Vol 2 Chapter 11:

After Bingling got out of the palace, she began to look out the imperial city little by little. However, after walking around the busy street, she suddenly realized that such a method of finding is not only like finding a needle in a haystack, but also a little bit like a rabbit.
The main reason is that it is too slow to walk like this. If she is a big Yancheng, how long will it take her to finish it. If the master really needs her help urgently, then when she slowly finds it, the day lily will be cold.
So she decided to change to a search method. Start the investigation one by one from the areas with relatively few people. She remembered the movies about kidnapping and extortion she had seen before. Most of the bad guys would hide their hostages in sparsely smoked places. Because it is too easy to be found in the downtown area.
Having made up his mind, Bingling chose to walk in places where no one could see anyone on the street. Then, she could also search for low altitude on the row upon row of rows of roofs without any consideration. After flying a few yams, she found nothing unusual. Just when she wanted to give up this search method and find another way. Suddenly, she heard the clanging of "swords and swords intersecting" from a street.
Without thinking too much, she swept towards the source of the sound. She fell on the roof on the side of the shaking field, where only she could see below, but it was difficult for the people below to find her. But when she looked down, her face immediately showed disappointment.
It turned out that two soldiers from the North Yan were fighting here. As the saying goes: When officers and soldiers fight, civilians suffer. Naturally she should be as far away as a civilian. But at the moment she turned and left, she suddenly heard a familiar voice yelling:
Quickly, kill them spies for the officer! Come on! ! "
Yes, this voice is a bit hoarse. However, she was certain that this person was the nagging guy who brought her into the Prince's Mansion last night. Now that she has acquaintances, she is taking a look! Suddenly looking back, she froze first, then stared in disbelief and wanted to take a closer look. She still didn't seem to believe it, she just lifted her veil and watched it again. God, those three were with backhands and wounded all over. They weren't the doctor Fu and Dongfang she was looking for. Who else?
She took a sigh of relief. It was so risky, she almost missed the chance to save them. The hand that put the veil on continuously beat the heart that was about to jump out. Immediately afterwards, there was an inexplicable heat flow in my heart, and the outlet spread out instantly, making every cell of her jump, and every capillary was swelling. Can't tell if it is the excitement of finding them, but the heartache of seeing them hurt? In short, she felt that her heart was about to burst out!
No, can't let it jump like this, she will save Shibo! She held tightly the beating heart with both hands, and then took deep breaths hard to suppress the excitement.
After adjusting his breathing, Bingling finally returned to normal thinking. Are the two players who are fighting underneath robbing them of the master? If so, is there anyone from Beitang among those two pairs? Even if there is the same question, she doesn't know where to go? Moreover, the possibility that both groups are purposeful bad guys cannot be ruled out?
Therefore, she wants to rescue them smoothly. You have to get all the two groups of people in an instant. Only in this way can we avoid the potential danger of being held hostage by someone with a knife holder. Hai% Tian@中+文 First published
The rescue plan has been worked out. It was originally a matter of putting dozens of people down in an instant, for Bing Ling, the descendant of Poison Fairy, it was just a piece of cake. But now she has to consider whether there are people from Beitang among the people below? Besides, the distance is too far, she can't be sure whether Shibo and the others are poisoned or seriously injured? In order not to hurt Wuxin and her dear master and friends, she dare not use poison casually. She took all the poisons and medicines she had on her body, including the spices in the sachet. Everything is filtered through my mind. In the end, she selected several, and now prepared a powder that can make people suffer from headaches temporarily. When a gust of wind passed, she threw the powder out.
Then wait! hurry up! It hurts soon! With her hands folded, the anxious prayer time in her heart can pass faster.
It is said that the waiting time is the slowest, which is not wrong at all. In just five minutes, Bingling felt as if he had waited for five days, as long as May. Of course, she didn’t know what it would be like if people waited for her for five years.
at last! I heard the wailing of Yincai again. But this time the cry was extremely stern, followed by a large swath of ouch! Ouch! "The miserable howl and the flat touch, the sound of metal weapons landing, overwhelmed, and the sky was constantly shaking. The dozens of people who were struggling to fight, abandoned their weapons in an instant, and all of them hugged their heads and howled. Spectacular! What a thrilling and horrifying thing!
Unfortunately, no one now appreciates this tragic and miserable picture.
