Chapter 39: 39th

When the leader pushed the door into the house, Lianchuan was still dizzy on the mat and did not wake up. +++ Popular novels:
Ning Gu is also very fragrant against the wall (sleeping Shui).
The regiment kicked him in the leg, and then he jumped up suddenly. After seeing it was the regiment, he bent over his stomach and bent too hard. He felt that his abdominal muscles were almost torn off.
"Go talk to Li Xiang," the head said.
"Or... come later." Ning Gu said not too emboldened.
He is so afraid of the leader when he grows up. Recently, he first disobeyed the leader’s ban, which caused many travelers (dead si) to die, and (dry gan) to refute the leader’s face in front of all his companions. Now he refused again... he was a little bit panic subconsciously.
I always felt that the leader would beat him in a second.
"Want to wait for him (sleep Shui) to wake up?" The head of the team glanced at Lianchuan.
"Well," Ning Gu responded, thinking of a very decent reason, "He can't be okay, he... is still useful to me at the moment."
"Is it okay at the door?" The head said, "Who dares to move him when I stand here?"
Ning Gu did not dare to say more, and followed him to the door of the hut.
Today, the shelter is more lively than usual, and can hear the excitement, laughter, scolding, and fighting of travelers around.
However, it was estimated that the commander of the group had ordered that there was no one around the hut, only small lanterns lit one by one on both sides of the path.
"Did he tell you anything?" the head asked.
"Who, Lianchuan?" Ning Gu said, "he went into the house (sleeping Shui)."
Did not dare to say that Lianchuan seemed to faint.
The head turned around and looked at him: "Who are you in the main city?"
"I've been in Stray Valley," Ning Gu said. "It took a few days to hide in the main city, Lianchuan's...friend, I arranged a place for me to stay until you went."
"Okay, let's elaborate after this," the head of the team kept looking at his eyes, "What is your ability? Is it related to Lianchuan?"
"I don't know," Ning Gu sighed. "I don't know when it inspired me."
It can be felt that the leader had many things to ask him, but stopped after a few words.
"Grow up," the head said, "There is a secret, and I have learned to speak only half of it."
Ning Gu lowered his head and made no noise, and there was something wrong in his heart.
"No, I just came back," said the head of the group. "Let's rest first. There is still more time."
Ning Gu still didn't dare to speak out, and when the head of the group turned to leave, he couldn't help but ask: "The nail is gone?"
"Yes." The head answered back to him.
"How come it's gone?" Ning Gu asked again.
"He went to Tongue Bay," the commander looked back at him. "He entered Tongue Bay."
Ning Gu felt his breath pause.
"He was gone when we arrived." The head said.
Ning Gu couldn't recover.
The hammer only said that the nail had gone to Tongwan, but did not say that he had entered.
Why did you go in?
The nail is not a courageous person or a curious person. They have been to Tong Wan so many times, and the nail never thought of going in...
He subconsciously asked why.
But there is no opening.
When it comes to Tongue Bay, there are contents that cannot be circumvented, what is in Tongan Bay, what are those in the basement, why he knows, how to explain this to the leader, and how to ask the leader for a statement .
"Don't go out today," the head said, "I will come to you tomorrow."
"Oh." Ning Gu responded.
"Take you to Tongwan to see." The head of the group went straight ahead, and did not give him time to speak.
Ning Gu didn't return to the house. He stood at the door and looked at the head of the leader. He was completely invisible. He slowly turned around and returned to the hut.
Lianchuan never moved.
Ning Gu gave a special look when he went out. Lianchuan's hand was on the edge of the mat, and his little finger was outside the mat.
It is still the same.
He wasn’t worried that Lianchuan had overheard the conversation between him and the leader. He was a little worried that Lianchuan would still be able to wake up. He wouldn’t be struggling to get out of the divestiture state, and then go back to the divestiture state after the deal. ?
"Even the dog." Ning Gu tried to call him.
Lianchuan didn't move.
Ning Gu walked over and took two shots on his face. It was not too light. He could already make a snapping sound, but Lianchuan still didn't respond.
good chance.
Ning Gu looked at his hand and slowly raised it, making a fist.
Ever since he met Lianchuan, he was either pinched by the neck or picked up and thrown. Suffering from the difference in force value, he could only bear it.
Now, there is an excellent opportunity to fight back...
Taking advantage of people's danger?
Travelers don't care about this, they have to seize the opportunity and punch hard...
Lian Chuan opened his eyes.
Ning Gu's hand froze in the air, and it took a few seconds before he grabbed his head: "When did you wake up?"
"Someone outside." Lian Chuan said.
"Why..." Ning Gu froze.
"Ning Gu," a low voice suddenly came from outside, "Are you there?"
Ning Gu heard that this is the wolf skin of the No. 3 Shelter, and he is not very familiar with him, but it is okay with the nail.
"Come out," Wolf Hide whispered, "I have something to tell you."
Ning Gu turned his head.
"Not only him." Lian Chuan sat up, his voice very low.
"I saw the nail entering the tongue bay," said Wolfskin, "he said..."
