Chapter 470: Where people are

Russell with a slender blade has an advantage in strength, and Amelia holding a knight's epee has the upper hand in speed. It may be more reasonable to reverse the advantages of the two.
Pros and cons are two people's affairs. Only after comparing them and knowing them after playing, Russell and Amelia have played against each other several times, and they chose to use their strengths to avoid weaknesses. The oppressive rhythm makes the battle more favorable.
Gradually, the rhythm on the battlefield began to grow weird, with speed faster and slower, and strength stronger and weaker.
But in the eyes of the onlookers, there is no difference from before!
The battle is still fierce, and the speed is so fast that it is difficult to capture with the naked eye. Only when there is a short gap between the arms of the two sides can the two people stand dead.
The air was smashed and smashed by the blade of the sword, the sword gas was scattered, and a cut was carved on the ground. The four guards retreated.
Russell couldn't stand Amelia's rhythm, she was one step slower, she was full of power and had nowhere to vent. She looked at Amelia, who was getting more and more excited, and her eyes were stunned in the dark fog.
It's impossible to use a card. Amelia is just a little faster, and it's not worth wasting a card on her.
Moreover, he is a magician, not just melee ...
Russell's fighting style changed again. He blocked the epee and swept away, pulled back, raised his gun and pulled the trigger, blocking Amelia's pursuit.
Amelia wielded her sword and swept away the rain, her figure slowed down involuntarily, but this time was enough for Russell to play.
The electric current surged in the black robe, and Amelia remembered the thunder wolves before her, and immediately guarded, with the knight sword in front of her, ready to go.
Unexpectedly, the silver wolf did not appear, Russell's figure suddenly accelerated, leaving a phantom in place, a lightning-struck sword.
The two blades intersect, followed by strong wind pressure that accompanies the swinging of the blades.
Amelia's long hair was blown by the wind, her body stepped back uncontrollably, her eyes flashed with surprise again.
Russell is faster and more powerful!
Thunder stimulates nerves and muscles to make them more active. It is a little trick in battle, but the explosive power between them is very considerable, at least it can disrupt the enemy's rhythm.
Sand eagle · Tianjin was taken into the space ring. Russell held the Edman alloy knife with both hands and chopped it down. The sword air swept through the torn air and pulled out the sharp waves, like the enlarged blade with the same handle. Chopped down.
Inevitably, Amelia gritted her teeth, raised her sword in both hands to meet, and cut off the sword, her body was suppressed by Pei Ran, and she fell to her knees on one knee.
The attack is not over yet!
Russell held the knife in both hands, slamming it down one after the other, and suppressed Amelia's inability to move, so there was no room for speed advantage.
boom! boom! boom----
The fighting style mutated into simple and rude, Russell struck Amelia again and again like holding a sledgehammer. The latter was under heavy pressure, his hands could not bend slowly, the ground under his feet was trampled and crushed, and the cracks expanded and spread a little under the impact.
At this time, Amelia, like her younger brother, began to doubt Russell's race. The black robe covering his face obviously did not want to reveal his true face.
Could this guy be a vampire or someone I know?
But who would this fighting style be?
Amelaya struggled to stop the next heavy blow, and her blue eyes locked Russell in an attempt to find some clues.
Outside the battlefield, the four guards were not well-faced, and Amelia was suppressed. Although they did not understand why the battle that had just been evenly matched was a sudden change, they realized that they couldn't look silly and had to do something.
The male vampire pulled out the short dagger on the lower back, and the three beauties were armed with a sleeve sword and stepped onto the battlefield at the same time. The speed of the ghostly figure mentioned the limit, bypassed Amelia, and launched a siege on Russell from various angles.
Some people think that the elders are slightly inferior, but they are different!
"Asshole, hurry back down ..." Amelia snapped sharply, and the unbeaten strong who could fight her, the subordinate vampire went to death.
Han Guang converged into his eyes, Russell still maintained the position of waving heavy chops, and a strong thunder broke out suddenly under the black robe.
The current sweeps and spreads, the jumping arc turns into a high-heat steel knife, cuts the cement floor into pieces, and then pulls the wire to remove the cocoons.
Rumble! !!
The ground was thundered and turned into a white circle. The sleeve sword and dagger around Russell's body were burned to red. The four vampires were roasted into black charcoal by electric current. From their trembling body, they can now be rescued in the hospital a bit.
Jianguang swept across, and four heads rose into the sky.
Russell took the knife and stood, and the headless corpse collapsed and fell. He shook the dirty black blood on the sword, held a sand eagle in his hand, and smiled slightly at Amelia.
The dark fog covered the face, the other party couldn't see it at all, and smiled for nothing.
The four guards died, and Amelia frowned. Saviour's heart was commendable, but she couldn't tell the difference in strength. There was no point in death ... To be honest, she was a little disappointed.
It took a century to cultivate the elite warrior ~ ~ Only this point of view is not worth entrusting a heavy task.
The vampire clan has a power transfer every one hundred years, in order to prevent the three elders from competing for power, leading to the division of the vampire clan.
But this does not completely eliminate the struggle for rights. There are rivers and lakes where people are, and vampires are no exception.
Each of the three elders has its own faction. On the surface, everyone laughs. The mainland is more fierce than anyone else. They will not take the shot themselves, but they will let their subordinates fight for power.
For example, Amelia, the home base of the vampires is in Europe, and the specific point is London, England. Before the last elder fell asleep, the power of London was completely consolidated. Her people could not intervene before they came to the US to open a new territory.
This is probably the mind of the three elders. The earth is so big that three people are more than enough. You run your power, I run my site, and wait for it to saturate one day before I start to redistribute.
Amelia is doing a good job in Los Angeles. Many elites are willing to become immortal vampires, and she has also used the power of human scientists to create a ugly monster that looks like a vampire but has an ugly appearance.
But now, her plan is about to change, and several subordinates who have high hopes are very useless. She died before she even fell asleep.
Then choose a few suitable people in power. The first thing that Amelia thinks of is that the politicians on the human side have all the mental and mechanical means, that is, the strength is too poor. If they are assassinated, they will definitely not survive.
By that time, she had to put her century-old efforts to nothing, and the next elder would be freed.
The right person ...
"You are not human!"
Amelia stared at Russell: "Tell me, what exactly are you, a vampire, werewolf, or something else?"
Russell: "..."
What's going on, why do I feel like you want to seduce me?
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