Chapter 15: 15th

For seven days, Ning Gu was locked in the small house on the top of the bell tower, and he could only judge the time by bringing food.
He counted three times in the morning, evening, and evening, and had already had 21, seven full days.
If no one else brought food, Ning Gu began to wonder if he had been forgotten by the ghost town. No one had visited him for seven days, and no one even appeared under the clock tower.
"Ah--" He leaned his head out of the window and shouted in the strong wind, "Ah--nails--nails--Li Xiang--Li Xiang--"
The wind was too strong, the wind at the height of the top of the bell tower was even greater, and his voice felt blown away even if it didn't even show the end.
He watched the dense mist of texture blown out by the strong wind.
Is the car coming again?
If this car is alive, it can be regarded as the most sexual car.
In Ning Gu’s limited 20-year life, the car has traveled many times, the longest interval is his two birthdays, the shortest interval is only one day, and the most avid traveler can’t do it (sleep Shui) After a short sleep, I set off again.
If the car is coming again, how can he get out from here, and how can he leave the clock tower under strict surveillance of various abilities, slip out of the refuge and board the train?
"Ah-" he shouted again, "Li Xiang-"
In his experience, the only one who can still rescue him now is Li Xiang, who has rescued him countless times.
"Head Li Xianghe went to Tongwan." There was a voice suddenly behind him.
Ning Gu was startled, turned around suddenly, and saw Lin Fan's half face in the small window on the door.
"Why are you here?" he asked with some vigilance.
"Look at whether you ran or not." Lin Fan said.
"How long have they been?" He only reflected Lin Fan's words.
"A few days," Lin Fan's face slowly moved to the middle of the small window, looking at him, "Are you bored?"
"Not boring." Ning Gu sat back on the ground.
He usually doesn't have many intersections with Lin Fan. This person lives in a simple way. It's normal for him to stay in his house for a month or two without appearing (appearing). Now he suddenly appears here alone... If there are no experiences of the main city, and Lin Fan questioned various details and wanted to check his shoes, and he had no idea.
But now it feels a little unreliable.
"Did you reflect on these days?" Lin Fan asked.
Ning Gu glanced at him, and the regiment leader and Li Xiang were not there. Then Lin Fan came to check whether he was honest and introspective, but it made sense.
"No." He answered truthfully.
Lin Fan frowned: "When the leader left, when did you promise not to go to the main city without permission, and when did you let you out."
"Wait," Ning Gu leaned back. "I can't go out."
Lin Fan looked at him without speaking.
Ning Gu stretched for a while and glanced at him too. The window on the door was small enough to fit Lin Fan's face. After looking at it for a long time, he couldn't help but say, "Is your face stuck in the window?"
"Huh?" Lin Fan froze for a moment before suddenly laughing.
This was the first time Ning Gu saw his smile. It wasn't very beautiful. The hidden wrinkles were exposed (but), but whether it was good or not, it surprised Ning Gu.
This person still laughs.
"You look like your father." Lin Fan smiled and said.
Ning Gu was shocked before he finished the meal, followed by another shock, and suddenly felt a choke, swallowing twice before slowing down.
"What did you say?" He jumped from the ground and walked to the door.
Lin Fan did not speak, his face moved away from the window.
"Lin Fan!" Ning Gu was anxious and immediately plugged his head out of the window, and saw that Lin Fan had turned around and was going down the stairs.
He kicked the iron door, and the metal guard on the shoe bumped against the door.
"Don't go! What do you mean?" he shouted.
"When the car came, the guard had a gap," Lin Fan's voice gradually faded, "It's up to you to leave. It's up to you."
"Lin Fan!" Ning Gu drew his head back into the room, pulling the window and shaking the door a few times.
The door was of course still, and Lin Fan's voice disappeared.
"A new day welcomes you."
The headache did not alleviate. When I heard the greeting from the system, Lianchuan still had tinnitus.
Today's breakfast was beef (rou rou) and eggs. He didn't taste anything after eating, and his mouth was bitter.
It has been a week, and the frequency of headaches has been reduced a lot, and it should disappear in almost two days.
Lianchuan changed his clothes and prepared to go out to buy some day (using yong) products, and then went to Lei Yu's house to sit.
He is not used to wearing casual clothes, walking, or walking in the crowd.
Although at this time, he will not feel the eyes of hatred, he will not hear the vicious curse, nor will he face the pressure of desperate eyes again and again.
But he seemed to prefer being a hyena.
Hyenas have goals, hyenas have fears, and hyenas struggle to survive anyway.
