Chapter 56: 56th

The limiter behind Lianchuan's neck is very malicious in design, and no matter what method is used, it will trigger a self-destruct device. +++Full American novel:
The main city's control of Lianchuan is probably more persistent than finding an exit.
"Anyway, I can't leave his body, right?" Ning Gu asked.
"Yes." Lin Fan nodded.
"Have you lied to me?" Ning Gu stared at Lin Fan.
"No this time." Lin Fan said.
"Which time?" Ning Gu asked immediately.
"It's not important anymore," Lin Fan said. "It's not important for you now."
"It doesn't matter," Ning Gu said. "I will know."
The leader slowly walked to the side of Lianchuan: "If you return to the main city, this limiter is still on your body, it is difficult to reach the lost valley smoothly? That distance is not close enough, the main city is enough to ambush."
"Yes." Lian Chuan replied.
"What about the four?" asked the head.
"It is also affected, and Senju 4 is a single attack weapon, the fastest speed, the most accurate hit, the most (strong qiang) (kill sha) injury, but there is no defense, as long as they have enough people, Senju 4 It’s not necessarily guaranteed to be able to escape, it’s difficult to fight,
Lianchuan said.
So the main city wants countless dormitory four, one is not enough.

When Ning Gu looked at Lian Chuan and used the word "weapon" to describe another form of himself, Lian Chuan was naturally uncomfortable, and he felt a little uncomfortable.
"So you need the traveler's help," the head said.
"The main city is not united, and the administrator is not involved in all kinds of infighting." Lianchuan stopped and glanced at the bottle of water beside him.
"Only the Chengwei and the experimental body came with the car this time," the head of the delegation thought for a while. "If you come over, it means that the main city can't sit still. It should be the same as here, there are cracks... but only the Chengwei comes over. ..."
"If you want to determine the situation of the fourth quarter, the cleanup team is the best candidate," Lianchuan said. "The cleanup team is the most mobile and adaptable (strong qiang), followed by the security and patrol teams."
"City guards are large-area heavy equipment, usually have bunkers in battle, and their own safety devices do not need the best," Lin Fan picked up the bottle of water and put it in the hand of Ning Gu, "The cleaning team and the main city It hasn’t been a single heart for a long time, but now it seems to be fragmented."
"I don't drink." Ning Gu took water.
"Let you give him." Lin Fan said.
Ning Gu then reacted, quickly opened the water, smelled it, got up and walked to Lianchuan, and handed him the water.
"When did you pay attention to this?" The head frowned, "A bottle of water still smells, can you smell anything, smell it!"
"...He pays attention to it," Ning Gu said. "He won't drink anybody else's drinks."
"No." Lianchuan took the water and raised his head to drink half a bottle.
Ning Gu stared at him: "Did you?"
"When I go back to the main city, I will come to block it, maybe only the city guards and the experimental body." Lianchuan didn't answer Ning Gu, and finished drinking the remaining half of the bottle.
Ning Gu had to sit back in the chair next to it.
"How do you want travelers to help you?" Li Xiang asked.
"Ning Gu could abolish the city guard for a few seconds at the beginning, and the opponent had only the experimental body, and Senju four could clear a part, and a traveler was needed to help defend and attack," Lianchuan paused and looked at them, "but In that case, only one person can take away from Sanjuku."
Several people in the room were silent.
"The remaining travelers need to escape on their own," the head said, "or die."
"Yes." Lian Chuan said.
"Where can I escape?" Ning Gu recovered from his shock. "How can I escape when I'm all surrounded?"
"In the black mist at both ends of the track," Lianchuan said, "The city guards will not chase in. They are not like travelers. They have always lived in the black mist. There is no fog in the main city. They have a natural fear of black mist."
"What about the test subjects?" Ning Gu asked. "They are not humans."
"The experimental body should be ez, the earliest finished product. I have had a recovery task, but I can’t remember it, probably the memory has been reset," Lianchuan said. "This thing needs to be activated, and its stability is very poor, so it is used. You need a self-destructing device...the rest of you have to keep them out of control or self-destructing."
"Can they survive after hiding in ez?" Ning Gu asked. "Wait for the next bus back to the ghost town? That's starving!"
"You have a deal with Jiuyi," Lian Chuan looked at him. "The bats come to the rescue. They know where in the dark mist can enter the city."
"...You take that deal seriously?" Ning Gu froze, "Or do you think Jiuyi is serious?"
"He doesn't have any brains just to live," Lianchuan said. "The main city guards against the lost valley. He wants to stand in line only on the traveler's side."
Although the description of Jiuyi is true, Ning Gu still seems a little strange.
"What about the cleanup team?" the head of the team asked.
"The clean-up team is there and all can live," Lianchuan said. "But now we can only consider'certain', not'if'."
"If you go back, run away, or can't get the information of the exit," the head said, "these travelers are just dead."
"Yes." Lian Chuan said, "So let's make the situation clear and voluntary."