When he heard the word nail, Ning Gu couldn't care about anything else, and rushed out of the house in a few steps: "What did he say?"
The wolf skin stood more than ten meters away from his hut, and the cold light illuminated half of his face from the side.
"What did the nail say?" Ning Gu took two steps towards him. When he spoke, he saw the indifferent expression on the face of the wolf skin and the anger in his eyes.
Ning Gu didn't wait for him to answer, turned around and rushed back.
He is not alone.
Lianchuan was really powerful.
When Ning Gu rushed back, a dozen shadows had jumped out of the darkness, and it was impossible to see who they were.
Anyway, all travelers.
The troublesome traveler.
A wave of anger pushed over when he rushed to the second step, and pushed him a few meters away with a jerk.
A few clumps of dark green (color) flashed through the black mist on the small roof, and then a loud noise came.
"Stop!" Ning Gu roared, hopping to rush back, but Qilang overturned him to the ground again, and someone rushed to press him on the ground.
The hut collapsed on the second loud noise.
"Let me go!" Ning Gu struggled hard. "Are you crazy?"
This is not an ordinary fight between travelers. Even if it is a group fight between several shelters, it will not use this ability to destroy (sex).
This is coming (killing sha) to Lianchuan.
"Are you in a hurry!" Someone pressed his head to the ground. The cold and hard black iron instantly seemed to be stuck in the skin. The whole person felt cold. "Want to save your hyena friend? Traveler? !"
"You are a traveler!" Another voice roared in his ear, "Don't you remember? The traveler never compromises with the main city! (Kill sha) (Kill sha)! Die if you die!"
Something hit him, hard and heavy, possibly black iron.
Ning Gu gritted his teeth and did not speak. At this time, no one would listen to what he said, no matter what he said was fart.
There were twenty or thirty people around the hut. Ning Gu struggled to rub his head against the ground. When he looked over, the hut had turned into a pile of debris.
He has lived in the cottage for many, many years, and there are many treasures he exchanged for...
Did not see Lianchuan.
Yi Lianchuan's response and speed should be able to come out, but today he obviously is in a wrong state, has a wound on his body, or is a side effect of the stripping state.
Ning Gu is a little uncertain.
Lianchuan could not have an accident, he still has too many questions to find the answer from Lianchuan, or even nails, maybe Lianchuan can figure out what happened.
And no matter why Lianchuan came to the ghost town, what was the purpose, he said that it would cover Lianchuan.
More importantly, Lianchuan paid a huge price to ensure his safe departure from the Lost Valley and his safety in the main city.
"Lianchuan!" Ning Gu shouted, his voice hoarse.
No one heard his voice in a noisy place, and the traveler always presupposes it. Whether it is a normal fight or a "vengeance" like this, everyone is shouting and screaming.
The hand was raised, the ability was released, the fire flashed around, the debris was raised, and the cold wind was torn to pieces by them.
His voice was weak as a whisper in the wind and the crackle.
A blue light swept through the black (color) debris rolled in the wind.
Ning Gu breathed a sigh of relief.
But within a second he yelled again: "Run! Don't hurt them--"
Lianchuan can run away, as long as he runs away, these travelers will not treat themselves like a big deal, after all, he is the leader of the non-ghost city, the ghost city facade, the ghost city bully, the ghost city ...
He was a traveler born in a ghost town and grew up in a ghost town.
The blue light flashed out of the black mist again, drawing an arc, and the three travelers who passed by exclaimed and fell to the ground.
"Attack!" Someone shouted, "Attack!"
Seven or eight abilities are activated simultaneously.
Ning Gu could feel (strong qiang) the vibration from the ground under the great power.
But the second arc was drawn from outside the attack circle. Lian Chuan had left before the ability attack was launched, and rushed back again.
Within half a circle, the traveler fell a few more.
"You go!" Ning Gu was helpless.
Lianchuan didn't have a killer (sha), the traveler just fell to the ground, and then struggled to get up.
In addition to the most powerful qiang abilities that require energy recovery, other travelers can quickly start the next round of attacks.
When Lianchuan rushed in front of him, Ning Gu suddenly felt that Lianchuan's main city, Brain Seeds, might not understand that the traveler would not (kill the traveler).
His body suddenly loosened, and several of the people who pressed him fell to the ground.
Then Ning Gu felt his collar tighten.
...Come again!
He was carried by Lian Chuan, and his collar jumped to the top of a small hut next to him, and then he was carried directly to the next roof.
Within two minutes, the chasing traveler had been left behind.
"To..." Ning Gu wanted to speak, but his neck was choked and speechless.
When this thing passes, you must make a deal with Lianchuan! Can't stifle your neck every time!
He raised his hand and slapped Lianchuan (Fart Pi) shares.
Lianchuan finally put him down on top of a warehouse in Shelter No. 2.
"Run over there," Ning Gu pointed him in a direction. "You go over here, and after a while you will go to the center of the shelter, where there are all travelers."
When Lianchuan reached out, he pointed to Lianchuan: "Don't strangle me!"
Lianchuan's hand turned around in the air and grabbed his waistband.
"I'm really convinced...uh!" Ning Gu was said to be unfavorable when he was struck.