Lianchuan, a non-ordinary person who has a second-level resident identity card in the main city, bought the toothpaste the most meaningful activity he can think of all day.
"What kind of flavor do you want?" The cashier took his ID card and swiped it. "This month, lemon, fruit, green pepper and pepper flavor are served."
"Only." Lianchuan replied.
"Do you want anything else?" The cashier took a white (color) toothpaste from behind and put it into the machine next to it. A few seconds later, a pink (color) toothpaste fell into Lianchuan from the exit In the little bucket at hand.
"...No need." Lianchuan hesitated and picked up the toothpaste. "Why is it pink?"
"The only thing is pink (color)." said the cashier.
"Isn't the fruit only green (color)?" Lianchuan said.
"That's green fruit," the cashier said. "If you want green (color), you can choose green pepper."
"No." Lianchuan took the toothpaste and turned to leave.
After buying this pink (color) toothpaste, Lianchuan had nothing to do on the street. He looked around and it was time to go to Leiyu's house.
Aunt Chun bought the ingredients early in the morning and said that he would make something delicious for him and let him be the boss.
He screamed, but as long as the boss didn't give up the task, he didn't know where it was, and he was not sure if he could go to dinner.
To go to Leiyu's home, you need to cross four vertical axes. Although they are all in area b, Lianchuan's residence is a dormitory building provided by the Ministry of Internal Defense. It is basically diagonal to Leiyu's home, so Leiyu is only resting. Only then will go back.
Although not meeting every day, the relationship between the husband and wife has always been very good. It is worthy of a free love marriage. It is not as perfect as the system-matched partner. However, all imperfections have been overcome by the glance of the crowd.
Lianchuan swept around, everyone looked only at his feet, and he walked over to the tunnel entrance.
The traffic in the main city is very simple, there is no public transportation on the ground, only a few tunnels connect to the four main urban areas, and each underground dock is very large, as can be seen from the scale of the dock and the advertising boards all over the wall and ground How prosperous the former main city was.
Let the sunshine of the main city wake you up every morning, and it used to be a confident ad.
The current docking station is still very large, but the utilization rate is less than half of the previous one. Most places have been filled with black fog, the advertising boards have already been extinguished, and the blocks on the wall are basically announcements and bans issued by the City Office.
Vagabond chose to escape into the Lost Valley rather than stay in the no man's land of the dock.
Lianchuan stood on the platform, staring at the front in a daze, but all the senses were running, paying attention to everyone around him.
The man in the grey (color) shirt behind him had noticed it when he came in.
It looks no different from all ordinary citizens in the main city, but Lianchuan still feels the flash in his eyes.
His identity is not what he cares about. He is not a hyena right now. Even if there is a bug standing in front of him, he can’t do it. All law enforcement personnel in the main city are allowed to exist only as ordinary people after taking off their uniforms.
He doesn't care too much about what this person wants to do. In the main city, under normal circumstances no one can threaten his safety.
What he cares about is that people whose status is obviously not a "qualified resident" have already begun to appear in District B.
The gray man followed him into the car and stood at a distance of one meter from him. He hadn't seen him in the eye all the way, but Yu Guang remained on him.
When Lianchuan got off, the grey man also followed.
There are two large settlements in a5 of area b. There are many people getting on and off the car. After Lianchuan got off the bus, the gray men crowded in front of him in the crowd.
Back to the ground, there were six turns, a long distance. After the third turn, the gray man looked back. There was no one to follow, only the passengers in a hurry.
He paused and reached into his coat pocket (touched Mo) for a moment.
Before he could take out the things in his pocket, he felt something on the left hit him, and he seemed to have left the ground for a moment.
When he came back, he had been pinched by his throat and pressed against the wall of the side access tunnel.
"Don't move," Lianchuan pressed his thumb on the gray man's throat. "Don't talk."
The daze in the eyes of the gray man slowly receded into a panic, but he didn't dare to move, nor made a noise.
Lian Chuan stretched out his identity card from his pocket (Mo) and shook his fingers in front of his eyes, and put it back in the inner pocket of his jacket.
After buying the little pink toothpaste for the ID card, he put it a bit casually, and probably was followed by this person.
"Don't call the police," the gray man opened carefully and anxiously. "Please...I just want to buy some..."
Lian Chuan's fingers were a little hard, and his words were stuck in his throat.
"I said, don't talk," Lianchuan said, "you can go when I leave."
The gray man blinked.
Lian Chuan released his hand and turned to leave the passage.