When leaving the treatment center, Ning Gu felt that his steps were much heavier than usual, and I wondered whether he was tired or heavy.
"What do you want to say?" Lianchuan said first.
This made Ning Gu quite surprised. He thought that Lian Chuan had already said so much. According to Lian Chuan's habit, even if it had been explained clearly.
Of course, let's talk about it because the other party's brain is not enough and needs further explanation.
"Do you think I will ask you why you are so cold-blooded," Ning Gu said, "let the traveler voluntarily die."
"Huh." Lian Chuan responded.
"I don't know," Ning Gu sighed. "If you ask me, I might not agree."
"I won't ask you." Lianchuan said.
"The leader has paid such a big price for exporting," Ning Gu said. "You just asked him if you thought he would agree."
"Well," Lian Chuan glanced at him.
"Did you choose?" Ning Gu asked, "Go and find out."
"The savior said to cut off that hand," Lianchuan said. "Maybe you can find the exit to find that hand."
Ning Gu turned sharply.
"I have nothing to do except to be alive," Lianchuan said. "If you do, do it."
To help Lianchuan and Ninggu go to the Lost Valley, if it is put before today, no one will agree, and even angry.
But in the battle at the pick-up point today, no matter what the cause was, in the eyes of travelers, Lianchuan stood on the side of the ghost town.
You help us, we will naturally help you.
As for the possibility of going back and forth, it is not considered by travelers.
Every time they visit the main city, they may go back and forth.
Ten travelers.
Not many people.
Lianchuan refused to join more people.
It also rejected the idea that the regiment leader and Li Xiang wanted to go together.
After all, unlike going to the main city before, everyone knew this time that the monsters of the city guards were stuck outside the car door. From the second the car stopped, the (dead si) death had been suspended above his head.
Enough people, just try to live as long as you can.
No matter which way you choose, no matter how you choose to live, someone needs to lead.
Out of ten people, four defend against five attacks.
There is also an elderly man who is completely incapable of moving, and will always sit in front of a cabin in shelter No. 3.
The head of the group named the only traveler who wished he could go.
And he did not hesitate to agree at all.
It was at this time that Ning Gu knew that the old man has a very tasteless ability for travelers.
It can allow some people to enter the shielding state in a very short time, and can only be excited once in a few days, and because he cannot walk, the shielded people can only stay around him.
For travelers, this ability is completely meaningless, and this ability has never been used in his life.
However, for this operation, it has an advantage that no one can match, which will allow Lianchuan to seize the opportunity.
When the car came, I heard a long whistle and Ning Gu felt no excitement for the first time.
He didn't look back when he jumped into the carriage to look at the commander and the traveler standing behind him.
When the car started to roll silently forward, there was a sudden scream outside.
The people in the car immediately raised their hands and screamed without thinking.
This is the familiar sound they will hear every time they start their journey to the main city.
Ning Gu looked closely at the people in front of him. Everyone knew him, some had spoken, and some had fought. After this time, I wonder if there is any such opportunity.
"If you can't find an exit, let the main city know," a traveler said. "We don't want to be able to get rid of it, if we want to suppress it, we can suppress it."
Everyone stomped and responded with a shout.
"You rushed out of the car at the beginning of the Ninggu attack," Lianchuan said between the excitement of their excitement, "Retreat immediately after the attack, and don't delay for a second."
"A total of three seconds." Someone said.
"Ez is fast, three seconds is enough for them to rush over," Lianchuan said, "it's enough to block the first wave."
"OK." Everyone nodded.
"Don't die." Lianchuan added another sentence, which he didn't want to say, but the traveler didn't care much about life and death and made him a little worried.
A burst of laughter broke out in the carriage.
Jin Guang spread out from Ning Gu's fingertips faster than ever before.
The travelers followed the light and rushed out of the carriage, the defense stretched out, and the monster was forced to reach at the same time.
Lian Chuan pulled up Ning Gu and jumped from above. The sharp vertebrae of Fukui 4 brought out a black (color) light and shadow. The torn monster was thrown behind him.
Surrounded by quiet darkness, Ning Gu counted silently, one, two... attack, defend...
It's time to retire.
He suddenly raised his eyes and saw a shadow swaying in the silence.
Is a traveler, a traveler surrounded by monsters.
"Rewind--" Ning Gu shouted and raised his hand violently.
When Lianchuan turned around, he saw three dark silver (color) scratches suddenly appear in the air.
Like someone waving a sharp blade, ez was shredded in an instant.
Ning Gu raised his hand again.
Three dark silver (color) flashed again.
The traveler stretched out his defense and began to retreat into the dark fog in the direction of the car.
The red light of the city guard's weapons also lighted up from all around.
Lianchuan slammed a foot through the red light, and a piece of debris exploded behind him.
Once again, he will be able to leave the range of the city guard weapon, and even if there is another chase, the speed of Senju four is enough to ensure that he takes Ning Gu to the nearest exit of the lost valley.
White light suddenly flashed over the front.
While Lianchuan judged that this was not a weapon attack, Chun San's projection screen appeared in the air.
