Chapter 465: Times have changed

The monsters rushed up and showed with actual actions that it didn't matter whether they could walk or not, and their stomachs were not full.
Russell glanced over, instilling magic into the Sand Eagle and Tenjin, and the magic light blade extended more than ten meters.
The blue light and shadow flickered, and the sharp sword energy crossed back and forth twice in the hall. Suddenly, the monsters were standing still and their bodies were broken into several sections along the neat tangent line.
Stained blood was flowing, limbs were screaming, screaming mixed with screaming, a scene of hell.
The fatal weakness of the monsters is the heart, and the vitality of the vampire is extremely tenacious, and the broken limb can heal in a short time.
Russell continued to pull the trigger, and all the bottles on the wine cabinet were burst. The ring of water Naya flashed, and the alcohol turned into fine rain, floating in the enclosed space.
While a group of monsters hadn't gotten up yet, Russell waved his light blade, cleared a road, and pushed in the door of the staff channel.
The moment he closed the door, he tilted his head and spit on the ground, splashing out the arc-filled white light.
Crackling! !!
Sparks ignited alcohol, and carpets, sofas and other objects easily burned flames. Immediately, flammable decorations such as walls and ceilings were ignited, and the spread of the hall became a sea of ​​fire. The instant high heat caused the air to expand violently.
Rumble ------
A violent explosion flooded every corner of the bar lobby, and the roaring flames rushed open the door. Russell's head did not go back, and he looked at the camera above the corner.
In the monitoring room, the gorgeously dressed man had looked silly, the wine glass was stuck to his mouth, and the scarlet liquid poured directly on his thigh.
"Shit, where the is this monster!"
When the man came to his senses, he yelled, grabbed the little boy who was operating the computer, and screamed angrily, "You said that he was a non-staff and had no fighting power. What happened just now, he killed everyone!"
The younger brother was already stunned, stuttering: "I don't know, but ... Boss, that's what it says on the file."
The man's eyes glowed cold, his pupils turned blue, and two blood-sucking fangs showed in his slightly opened mouth: "That guy deceived us, he concealed important information, ..."
"Boss, that monster is approaching us, what should we do?"
The younger brother pointed at the monitoring screen. Under the lens, the two silver-white double guns were amazingly destructive. Russell killed the Quartet as if he had hung up. Neither the vampire nor the lower-level ugly monster could stop him.
The man looked at the picture, his pupils narrowed: "You try to stop him. I went to the elder, and the source of the information made a serious mistake. This is a conspiracy against us."
After speaking, the man pressed the red button under the console, the electronic equipment in the room flashed sparks, all scrapped into broken copper and iron. He picked up the two pistols on the table, put them in his back, pushed the door of the monitoring room, and trot all the way.
The little brothers looked at each other silently, fantasizing about Russell's post-off mission, taking a nap, and rushing out to chase after the leaving man.
"Boss, wait for us ..."
"You have important information at hand and you need our protection!"
Huh! Huh!嘭
Russell stepped on the concrete floor, with two guns held in front of his chest, fast-fire penetrating bullets and high-strength destructive bullets switched back and forth, killing monsters rushing out of the corridor.
Permanent skills that are systematically evaluated as gunfighting, two guns wield like arms, like a part of the body, without any stagnation as they want.
The ugly monster's attack power is worthless. After transformation, the IQ is insufficient, and it is completely a cannon fodder role. The performance of the vampires is remarkable. Even without close combat, they can judge that their speed, strength and neural response are far beyond ordinary people.
However, although the response is fast, it is a fingertip slower than Russell. Often the vampire's muzzle is raised and killed by the pouring headshot.
Therefore, from beginning to end, this group of people did not form a decent counterattack. This was a unilateral slaughter.
Huh! Huh! Huh!嘭
After killing the last few vampires, Russell shook off the overheated barrel, his eyes were blue, and he searched for the fish that leaked the net.
The sound of shattered glass sounded, and outside the window at the end of the corridor, several dark shadows fell one by one. Russell rushed to the window, and in the parking lot, a group of eight rushed into three black cars and started the engine to run.
Russell raised the sand eagle and filled it with high-strength magic bullets. When he was about to pull the trigger, he pushed down the muzzle, broke a window with a gun butt, and jumped off the fifth floor.
In the parking lot, the two cars left first, and the ignition system of the last car went wrong. The white man in the driver's seat twisted the key several times and failed to start the car.
This picture is very common in movies. Generally speaking, when chased by villains, they will come out like this one!
As for whether the car can be successfully launched, it has nothing to do with character. It depends on who is sitting in the car. If it is a male and female protagonist, he will successfully get out on the occasion.
If it is a dragon cover without even a name, it will be more tragic. At the moment when the engine starts, it will be grabbed by the villain and pulled out of the car.
The white man successfully started the car under the roar of his companion. When he smiled to escape, a fist smashed the car window, grabbed his neck, and banged.
Russell dragged the white vampire out of the driver's seat. Sand Eagle pointed at the other two in the car and said coldly, "I count to three, get out ..."
The holy white and the noble golden color shine, the sand eagle is gorgeous in shape, the gun body is covered with mysterious and delicate texture, and the sharp blade under the muzzle is cold and radiant.
"1 ... 2 ..."
The two men were pointed at the gun, hurriedly pushed the door and ran out.
On the ground ~ ~ The vampire with a twisted neck has a lingering heart, and the three of them look at each other, looking at the taillights of the car, smirking, they are alive.
Huh! Huh! Huh!
The three headless corpses twitched between their hands and feet.
Shortly after Russell left, two military explosion-proof vehicles parked on a dark alley, the big iron gate near the trash can.
Two heavily armed special operations teams rushed down the explosion-proof vehicle. The dark tactical equipment wrapped the whole body tightly, from helmets to vests and gas masks.
They were armed with assault rifles and other weapons, with ammunition hanging around their waists, and stood in accordance with tactics, blocking the iron gates against the wall.
On the roof, four snipers occupied the secret commanding heights and contacted through headsets.
"Group A is in place!"
"Group C is in place, make sure there are no abnormalities!"
"Group D is in place, there is an abnormal situation in the parking lot, and the bodies of three vampires are found ..."
Outside the gate, a heavily armed strong man bombed a plastic bomb, smashing the closed door lock, and a special squad rushed in.
Two minutes later, the group rushed into the bar lobby, looking at the devastated ruins and the scorched corpses, all stunned on the spot.
"Fcuk, who did this, too ... too TM beautiful!"
Ten minutes later, the floors were cleared one by one, and the special operations team found nothing, and they could only see the body everywhere.
In the parking lot, the captain responsible for the operation inspected the three corpses and looked at the scattered glass shards, thoughtfully.
A fully-armed player came over and shook his head slightly: "Bishop Ian, the monitoring equipment was destroyed, and we could not find a clue."
"Close up!"
That's right, this squad is the church secret combat unit that Russell Hu has been through. Don't be surprised by their weaponry. Times have changed ...
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