Once the ID card is received, it is impossible to directly buy things. If the information is not recognized correctly, it will be recycled and cleaned immediately. If you want to use it, you need to go to the Lost Valley and find a bat that can help you rewrite your identity information.
But before you find the bat, you may be lost, you may be killed, or you may never find the right bat to starve to death. Eventually, if you can’t afford it, you will be robbed of your ID card and then killed or starved to death. After all, the identity card can do a lot, and an original card is very valuable.
Lianchuan is reluctant to hear such people speak, whether it is in the task or in the usual life.
He didn't want to hear any helplessness and despair.
Those words will pull people into the abyss and they will never float again.
"The boss arrived earlier than you," Aunt Chun handed over a drink. "Taste it."
"I bought some things before I came here." Lianchuan took the drink and took a sip. It was delicious. There was a bit of sourness in the sweetness and it was not greasy.
Lei Yu's home has not changed, simple and warm, within the scope of his ability, both husband and wife are keen to add various decorations to the house.
There are several sets of sofas and chairs with different styles and materials.
The boss took a single soft sofa and was napping.
I don't know if it is true nap or false nap. In short, I shut my eyes and ignore people.
When Aunt Chun was going to process the food, Lei Yu took a cigarette case and sat next to Lianchuan: "Do you want it?"
"No." Lian Chuan waved his hand.
"What did you buy?" Lei Yu lit his cigarette and looked at him.
"Toothpaste." Lianchuan took out the pink toothpaste in his pocket and squeezed it. "Cute."
Lei Yu laughed: "I haven't liked pink color since childhood."
Lian Chuan also smiled and said nothing.
Lei Yu mentioned that when he was young, he had a bone pain. Although there were many other memories when he was a child, Aunt Chun took him to play games, took him to see small animals, and cooked for him... But pain and fear are all memories The clearest.
You won’t laugh hard.
Only pain.
Your happiness will not be memorable.
Only fear.
"How is your condition recently?" Lei Yu asked two cigarettes, and suddenly asked after being silent for a while.
"Very good." Lian Chuan looked at him. Lei Yu rarely asked that question, which allowed him to ask such questions. Most of them had nothing to do with core secrets but only related to Lian Chuan itself.
The boss was indeed a false nap, and Lei Yu finished asking, and his eyes opened one.
"That Ning Gu," Lei Yu said, "If you come to the main city again, you may be arranged to deal with it."
"Will he come again?" Lianchuan frowned. "It seems that he has almost no ability to protect himself at present."
"Neither can I say that," Lei Yu said. "He escaped from under your hands. Not only did he escape, but the one with him also escaped."
The boss closed his eyes and let out a breath from his nose.
"Running from me, I have to catch it," Lianchuan said. "Does this mean?"
"No." Lei Yu pinched the cigarette that he only smoked twice and stared at the cigarette for a long time without talking.
Lianchuan didn't speak, waiting for him to speak.
"This time we must catch and live," Lei Yu said, "at any cost, no matter where he hides, only you can do it."
"No matter where you are hiding," Lian Chuan smiled and quickly froze his face. "It includes the Valley of Lost, right?"
Lei Yu nodded.
The boss grabbed a paw the sofa.
"What about the new one? Did you help me make it up?" Aunt Chun took a plate out, glanced at the boss, and put the plate in front of Lianchuan. "Push the pad first, I'll do the rest."
"Huh." Lian Chuan responded.
"Chuan," Aunt Chun looked at him. "It's only you who passed the experiment."
"No one can surpass your willpower," Lei Yu said, "If it is best to catch Ning Gu outside, if he enters the Lost Valley and falls into Jiuyi's hands, it is a card from Jiuyi. , We cannot take risks."
Lian Chuan didn't speak. The Lost Valley was not a terrible place. The people living there seemed to him to be comparable to the main city from the state.
But with the exception of the bat, the person who entered with the main city information never came out. He did not know why Lei Yu and Aunt Chun would persuade him to enter.
"You have to go," Aunt Chun took his hand, trembling slightly, his voice low, "Not only to catch Ning Gu."
Lianchuan looked at her and suddenly understood why.
For a traveler with a special status or ability, it is not surprising that the above requirements must be captured alive. Such a task is not uncommon for the cleaning team.
Aunt Chun's last sentence reminded him.
If necessary, he must go in and prove himself.
Just like he had to prove that he could fit in with the four in the old days, now he must prove that he can carry the valley of loss, he must prove that he can not be replaced.
There is no substitute, this is the only value he can still exist.
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