Bingling saw the right time and flew down to the side of the Shangguan genius doctor. Shake the medicinal oil that can relieve pain at lightning speed on their temples that are already bulging with pain. Then he didn't wait for him to recover. At the same speed, she tapped acupuncture points for all the officers and soldiers, holding them in place. Then they rubbed medicated oil one by one to relieve the pain.
This kind of headache is pure neuralgia, and the pain will be eliminated naturally after half an hour. Will not leave sequelae to people. However, the previous question is to be able to endure the pain for half an hour. For the average person, if the pain lasts for ten minutes, they may hit the wall with their head. If the pain continues, it does not rule out the possibility of finding a knife to chop off his head. Bingling only wanted to stop them, so she gave them an antidote.
Suddenly a severe headache, the masked girl who appeared suddenly, was acupuncture suddenly, and the head pain suddenly disappeared. All this happened so quickly that everyone couldn't turn the corner. They whose bodies were frozen, now even their minds are frozen. One by one stared at the blue girl who relieved their pain in front of them.
The strangest thing is that there are three psychiatrists and apprentices, they obviously haven't been acupuncture. It was the first to be relieved of pain. But they are also staring at Bingling in a daze like everyone else. There were more surprises, shocks, inquiries, confusion, etc. in those eyes than the others, many, many, unpredictable and unspeakable expressions.
Until Bingling detoxified everyone. Feishen rushed to them, and called the sound teacher Bo! Does your injury matter?
The stunned genius doctor Shangguan suddenly trembled, and suddenly asked in a cold voice.
What do you call me? "
Uh! "Now it's Bingling's turn to be stunned. Isn't he her master? Did she admit the wrong person? She is sure the master has never spoken to her in such a merciless tone! She suddenly looked up and looked at the other two people. Nothing. Dongfang Thirteen is still the cool thirteen, except for the bruises on his face. It hasn't changed at all.
Looking at Dongfang Mingxu again, she was startled again. Because he also happened to look at her. The gaze was scorching hot. But the star-like eyes are full of mist in the hands, and they are constantly condensing, it seems that if they are not careful, they will pour out, and then flood. Seeing Bingling's heart tensed, she blurted out unconsciously:
No, Xiao Dongfang, don't cry! "
Puff! "Dongfang Mingxu laughed, and then the water in his eyes poured out. I don't know if it was because of excitement or to cover up his tears, Dongfang Mingxu actually fell into Bing'er like a child who had found a long-apart mother. In her arms, her hands tightly held her slender waist, and rubbed the snot, tears and wet blood on her new soft clothes.
After Bing Ling was taken aback for a moment, he couldn't help but stretched out his hands around his back, patted his back gently as if soothing a child, allowing him to abuse her clothes wantonly.
At this time, the genius doctor of Shangguan on the other side suddenly asked excitedly as if he had just woke up from a nightmare.
Binger! Is that you? "Although it was the same sentence that was definitely affirmed, and then before Bingling answered, he hugged Bingling and Dongfang Mingxu, who was retreating in Bingling's arms.
Ok! master! it's me. Sorry, Binger is late! ! Bingling nodded vigorously, and at the same time hugged them tightly. The three hugged tightly together, and their hearts melted together instantly, like a family who loved each other.
Princess Binger! You are really a princess! "And Thirteen, who reacted a little slow, finally recovered and exclaimed excitedly. He wanted to join them in their embrace, but he only took a step and immediately wailed: "Ouch!
The three let go at the same time, turned their heads together, and asked in shock:
what happened? "
No, nothing! Thirteen bent over with both hands to cover his thighs gurgling out with blood. Gritted his teeth and replied.
Before he could finish his words, Bingling had already tapped the acupuncture points around his wound. The blood stopped immediately. Then she quickly took out the wound medicine and bandage from the pocket that she carried with her and quickly did a simple treatment for him. Finally raised his head and gave him a blank look, and said sternly:
You said it was okay. Do you think it’s okay so you don’t even need to tap the acupoints? Do you know that if the blood continues to shed, your legs will be scrapped in half an hour. Don't think that with my master, the genius doctor, you can take your body improperly. You have to figure out that Shi Bo is a genius doctor but not a god! "
Dongfang Thirteen and the genius doctor stared at each other by Bing Ling's harsh words, and did not respond for a long time.
