplessly at Lianchuan. "Shoulders, arms, legs, you can relax, you run every day How tired is running around, is it enough to squeeze your head?"
"It seems like we still run with our heads every day," Lian Chuan closed his eyes, "Just press the head, with the help of equipment, not tired."
"Yeah, not only without help on the head, but also wearing a helmet, tired." Li Liang lay on a small (bed chuang) next to it, because there may be tasks at any time, and the exoskeleton is still there.
"Come on," Guangguang walked to Lianchuan and began to massage his head. "Want to drink something?"
Lu Qian was behind the bar, making drinks without any guests, and mixing various colors of water.
"No," Lianchuan said.
"You can try what I did," Lu Qian said, "It should feel pretty good."
"No." Lianchuan repeated.
Li Liang laughed.
Lu Qian took a sip of his own water and frowned, "Why do they all taste the same?"
"The ingredients didn't enter the seasoning machine," Guangguang said. "Of course it's the same taste."
Seasoning machines are expensive, except for residents in higher settlements, all kinds of entertainment shops and pubs can be used, and raw materials processed without seasoning machines have the same taste.
Compared with the system's automatic dispensing, the flavors of food and drinks through the seasoning machine are more diverse and taste better.
Lei Yu told him to go home to eat this kind of food. Aunt Chun's craftsmanship is very good, and the ingredients can be processed repeatedly to obtain a better taste and a more complex taste.
But Lianchuan has no special interest in all the flavors.
He sometimes thinks, is this flavor given by the seasoning machine to the tongue, or is some information directly transmitted to the brain through the ingredients?
Ingredients are like a dream, there is no sound, no smell, no taste in the dream, but you still know what you hear, smell and eat.
Everything is just what the brain tells you.
The tongue is only for speaking.
Guangguang's people who like to clean up the team come to the store. They are all quiet.
Zone C is no longer like what she remembered when she was a child, but the street view is slightly gray and overall is still peaceful. Now zone C slowly becomes more like the outer zone D, which is dark and chaotic, and people have become terrible. Fights are staged every day.
All the changes come from the hearts of the people. The increasing decline of the main city has caused many people to begin to have faint worries that they will become the generation who experienced the main city swallowed by the black iron wasteland.
It's also good. Instead of silently evading the recovery (dead si), it is better to witness how the world is dying.
Just after pressing the top of his head, Lianchuan's intercom rang a "drop".
Guangguang's hand hadn't time to move away from his head, he had stood up, and when he walked out of the door, the voice from the intercom came out.
"One set of six sets, go to the exit to check." Lei Yu's voice sounded.
"Six groups received." Lianchuan looked back, and Li Liang and Lu Qian had followed.
"A group received." Long Biao answered.
Li Liang and Lian Chuan glanced at each other. The last time they received an order to check the exit, it was a system error, opened the door of the material library, and the experimental materials of non-standard plans escaped (tuo).
"Please confirm the content of the task." Long Biao asked in the talker again.
"Capture materials vb39 and vb45," Lei Yu said, "vb39 is at high risk."
Lianchuan stepped on the car. The number of this combination means that the materials have all passed the test and are mature individuals ready to enter the production experiment stage.
Very strict in management.
Have you escaped (tuo)?
Or is the system wrong again?
This possibility (sexuality) is a bit low.
"Why don't you let Chengwei go?" After leaving, Lu Qianyu asked the group channel, "They are nearby, we still need to catch up."
"City Guard and Public Security Team, one guarding foreign enemies, one clearing civil strife," Li Liang said, "the rest of the work belongs to us."
"This other range is much larger than I thought," Lu Qian sighed. "No wonder when I applied to clean up the team, my trainer suggested that I check my brain."
"It's not impossible to check." Lianchuan said.
"Huh?" Lu Qian turned his head from the roof across the street and glanced at him.
There were laughter from several people in the group.
When the train does not come, the exit is just a barren wilderness. There have never been any buildings here, and there is no trace of human life.
Only the solitary orbit looms out of the black mist.
Behind is the main city, but if you don’t look back, there is absolutely no vitality in front of you, and the loneliness is as if the whole world no longer exists.
In contrast, the dilapidated walls that can still be seen, even the black iron wasteland of the ruins, are warmer than here.
One group and six groups of people have arrived. According to the customary search formation, an arc-shaped semi-circle is discharged, ready to press forward.