Lianchuan is fast, but obviously not as good as it was in the main city and the lost valley.
I didn't feel it when I laid down the traveler in the hut, but now I can feel it when I carry the person away.
"Front... uh noodles," Ning Gu said, "there is... uh half... uh, the hut."
Uncle's cabin.
When Lianchuan put him on the ground, Ning Gu quickly turned over and lay flat, let out a long breath, and then shouted, "Uncle Mad!"
"No one." Lian Chuan said.
"Maybe go out," Ning Gu sat up. "Old lunatics always turn around. It's normal to see people for more than ten days."
"Crazy?" Lian Chuan asked.
"Well, he is said to be a lunatic," Ning Gu got up and pushed open the door of Uncle Crazy's cabin. The cold light bottle beside the door was lit, indicating that Uncle Crazy had not left for two days. "Come in, here is safe."
Lianchuan walked into the house.
Ning Gu flipped out two cold light bottles again, put them on the table, and looked down at him.
There was no serious injury. The face was probably spent, the clothes were broken, and there was an estimated swollen body... He turned to look at Lianchuan, a little surprised.
"Your face hurts," he said.
A black (colored) wound on Lianchuan's face was very deep, crossing the eyebrow from above the right eyebrow to the right ear.
"Huh." Lian Chuan responded.
"Is it serious?" Ning Gu asked. "Is there any other injuries?"
"No more." Lianchuan stood in the middle of the room.
Ning Gu used to pull out the best furniture in Crazy Uncle's house, a large recliner, and clean up the things piled on it: "Please rest here."
Lianchuan hesitated and did not move.
"There is no bed here, and Uncle Crazy usually (sleeps Shui) this," Ning Gu said. "Do you still abandon my mat?"
Lianchuan sat on the recliner and leaned back.
"Have you not recovered yet?" Ning Gu looked at him. "You are actually injured. Those few are not the most (strong qiang) travelers."
"Your house," Lianchuan said, "all ruined."
Ning Gu paused, sighed slightly, and sat down on the small table next to him: "It's fine."
"There are many small things," Lian Chuan said, "Is it your collection?"
"Well," Ning Gu glanced at him. "How do you see it, don't you get dizzy when you enter the house?"
"I can see a lot of things at a glance." Lian Chuan said.
When it comes to the little things, Ning Gu is uncomfortable.
Maybe it was not just because the hut was destroyed, everything was gone.
Also because those were his companions, the companions who had just rescued him from the main city.
"You just run right away," Ning Gu said. "They won't treat me like that. At best, they will fight until the leader arrives, and they will be gone."
"The leader's house is not far from you." Lianchuan said.
Ning Gu felt his breath stop for a second.
Yes, not far away.
When the hut collapses, the regiment leader should come over.
But the head of the group never came.
"He won't come." Lianchuan said.
"Shut up!" Ning Gu raised his head and glared at him. "Isn't it usually a dumb, so much talk at the moment?"
"He wanted to see," Lianchuan turned to look at him, "Do I really need your help."
Ning Gu said nothing.
"Is there water?" Lianchuan asked. "I want to drink water."
"There should be," Ning Gu froze for a moment, got up and walked to the side to look for it. When he saw the pot that Uncle Mad usually used, there were half a pot of water in it. He handed the pot to Lianchuan, " This water make up..."
Lianchuan took the pot without any hesitation, and began to drink with her head up to the spout.
Ning Gu stood by and watched him drink half of the pot of water in one breath, and then he asked, "What's wrong with you, tell me if you are dying, I still have a lot of things before you die ask clearly."
Lianchuan put the pot on the ground, gave him a glance, lifted a hand to open a lock on the collar of the uniform, then lowered his head.
Ning Gu leaned forward and glanced at the back neck of Lianchuan (Lu).
Between the cervical vertebrae, there is a small silver (color) dot.
"What's this?" He moved closer, and he was surprised to find that this was like a metal needle that was hit into the middle of the bone, but it was much thicker than the needle.
"Limiter." Lianchuan raised his head and fastened his collar.
"Limit... what?" Ning Gu asked.
"(Shen) physical function." Lian Chuan replied.
"Did the main city get it?" Ning Gu looked at him. "In exchange?"
"Huh." Lian Chuan responded.
Ning Gu only knew then why Lianchuan was cold all over, why he was slow, and why he always needed to rest...
"Head of the team, they should have a way to take this thing out," Ning Gu whispered.
"Can't let them know." Lian Chuan interrupted him.
"So what do you do?" Ning Gu said, "Even if you are awesome, you can carry it, the time is long, and the head of the team can always see it."
"You help me." Lian Chuan said.
"I help you," Ning Gu frowned. "How can I help?"
"The day you first arrived in the main city," Lianchuan's voice was lowered, "Dream dreamed of Sanju."
"Well," Ning Gu nodded. "The hammer said that it was the Furubu, and you said that it was, that should be it."
"You can see Sanju 4 and you can see me." Lianchuan said.
"So?" Ning Gu was nervous for a while, and he already felt what Lianchuan wanted to say.
"Wake up the ginseng four." Lianchuan said.
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