Chapter 365: Eat whatever you want to get stronger, like it most

The strength of the dragon was gone, and the spare ingredients were also anxious. Russell was distressed and threw Frodo aside unhappyly, dominating the last nightmare.
He was heartless and heartless, sorrow came fast and quickly, and saw the crowd eating gray behind the nightmare, especially the dwarf Jin Li was half-tired, spit foam in his mouth, and his depressed mood suddenly improved a lot.
When you are sad, singing a love song will only make you sadder. Only when you see other unlucky eggs, will your mood be cloudy and cloudy.
"Russell, what did you just see?"
Stopping for repairs again, Gandalf came to Russell. He was indeed the leader of the mage. The dwarf warrior was about to run and break his leg. He was still breathing and his face was warming up.
Russell frowned. "I saw Sauron's eyes, and Sauron, the dark shadow that condenses, it should be him."
Gandalf secretly said that Russell saw Sauron, which means that Sauron also saw him. The whereabouts of the ring guard team were exposed, and they could not continue on the original planned route.
Gandalf groaned for a moment, with a decision in his heart, and continued to ask, "Did Sauron tell you?"
"Speaking, he asked me to take the Supreme Lord of the Rings to Mordor, and gave me the power of the dragon ..." I'm about to agree. Somehow, lard has lost his heart and rejected Sauron's kindness. Now thinking about it, my heart is like a knife cut, so I regret it! "
Gandalf: (◣ 灬 ◢)
Let me tell you, the last Ravendale Valley meeting, if I hadn't stopped you, you'd already been killed, I would regret it now!
"Our course of action is exposed. Sauron will definitely set a lot of levels in order to regain the Lord of the Rings. The dark forces cannot operate during the day, but the strong orc army of White Robe Saruman is not afraid. This will be the biggest in our trip. Obstacle, "Gandalf said.
"so what should I do now?"
"I can only go to the Moriah mine!" The plan to sneak into the village failed, and the enemy was surrounded by the enemy. Gandalf had no choice but to change lanes.
The crowd changed their direction, no longer climbing the Daxue Mountain, heading south along the Misty Mountains, passing through the Moria mine pit below, and finally reaching the Luohan Pass.
Moria is the largest underground city in the northwest of the Middle-earth continent. It contains a huge network of tunnels, houses, mines and halls. It has been the residence of the descendants of Turin for thousands of years.
The dwarf has a strong ability to dig holes. The tunnel network cuts through the highest mountain ‘Mount Carranras’, with endless steps built from the bottom to the top of the mountain.
The Ring Guard Squad simply crosses the endless steps to reach this highest peak and arrive at the next shelter, Rothlorian Forest, where the mighty magic queen Kailan Trier lives.
Before dark, everyone rushed to the Moriya pit and went up the stairs to the mountainside.
A deep lake lingers in front of you, and may be affected by the veins of the lake. The water in the lake is as dark as ink, and the clouds are covering the top, the lake looks quiet and strange.
Behind the lake, the steep peaks rise vertically, apparently cut by dwarves. Gandalf came to the center of the two green trees, groped for a moment on the wall, and found the entrance to the Moriya pit.
"The gate of Isiltin, only reflects the light of the stars and moons ..." Gandalf frowned, and quickly relieved: "This is the institution set by the dwarf, and a secret sign is required to enter the door. We wait here for a while, when the clouds disappear , You can see the puzzle. "
The voice had just fallen, the clouds of the sky drifted away quietly, a ray of quiet moonlight fell, and the gate of Isildin lit up immediately, and Gandalf also saw the puzzle set by the dwarf.
Gandalf with one hand on his hips, secretly told his face innocently, and read the puzzle: "The door of Turin, the Lord of Moria, speak to friends, and then enter ... too easy!"
As a learned wise man, Gandalf felt that the door was insulting his IQ, raised his staff against the gate of Isiltin, and read a long spell in his mouth.
Full of joy, he waited for the door to open, but for a long time passed, and the gate of Isiltin remained motionless. Gandalf frowned, changed several spells in a row, and spoke almost all the dwarves he knew. Isildin's Gate did not respond at all.
"It's weird, it shouldn't be like this ..." Gandalf took off the wizard hat and turned and said, "You wait first, this door is not that simple, remember not to provoke the lake ..."
After turning around, Gandalf froze, and there was no one around him. Four people froze the pot to make a fire. Russell stood by the lake and directed. Aragon, Boromo and others went down to catch the eight-claw monster.
Gandalf: "..."
Feelings I just been talking to the air?
"Aragorn, Poromo, Gimli, the three of you are fighting, be careful not to let the octopus run away. Legolas, you and I support remotely, don't hit the grass and start a snake, and wait for it to attack. "Russell clapped his hands and said loudly," Guys, it's up to everyone's performance to see if we can add a meal tonight. "
"Oh oh oh!!!"
"Everyone is working together to get the supper in minutes. Remember, we are an expeditionary team and we must fight together!"
"Oh oh oh!!!"
Gandalf: "..."
With an inexplicable chest pain, Gandalf wanted to catch this group of people one by one and ask them why they were here?
Also, when did he, as the leader of the Guard Squad, get suspended?
"Hoo, ho, not angry, not angry!"
Humming for a while, Gandalf sat silently cross-legged. As a mature Maia, I have never seen any bad things, and I don't need to be angry about such small things.
Rumble ------
The water splashed, the low roar sounded, and the surface of the lake boiled instantly. The giant tentacles of seven or eight burst out of the water and rolled towards the three of Aragon.
A sharp long sword swept across, and a cricket-shaped tentacle cut off at the sound. The broken limb fell into the water and twisted and beat, spraying a thick black sap.
The octopus in the lake is obviously a mutant species, with thorns on the tentacles, and the position of the tip is changed into a palm with a suction cup. The scalp is numb.
How long is it good?
The octopus appeared, and Aragorn, Poromo, and Jinli sang loudly. They were all battle-hardened elites. With the three men joining forces, they quickly cut off five or six tentacles ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ boom! !! !!
The octopus was in pain, the huge body protruded out of the water, and under the terrible face, the blood basin roared, and the rolling lake water rolled into a big wave, rushing towards the three men.
"Legolas, kill it!"
Russell's voice just started, the elven prince shot three arrows in succession, a layer of white light was attached to the sword's tip, two arrows penetrated the eyes of the octopus, and the last one pierced its large mouth.
The octopus sent a painful sorrow and was surrounded by the three of Aragon with a sneer and laughter. A turbulent sword and a large axe were cut into sashimi slices, ending the brief life of its lake overlord.
"Add a meal! Add a meal !!!"
Poromo, the son of the Regent, cheered, apparently a arduous journey, but he was fat. Among the crowd, except for Frodo, his strength was at the bottom, and his wrists were abused by Master Gandalf. He was so ashamed that he secretly vowed to catch up.
How to catch it?
Of course, if you eat it, you can become stronger if you eat it. He likes it!
In this regard, Aragon, Legolas and Gimli all agreed, but there is one point to make a special statement. Unlike the Hobbit's desire for appetite, they eat and drink in order to become stronger.
Becoming stronger comes at a cost, and they pay huge sacrifices, such as weight.
The elven prince has developed in a round direction. Jinli was originally a short ball, and now it is more ball. Aragorn is also in a dilemma. He raised his neck and lowered his chin.
The people sat in a circle around the bonfire, each holding a small bowl, and saw Gandalf's liver ache for a while. Are these people really enlightened?
"Can't let them go on like this, ease makes people fall, it will lower their vigilance ..." Gandalf sighed, letting him bear all the consequences of sin!
Thinking of this, I squeezed in with a bowl.
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