Chapter 504: Whether a person is outstanding does not depend on how much ability he has

Marika swung down her claws and caught Amelia's gorgeous face. The woman's face is half of the woman's life. If this claw is firm, it is equivalent to the woman's life.
You can see it in my heart!
I wonder if it was a coincidence, or for other reasons, Amelia pierced her sword and aimed at the face, Marika's face.
The sharp claws and long swords staggered in the air. The two menacing women refused to take a step back, their eyes met with sneer.
Idiot, I'm a vampire! X2
The flesh flew over, Amelia was scratched with five claw marks on her side, and Maryka's face was also torn by Jian Qi, and two beautiful faces were destroyed at the same time.
Maryka was so proud, because of the serious lack of information, she didn't wait for the scream she wanted to hear, but a strong sword full of strength.
Invasion of Jian Jianfeng, scarlet flowers bloomed, and Maryka covered her trachea, her body wobbled back two steps. The cheeky face looked in amazement at the beauty of Amelia's fast healing. She noticed the same kind of breath and concluded that Amelia was also a dark creature.
You are a dark creature, so don't do anything wrong, except what kind of magic!
"Stupid, it's not just you who can heal yourself!"
Hearing Amelia's sarcasm, Marika felt that IQ was being humiliated, and immediately became furious, her claws flew, and she wanted to tear Amelia's mouth and face.
米 Amelia's eyes turned into a dark black, and instantly entered the mixed blood state. She also chose to hit her face, with a sword in her hand, and chopped her head over and over again.
Seemingly thrilling battle, removing sound and light special effects, is actually two women tearing. Obviously they met for the first time without saying a few words, but they were able to tear open suddenly, so that the two men watching the battle could not understand.
西 Lucian thought the vampire was poisonous, and Russell nodded secretly. He was relieved when he saw so many lay people in the society.
Russell is very self-aware, with a low IQ and average force, and does not play any conspiracy. Walking in the heavens and the world, he has been relied on by his peers.
He hopes that the more sand sculptures in the world, the better, all sand sculptures are better, because whether a person is outstanding does not depend on his ability, but is based on the fact that most people are stupid than him.
Stupid is a bit stupid, but women fight really well ...
Russell looked dignified, watching the two female vampires fighting intently, and had begun to tear his clothes.
Uh ...
Outside the castle, Princess Anna, armed with a gun and a sword, soaked holy water in front of the church, and vowed to fight the attackers to save the tragic fate of the Willis family.
Her are not big, and her brain is not very good, but this can't blame her, because Russell entered in advance, her brother Viken did not sacrifice the sky, far less calm than in the original.
"Anna! Where are you?"
Hearing the elder brother Viken's shout, Anna was about to talk back, and suddenly heard a low growl, immediately alert to the sound, and clenched the pistol with silver bullets.
Anna held her breath and prepared for an ambush, and the werewolf also seemed to find her. A dull growl uttered in her throat, and she dared not come forward.
What the wolves were afraid of was not silver bullets, but the man behind Anna. Fan Haixin walked pacing ten meters apart. The brim is lowered, revealing hawkish sharp eyes, and the killing is extremely deterrent, warning the werewolves not to act lightly.
The werewolf did not act lightly, his limbs fell to the ground, his eyes locked on Fan Haixin, and he kept roaring to warn him not to approach.
But Anna acted lightly, and realized that the werewolf was afraid, and decided to kill it with a rush, stood up from behind the obstacle, pulled the trigger, and shot all the silver bullets in one breath.
Huh! Huh! Huh!嘭
Anna's appearance caused the tense werewolf to be thrown out instantly, her chest and arms were shot, the pain spurred the ferociousness of the beast, and she opened her mouth and rushed towards Anna.
The same scene was performed again. This time, the person who saved Anna's life was replaced by Fan Haixin.
He stepped out, grabbing Anna's waist, slipping and moving sideways, a chic turn turned Anna out of the danger zone, while holding up the long sword in his hand, standing up in front of the werewolf.
The blood was dripping all over the sky, and the werewolf hit the blade of the sword and was divided into two from the beginning to the end, dying from the momentum brought by himself.
The background is a tragic werewolf. The blood petals of the enemy are usually scattered, and Anna is embraced by his strong arms. In the sight, Fan Haixin raises his sword and raises his sword.
According to the suspension bridge theory, when a person is extremely stressed, his heart rate will increase, and his adrenaline secretion will increase, which will easily affect the opposite and lead to higher house prices.
Fan Haixin did not know the theory of the suspension bridge, but looking at Anna with crimson cheeks, it was estimated that it was the hero who saved the beauty and made the other person like him.
He was proud of his heart, but his face did not show up. He tightened his arms to make Anna's pectoral muscles closer to his strong chest, bowed his head slightly, and his eyes were cold: "Princess Anna, don't be impulsive, you are so dangerous ..."
Anna ran away, Van Helsing covered her palms, and shook her head, sighing, "It's really hard for a woman to do it. I'll leave it alone."
After saying this, Fan Haixin suddenly realized the heavy murderous spirit behind him, and quickly turned around and jumped away. I don't know when, Wilken came behind him.
I patronized the competition for the pectoral muscles, but I didn't notice it when I touched it. Fan Haixin secretly said that the beauty is not harmful, and I will be determined next time ...
The two grandfathers had big eyes and small eyes, Fan Haixin was inexplicably guilty, and Viken was gasping with anger, his eyes were red like a bullfight.
Things that don't need money are really unreliable. I thought it was a gift, but ended up hooking up with his sister. Where is the need for money, this is clearly sky-high price, to steal his world!
威 "Wilken, what do you think I do? The battle is over and the werewolf is dead."
"No, there is a werewolf here!"
Uh ...
In the castle, the battle between the two female vampires has ended. The final winner is Amelia. The vampire bride Marika is beheaded by a sword, following her companions.
Russell watched the battle while comparing the combat effectiveness of Amelia and Marika. Speed, strength, agility and other aspects were basically the same. Amelia's ability to win depends on two aspects.
First, the environment, the indoor space is not spacious enough, and Maryka's Batwings are not useful ~ ~ A waste of powerful power. The second is the weapon. Maryka's nails are well done and maintained for years as sharp as a knife, but it is still a half worse than the real sword.
米 Amelia opened the victory, but with such contempt, she bowed back to Russell: "Sir, I have killed the enemy."
Russell thought she was intentional. The position of the black leather under the collarbone was torn by Marika, and she slightly bent over her career line.
Russell knew that Amelia wanted to go to heaven through a back door, and seeing that the business line did have the capital to go to heaven, but he couldn't hit Heaven with eight poles, and forcibly opening it couldn't help her.
After the battle ended, the crowds returned, and the atmosphere between Fan Haixin and the brothers and sisters of Viking was dignified. All three frowned and said nothing.
Russell only cared about his own vampire bride mouse, did not notice their strangeness, and looked at the seven Serena who returned empty-handed, blinking a little puzzled.
"What about the captives?"
Hey, what about captives?
Selina looked at Michael, Michael looked at Selena, and finally looked at Russell blankly. Three vampire brides, kill one and two left. The problem is, everyone thinks so!
Russell: "..."
Where is the sand sculpture?
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