After Bingling finished speaking, he angrily pulled his wrist to get his pulse. To check him for any serious internal wounds suddenly, Bingling asked in astonishment:
Where is your inner strength? Why can't I find it? "
Binger, you finally know the problem! Think about it, if Thirteen had internal strength to tap acupuncture points to stop bleeding, would there be any reason for these rude and incompetent guys to withdraw to us? "
Yeah! Why didn't she expect it? With the skill of the teacher and prisoner, all these people add up, and so many more are not his opponents! Thinking of this, she turned around abruptly. Holding the pulse of the genius doctor in one hand, and the pulse wrist of Dongfang Mingxu with the other. After a while, she saw her body tremble violently, and the fingers on the wrists of the two of them shook with ice.
This is the first time she has panicked since she studied medicine. Because she could feel that their internal strength was suppressed by something, she couldn't detect it. But she couldn't find the toxin that could inhibit internal force in their bodies. In other words, she can't relieve them of concubines! This feeling is terrible!
The genius doctor Shangguan and Dongfang Mingxu both saw Bingling's fear, and at the same time they put their other hand on the back of Bingling's hand. Hold her hands tightly. The genius doctor Shangguan explained quietly:
Don't worry about Binger, it's only temporary! It's the nine days of dissipating power. "
Yes, it will be all right in more than an hour. "Dongfang Mingxu also said.
Nine Days Huagong San? No wonder I can't find the toxin. Bingling breathed a sigh of relief. However, the clothes on his back were already wet with cold sweat.
Yes indeed! Jiu Ri Hua Gong San is non-toxic in itself. That's why we didn't pay attention. "Shangguan genius doctor said gently, holding Bingling's hand.
Then you were kept by them for at least nine days? Bing Ling asked again in surprise. There is no need to answer, because the facts are right in front of her. Her eyes suddenly became cold, and two sharp gazes were like two sharp swords at those who were looking at them in surprise. The performing guards swept away.
Who is the one who hurt you? "The tone is the same as the expression in the eyes, colder than the ice on the snow-capped mountains.
The genius doctor Shangguan and Dongfang Thirteen stared at Bingling with unbelievable eyes, and at the same time thought of heartache: God! So Binger's gaze? Those words really came from Binger. ? When did Binger have such a cold expression? His Binger has always been as plain as water! Binger was so calm and indifferent when she was abused by her master!
What happened to Binger in the past five years? What made her so cold?
It's just that they didn't know that this was Bingling's nature. Bingling has always been a person with a distinct love and hatred. Of course it's not that they don't know her enough. It was that she had never met anyone who could really make her angry and hate her.
One of the reasons why she would accept the abuse of Shangguan Shiniang was because everything was voluntary. The second is because she knows that Madam is actually not bad in nature. When she tortured her, she was torturing herself at the same time.
Just as when she faced the evil queen who killed her beauty in the Qinglong Palace, she quietly used the Beitang master and apprentice to expose the evil queen’s conspiracy and urged the Qinglong emperor (her beauty mother’s favorite , Is also the initiator of the whole thing.) Use the poison "Beauty Weeping", which was made by the evil queen and used to poison her and her mother, to embrace her mother. Such an arrangement would definitely comfort the soul of the beautiful lady's mother than after she killed the evil with her own hands.
And now the person facing her is the same as the evil queen, the same enemy that makes her angry and hates her. They dared to use her name to hurt her closest relatives and friends in this world. Then, they should be prepared to endure the blow and pain in the morning.
Even the genius doctor and Dongfang Mingxu were stunned by the stern expressions of Bingling, let alone the guards who had been scanned by Bingling. The guards just learned their identities from the conversation between their master and apprentice. It turns out that they are not spies at all, but genius doctors and mentors of Dongqi Prince. No wonder Mr. Hani Hani was so bitter.
What surprised them the most was that the girl in blue who fell from the sky and relieved them of headaches turned out to be the princess of the genius who was proclaimed by the king of Dongqi for five years. And they almost killed the genius doctor just now! Thinking of this, the guards couldn't help but began to tremble. The princess of the genius doctor again received cold eyes and cold questions. Suddenly panic and anxiety were pierced in their eyes.
