Chapter 46: Confirm identity and sort out clues

Prosperous town!
A mining town located in Arizona, compared with Arizona's capital Phoenix, and the world-famous Colorado Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam, the prosperity and fart are not negligible.
The small town is located in the desert, about two hours' drive from the nearest big city. At present, there are more than 300 households in the town, with a total population of less than one thousand.
A large amount of youthfulness is lost, and the town's population is seriously aging, which is the apparent cause of the depression in the town. Digging deeper is a problem in the economic lifeline of the town.
Wurong Town is a mining town with a history of only a few decades. At first there was only a mine here, and it became a town because of the needs of miners.
From the name of the town, you can see that because of the mining boom here, there is no inexhaustible veins in the world, so the town of Prosperity naturally started to go downhill.
Uh ...
Russell walked around the town on a motorcycle. Do not look at the small population of the town, but the area is really not small. If it is walking, it will take at least a whole day to visit the town.
He learned a lot of information about the town through the relocation advertisement posted on the roadside. He had little memory about the 'eight-footed monster' in his mind, and the background setting of the town was even more difficult to talk about. Now he needs to listen and read more. .
I walked around the town, barely familiar with the terrain, Russell drove home along the house number.
Family address is clearly written on the driver ’s license book. Russell originally thought his family was ordinary, but according to the house number, he found that his family conditions were good, not only good, but also rich.
A three-story single-family villa with a large yard in front of it and a green tree garden.
Russell took out his driver ’s license and confirmed that it was indeed his own home, so he parked the motorcycle in the garage. He did n’t want to be killed by his owner when he broke into the private area.
His worries were doomed to be superfluous. As he walked to the three-story building, a small black-and-white magic bucket bounced out of the dog door and jumped around his feet.
"Dog obediently, what's your name ... Oh, I almost forgot, you are a real dog, not a sand sculpture system." Russell held Fa Dou in his arms, and the latter barked a few times, trying to reach his neck and him. Close.
The door of the house was unlocked. This is good news, because Russell did not have the key, but it was also bad news, because Russell has a legal identity but has no memory. He does not know how to meet the people who are about to appear.
"Smelly boy, you still know how to come back, you haven't seen people all day, have you gone out to drag the car again?"
I was probably in the kitchen room, and an old woman walked out, wearing an apron and holding a cigarette in her mouth. The old woman had a fashionable look, and she was wearing curls and makeup. The lilac eyeshadow showed that she was not old, at least she was still young.
Russell is a little bit old, the old woman is white, he is a yellow race, what is his fate to make them a family?
I wonder ...
His identity is a mixed race?
Doesn't look like it!
Russell did not know what to call the other person, frowned, hung out a headache, walked directly to the old woman's mouth to remove the cigarette, annihilated in the ashtray.
"At your age, it is better to smoke less, even for yourself."
He said, Russell went to the second floor with Fadou. According to common sense, his bedroom should be on the second floor.
The old lady was very dissatisfied and said to Russell's back: "Shit, you should call me Aunt Gladys!"
"Okay, Aunt Gladys!"
"I'm going to eat soon, don't go upstairs."
"Keep my share, I'll eat it later."
Listening to the response from the second floor, the old woman Gladys shook her head and said to herself: "The rebellious kid is really annoying, this child is becoming more and more impolite!"
Russell searched on the second floor, but did not find his own room. When he could not do anything, Fadou helped him a lot, barking against the ceiling. It turned out that his room was on the third floor, and he needed to pull down the ladder to go to the attic.
The room was a bit messy, and the clothes to be changed were littered. There was a musty smell common in the boys' dormitory in the air, and the source was the stinky socks near the corner.
Russell pushed open the window to keep the air in the room ventilated. By the way, he cleaned it up, and the poisonous gas source was thrown into the garbage bag.
The attic, which is less than 20 square meters, is divided into separate toilets, and the rest is divided up by bookcases, wardrobes, single beds, and computer tables, slightly crowded.