"Arrive at the mission site," Long Biao said, "start scanning."
The target information on the goggles has been passed over. vb45 is an ordinary level, female (sexual xing), no attack (sexual xing) traits, and is also a female (sexual xing) vb39, the information is marked with red (color), description High degree of danger and erosive characteristics.
Lian Chuan frowned, and the non-regular research direction seems not to have been declared at the beginning. The purpose is only to stimulate the human body's potential, increase resistance (resistance xing), and improve the ability to withstand harsh environments...
If the k29-like monster I saw before was an accident, then vb39 is completely different from 009, and the function has become a complete experimental body, obviously to counter the traveler.
Unless this is another project, a project that the City Office does not know about, a secret project.
Who did it? why?
Lianchuan didn't want to know, but one thing was certain.
…I have a headache tomorrow.
The coordinates of the two experimental bodies quickly showed that they were not far away from them, but their location was a bit dangerous. They were already at the end of the safety section of the orbit, and further forward was the dark fog.
"Pay attention to the safety distance." Long Biao said.
This safety distance refers to the black mist.
The semi-circle was slowly pushed forward, and soon Lianchuan saw two swaying shadows in the thicker and darker mist, which looked like a human form, but the vb45 was much smaller and felt only normal Male (sexual) waist height.
"Aim," Long Biao said, "one group left, six groups right."
On the left is vb39 and on the right is vb45. Lianchuan has no opinion about Long Biao's difficult task. His purpose is to complete the task smoothly.
"Lock." He raised his capture gun.
The power of this gun has never been questioned by Lianchuan, but after witnessing the wonder of Ning Gu's two shots still running like the wind...
In addition, this time the target is special. While aiming, he has already judged the direction that the target may run, so as to change the capture route at any time.
The weapons of the two groups of people were fired at the same time, and the electro-optics were instantly connected to the two targets in a network.
vb45 fell to the ground.
Vb39 jumped back while firing, avoiding the attack.
You can retreat into the black mist a few steps back. Although the speed of avoiding the attack is not fast, you can avoid it when you fire the right time, but it is enough to retreat into the black mist.
When Lianchuan received the gun, the person had already reached vb45.
Thin hair, gray (colored) eyes, some dark skin, if this is the human after the main city, I am afraid that more than half of people will choose to be swallowed by the black iron wasteland.
He grabbed vb45's arm and threw it back to Long Biao who was following him.
Close to vb39.
The two actions are completed almost simultaneously.
Everyone knows that Lian Chuan is faster than a weapon, and his true speed can only be achieved with unarmed attacks.
But every time such a contact comes, he bets on his own safety.
Lian Chuan's ruthlessness is like a legend of death, to a large extent, from his obsession with completing tasks.
Lianchuan's hand hit the shoulder of vb39, which is not fatal, but it can instantly overwhelm most opponents.
vb39 knelt to the ground.
Lian Chuan's second blow was on the back. There was a momentary hesitation that he may not even be able to perceive. He saw the transport mark on vb39 and a black (color) round mark on the back neck.
This is the transportation standard of the Ministry of Training.
The two targets did not escape from the laboratory, but escaped in transit.
The escape location happens to be the only connection point between the main city and the ghost city.
Even though Lianchuan tried hard not to think, he made a judgment immediately.
This is an experimental product that the Ministry of Internal Defense will secretly transport to the ghost town.
After putting both vb39 and vb45 into the control box, Long Biao glanced at him.
People in both groups have already seen the black mark.
What this means is that everyone knows it and is used to it.
"Lianchuan." Long Biao looked at him.
"Huh." Lian Chuan responded.
"I really hate you." Long Biao said.
"This sentence may not be reset," Lianchuan said. "After all, everyone knows."
"Also." Long Biao kicked the box. "Add another power lock and send it back to the interior defense department."
When I got back to the car, the boss turned around and swept the tail gently on his leg. It was a sloppy comfort to him that he might have a headache again.
Lianchuan straddled the car and saw a small leather pocket in the equipment bucket when it started.
This was seized from Ninggu before, and there is nothing worth turning in.
Lianchuan hadn't thrown anything that should have been thrown on the car.
He glanced at the track that stretched into the black mist and turned his head.
This traveler, who was originally only a dark thunder for him, had almost turned into a knife hanging over his head after discovering that the Ministry of Internal Defense and the ghost town might have a closer relationship than providing experimental materials.
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