Only Dongfang Thirteen admired Binger's current expression very much. In his mind, Princess Binger has always been a witty, quick-witted, powerful, sentimental and righteous woman with clear grievances. Although she did not know martial arts at all at that time. However, that does not obliterate her chivalrous nature. And now she just coincided with the tall image of Princess Binger in his heart. He excitedly said contemptuously towards the culprit of the crime
Huh! It is him, Lord Hani, he is the mastermind of this. "
Following the guidance of Thirteen, Bing Ling was startled. Is it him again? Isn't this person the one who took him to the Prince's Mansion last night? The conversation between him and the man named Wang Ye flashed through his mind suddenly. Bingling immediately understood what was going on. She walked slowly to Hani's side, patted his acupuncture points hard, and asked faintly:
Master Hani, you use my name to trap my master. What is the purpose?
The indifferent tone of voice did conceal a suffocating suffocating aura, which made people shudder with a chilling sense of horror than the cold tone just now.
Hani couldn't help but shuddered, and subconsciously he turned around and wanted to escape. But the body only turned halfway, and he suddenly felt that his legs seemed to be no longer his own. Instinctively lowered his head, his eyes could not touch the toes, his head had already followed the posture, and he fell straight towards the ground. After a pop, a piece of dust floated in the air.
After a while, the dead pig-like person on the ground moved. He raised his head as reflected by the spare parts, and opened his mouth to mourn. But the mouth just opened, and the syllables didn't have time to come out. A black fly-shaped thing flew into the mouth. He didn't have time to react, the thing had already entered his stomach down his throat. Vomit, vomit, he retched desperately, trying to vomit. But there was another creepy voice in the ear:
No need to vomit, the thing has entered your stomach, it will slowly eat up the contents of your stomach, and then eat your stomach, your liver, your spleen, and then your lungs, and finally It's your heart, basically, when you eat your heart, you can be free. "
OMG! This is the legendary goddess doctor? But is the heart of the genius doctor so cruel? Except Dongfang Thirteen, everyone present was shocked by Bingling's usual gossip. Including the genius doctor Shangguan and Dongfang Mingxu, the two of them were shocked and heartbroken.
But don't get me wrong. Of course they can't feel heartache for those lying on the ground. They were heartbroken for the Bing'er who was kind in addition to being kind in their hearts. So far they are more certain that Binger must have been subjected to some particularly serious abuse in the past five years. Otherwise, her personality cannot become so" so... so unacceptable
They really don't want to use the word "cruel" on Bing'er. They can't even think about it.
Binger! "Shangguan genius doctor shouted guiltily.
Bing Ling suddenly turned around and asked:
What happened to the master? "
The voice is so sweet and gentle, and the eyes are so soft and amiable. It's not a bit cold,
Correct! This is my Binger! "The genius doctor Shangguan blurted out excitedly.
The co-author master only recognizes Binger now? Bingling asked deliberately angrily.
Although the voice was cold, it was the feeling that the little girl was showing off to the adults. Can't find a frightening smell.
Everyone was shocked again, God, is this the one who made them shudder just now?
They can't help but wonder if they read it wrong or heard it wrong? Or hallucinations. Because they can't believe that someone can express two completely different personalities so naturally in a flash. In a flash, he can use the same mouth and the same eyes to speak to different people, two extreme words and eyes. Singers are so fast!
But no one would think she was acting. Because her true expression is in her gaze language, and even more from her heart, when she faces a wicked person, her stern chill emanates from her whole body. When she turned to face her relatives, the warmth and care were also invisible. Is such a person still called a human? Isn't she a genius doctor, or can she be called a god? Everyone wondered in a daze.
Forgive me! The genius doctor for mercy! "Suddenly a husky and trembling voice came from the horror of seeing death, interrupting everyone's reverie. Everyone turned their eyes to Hani who was speaking on the ground in unison. I saw that he seemed to have only recalled Bingling's words now. Come.
This person's reaction is really not ordinary delay! She is going to get rid of some poison that works faster, and it is estimated that he can go to see the king without knowing it. Bingling glanced at the people on the ground indifferently. Said lightly
While that thing is eating the leftovers in your stomach, you can answer a few questions first. If I am satisfied, I can summon that thing for you. "
Yes, yes, just ask the goddess doctor. Small, the villain must know everything and talk endlessly. "Hearing that there is no need to be turned into an empty shell, the people on the ground immediately slammed their heads on the ground, and said excitedly. It seemed that the contents of his belly were not put in by Bingling, and Bingling was purely his life-saving Like a benefactor.