Russell turned on an old computer with a big butt, and it took a long time to boot up. He didn't find the information he wanted in the folder, and got up and flipped in the bookcase. Fortunately, with five diaries, he gradually learned his identity through fragmented records.
First, Gladys had no blood relationship with him. His biological father and mother were of Chinese descent, and the workers at the McCormack mine died during his young age.
Mr. McCormack, the owner of the mine, adopted him. McCormack died six months ago. Before his death, he asked his sister Gladys to take care of him.
Gladys has no children under her knees. She has been raising Russell all these years. Russell has settled here for a long time. Even the law fight named 'Bruce' was named by Russell.
According to the diary, Russell liked to watch Batman comics during that time ...
Alas, this is the worst time Batman has been hacked!
Russell put down his diary, and there was still a little bit of embarrassment in his mind, because his family had a mine, even if it was an adopted child, he also had some inheritance rights. Part of it is because Mr. McCormack has an engineer son and left home for a big city ten years ago.
Russell's ambiguous memory was aroused, if not mistaken, the hero of the plot is the engineer who has been away from home for ten years, the mustache.
The fleeting memory was fleeting, and Russell was afraid of forgetting, and immediately wrote the scattered fragments in the diary. Although it is unknown at this time what the world mission is, it can never be revolved around, because the monster movie originally belongs to the spider theme.
The origin of the story, which is the cause of the spider's collective mutation, comes from unknown chemicals on a transport vehicle.
Russell wrote down the words 坷 金 坷 ラ in his diary. Considering that the spiders were growing as if they were taking hormones, there was no problem in naming them 坷 金 坷 ラ.
Yeah, that's the gold jiaola that was scrambled by Africa and neon!
Jinkela! Spiderman! Cave! shopping center!
Russell wrote down a few keywords and relied on the piecemeal memories in his mind to try to sort out the complete plot.
It's a pity that he watched this movie at first, mainly watching the big-breasted girl Ashley.
I ’m not simply liking this actor, but greedy for her beauty ... 呸, to the contrary, I ’m not greedy for her beauty, but simply like this actor!
Now let him sort out the complete plot, it is a bit embarrassing to him, but a few keywords are enough.
In a monster-themed movie, the finale is either the monster kills humans or the humans kill monsters. The end of the eight-footed monster is that the spider was killed by the detonation mine. Russell believes that his world mission should also be to destroy the spider ~ ~ Otherwise, it is to protect someone from the spider attack.
"Russell, your dinner is in the kitchen. Remember to brush the plates."
好的 "Okay, Aunt Gladys, I'll take a bath."
Russell closed the diary and decided to go to the mine tomorrow to take a look at the spider farmer. There is also a shopping mall. Of course, Ashley's line can't be broken, the world mission is likely to be triggered from the male and female protagonists, the male protagonist has not returned yet, and the female sheriff is most likely.
Russell pushed open the closet, wanted to get clean and change clothes, but found an M9 pistol in the closet. In the Assassin's League world, the item card M9 came out, he thought about locking it in the nightstand.
After waiting for Russell to take a bath and go downstairs, Fadou was already lying in his nest and snoring. Gladys was sitting in the living room while reading the newspaper and listening to the radio.
Russell sat opposite Gladys with dinner. The radio was full of intriguing gossips, mixed with unspeakable swear words and black slang, and the announcer had no logic what to say.
Russell kindly said: "Aunt Gladys, you are not suitable to listen to these at your age. Believe me, you should change some classical music to listen, both to cultivate sentiment and keep your mentality young."
Gladys put down the newspaper and glanced at Russell with a squint: "Boy, do you have any opinion on my age?"
"Okay, my fault!" Russell shrugged. "I just think ... he's talking nonsense, don't you think so?"
不 "No, you haven't experienced society. There are many things you don't understand. The announcer seems crazy, but satirizes the reality. I think he knows a lot of inside information."
Russell: "..."
as long as you are happy!
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