Minister Chen's office.
Chunsan sat in a chair, and the weapons that had been activated by the two city guards were facing her.
You are a weapon.
You are a hyena.
You can't hear those hateful scoldings, nor can you see those desperate eyes.
You don't know who those people disappear under your gun.
They never existed...
When Chun San appeared in front of him with a smiling face, Lian Chuan suddenly discovered that he had ignored all the lines of defense that had been established only for a living for more than 20 years, and it was not indestructible.
Those memories that were pressed by (qiang qiang) in the deepest place, once turned over, still have (color) vivid colors.
Lianchuan knew he couldn't stop.
Everything that threatens my life is inevitable.
The wrong choice will not die, hesitate to die.
A beam of red (color) light hit the right shoulder of Sanjusi.
He shook Ning Gu's hand violently.
"You're going to live." Chun San said, his voice intermittent, but still clear.
How much does it cost? To survive?
When the second wave of red light shot at him, Ning Gu hurriedly raised his hand. The red light was cut into pieces by dark silver (color), but the legs of Sanjuku were still hit again.
"He still has feelings," Chen Fei looked at the screen, and there was a sudden sorrow in his voice. "I watched him grow up, but I never found it."
"Lianchuan!" Chunsan yelled at the front, "alive!"
These two words are extremely cruel to Lianchuan, with unavoidable pain throughout his life, but only these two words can make Lianchuan wake up from hesitation and live in his body. Instinct.
A blue light flashed across the screen suddenly.
Then there is a piece.
The image of Spring Three in the sky disappeared instantly in a dense blue (color) light.
"Shenju IV!" Ning Gu shouted, "You are going to die! Fight back!"
Lianchuan turned sharply and threw Ning Gu in the direction of the blue light, and then rushed to a section of the wall on the side of the road, smashing the city guard behind the wall.
"Arrive at the mission site," Lei Yu's a01 rushed into the city's firepower range for the first time. "Mission target, take away the four ginseng and Ninggu."
"Lianchuan is really a dormitory..." Long Biao followed him, grabbed Ning Gu, and threw him into the car next to Li Liang, "Take him to the Lost Valley!"
"Aunt Chun!" Li Liang asked.
"She's watching." Lei Yu raised his hand, wherever a blue light went, splashing countless debris.
For the first time, the weapons of the cleanup team turned on the destroy mode.
"I didn't look at the eyes?" Chen Fei turned his head to look at Chunsan. "Clean the team?"
"My husband," Chun San smiled at him. "Never let me down."
"Take her back to the room," Chen Fei waved, "help me connect the city guard accused officer."
Although the hyena is the most invisible team in the main city, it is because (dry gan) are all dirty work, equipment and personnel quality, is the most (strong qiang) in the main city.
When dozens of a01s rushed over the city guard, the fire net intertwined by the blue light pressed the city guard to the ground in almost a minute.
"Abandon weapons first!" Long Biao shouted, "Mute their guns first!"
Several a01s immediately approached and formed a triangle behind him, pressing forward.
"Shenju IV," Lei Yu's car hovered in front of Lianchuan. "Go to the Lost Valley."
"There are ten more travelers." Lian Chuan looked at him, and the vertebrae on his arms shone coldly.
"Leave it to us." Lei Yu said, "Chen Fei has seen Ning Gu's ability, don't let them intercept on the road."
Lianchuan rushed out towards the lost valley.
"Where are you going?" Ning Gu grabbed the open hyena's clothes. "I can help! Go back! Go back!"
"The cleanup team was all dispatched," said the hyena. "There is no one who can't be rescued."
"What's your name?" Ning Gu asked.
"Li Liang." Hyena answered.
"Li Liang! Go back!" Ning Gu shouted, "I still have companions!"
"They can save your companions!" Li Liang also shouted and answered.
Seeing a group of bats leaping from the roof in front under the leadership of a dozen black rings, Ning Gu was shocked. Lianchuan was right, and Jiuyi really stood on the side of the ghost town.
"Big Brother! Big Brother! Big Brother Black Ring!" Ning Gu roared, holding Li Liang's shoulders and shaking vigorously, "Bring the travelers into the main city!"
"Don't shake me!" Li Liang also shouted.
"Front!" Ning Gu turned his head to see the faint red light behind the front wall. He didn't think about it, and waved his arm fiercely over there.
He didn't know how he (tuo) was away from the death black state that awakened the four days of Senju, nor did he know how his attack ability came out, and he wasn't even sure if this could work.
But the red (color) behind the wall disappeared.
"Ninggu!" someone shouted.
When Ning Gu looked at it, he recognized at a glance that it was Fulu, a little bat beside Jiuyi.
Because Fulu's leg was trampled by him, he remembered it very clearly.
But Fu Luo, who was carrying a heavy machine gun, still seemed to shock him, fearing that Fu Luo's legs would be crushed by the gun.
"Remember!" Fu Lu shouted while running, "Half the main city!"
"It's nine wings!" Ning Gu roared.
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