Where did you meet last night? "Bingling asked coldly. Bingling knew that if he wanted him to directly identify the person behind the scenes, it would undoubtedly take his life. If Yue didn't say that it was all a death, then he would definitely not be betrayed by his master. Because that would not only He is dying and his family will not survive.
Sure enough, as Bingling expected, Hani immediately replied honestly as soon as she heard that she had the same topic as an irrelevant one.
The villain first went to see the Lord Yuansizhen, then went to see the prince, and then went to meet the prince
Humph, Yuansi Town, wait for the Lord Lord! Bingling cried secretly in her heart. She then asked
Why did you kill each other just now? "
They pretended to be a dark eagle and wanted to take away the criminals. "
What is Dark Eagle? "
Dark Eagle is the Anbu of Zhili of the Prince. "
, What credentials do they have? "
They have a golden order engraved with a goshawk on one side and a spar on the other. "Hai% Tian@中+文 First published
Bingling's question is getting simpler and simpler, and Hani's answer is getting smoother.
Bingling stood up and turned her head, his gaze coincided with the team leader. From his eyes, she saw that he was the one with that brand. She walked beside him, tapped lightly, and unlocked his hole. Without waiting for her question, the man already offered a sign with the big palm in both hands. And introduced himself:
Xiao Ming, the captain of the villain dark eagle, has seen the goddess doctor! I waited out on the order of the prince to find the genius doctor and Prince Dongqi. Never pretend to inflict harm! "
Bingling kept staring into his eyes, unable to see that he was panicking. She took the brand, exactly as Hani described it, with a golden goshawk on one side and a shiny amethyst on the other.
Looking at the Crystal Bingling above, I thought of Beitang's Crystal Palace. I think he must think that those crystals are too wasteful to shop in the house, so he will find it such a use for him.
Xiao Ming, right? Bingling put the token back into his hand, and confirmed lightly.
Yes! "Xiao Ming replied refreshingly.
Can you find me a carriage and take me and my master to the Prince's Mansion? Bingling asked politely, and then seemed worried about being rejected, she added: "Look, my master and prince have lost their internal strength and are covered in wounds. It is really inconvenient to walk. "
Bingling's tone was quite polite. She was so polite that not only did she stand upside down on her own hair, but her chicken skin fell to the ground. Even obedient people feel uncomfortable. The genius doctor and Dongfang who knew her knew her because she never asked for help. That's why I was so polite to Xiao Ming.
But the others were different. They only saw her cold and tough, and they also saw her gentle and amiable side. Now I see her embarrassed side again. Unconsciously, I can feel that she is so different just by listening to the voice of the goddess doctor. If you can see the face under her veil at the same time, then "No more!
Goddess doctor, you don’t need to be polite to the prince. You are the prince’s younger sister who has been looking for five years. The villain will naturally send several distinguished guests to the prince’s mansion. "
Oh! Really, "You also know that they have been looking for me for five years?" Bingling asked a little bit.
People all over the continent know this! "Xiao Ming replied. Then he pointed to his subordinates and said: Ask the goddess doctor to solve the acupoints for them, some of them are the people of the villain."
Oh! Bingling replied ~EbookFREE.me~ and danced in the air casually, only to hear "swish, a few times." Those who were determined have already moved.
Everyone was stunned again. This is the legendary technique of tapping acupuncture points in the empty space.
After being stunned, the genius doctor Shangguan couldn’t help asking:
Binger! Did you go to Dongnae? "
Well, I have been there for the past five years. "Bing Ling nodded and responded. Seeing Shangguan's genius doctor, her expression was very strange. She said again: ‘Teacher Bo, let’s go back and talk more about it! Let’s solve the matter here first."
Yes, yes, yes, end here first. The goddess doctor’s questions are all over, right? The poison in that villain's body? "Hani answered hurriedly.
Bingling glanced back at the people on the ground coldly, and replied faintly.
You can keep that thing with things, so that you have enough food in your stomach. Then it's okay. "
Hanina's Zhangmu, which was controlled by two thin silver needles, suddenly opened his eyes and almost rolled out.
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