Chapter 766: 1 day to conquer the ocean

Ohm is dead!
Russell confirmed it by hand and did go.
Even if he is still alive, a man who can survive five minutes of poison and immobility still has Russell's admiration for his tenacity.
So he expressed very much that the deceased was big, and the grudges between him and Om were cancelled, and while it was still hot, he pulled out the thick funeral as soon as possible.
Seeing that the grievances and disputes were resolved, Om Han laughed at Jiuquan, and he had a wonderful magic power in himself, and his body couldn't help showing a smile.
Since then, Atlantis has no more ohms, but it is not clear whether there will be Ram or Rem in the future.
深 In the depths of the ocean, Atlantis sinks back to the bottom of the ocean, the people of the ocean are shocked, and they run to find the truth, one after the other, and the disaster ends.
It was learned that the root cause of the disaster was that King Ohm provoked the sea ... Hehe, provoking the adult, it led to the coming of divine punishment. Atlantis was implicated. The people all exclaimed that it was the adult. On the one hand, he strongly condemned King Ohm, saying that the king who had caused the disaster to the country was not the king.
At this moment, two exciting good news came out.
First, Queen Atlana, who used to sacrifice the trenches, did not die, and has returned to the palace.
Twenty-two is the Queen's eldest son Arthur, who has received the approval of the Holy Trident. He killed the guilty sinner Om on the spot, and obtained the understanding of the adult, and the disaster was calmed down.
The people shouted: Ohm is dead, Arthur is standing!
A family cannot be without a master for a day, and a country cannot be without a king for a day!
In accordance with this principle, Arthur held the sacred trident, took over the banner of Atlantis, and led the nation to move forward while Ohm's body was still cold.
According to the practice of the Kingdom of the Seas, after Arthur became king, he could not continue to call his original name. As a tribute, he must add a 'King' to his name, so he became King Arthur!
Russell: "..."
This is why he would rather go to the backcountry to be the 'King Russell' of the trenches, rather than let Arthur go ahead and participate in the king's meeting as the protagonist.
Everyone else thought that Russell was pretending to be playful. The truth was only he knew. He was afraid of hearing the name ‘King Arthur’ and could n’t help but laugh out of the box.
As we all know, King Arthur is only 1.6 meters tall, weighs less than 90 pounds, and his chest is not enough for A. He is a big sword with a calm world.
And Arthur ...
The tiger bears his back, his body is full of meat, his beard is longer than his hair, a smile can stop the child from crying, and his smile is full of pleats. Such an ugly product is called ‘King Arthur’. Who can stand it.
"King Arthur, today ’s meeting of the Four Kingdoms, I ’ve confirmed that you ’ve joined the Allies in the name of the King of the Murlocs. Because you hold the Holy Trident, I support you to become the leader of the Allies. If you want to rebuild the Atlantis Empire, fish The human kingdom is also willing to surrender. "
Ju Ruiku did not hesitate to show his attitude, starting today, Arthur is his boss, no one can stop him.
I don't blame Ruiku for having no restraint. There is a big guy staring at him next to him. If he dares to hesitate, he immediately turns into a sashimi and comes to the table.
Xi Ruiku is not afraid of death. The fish is inherent once, and it is amazing to turn the white belly and practice backstroke.
But he couldn't learn the unwise Aum. He caused trouble to the country and involved the country, so although he was unwilling, he had to counsel for the country and the people.
In fact, Rikuben wanted to hold Russell's thigh, but was dismissed by the boss with an ugly refusal. He could only retreat and chose to hold Arthur's thigh.
Although this leg is thinner and has more hair, it can't be a big brother's younger brother, and it's not bad to be a big brother's younger brother.
Arthur nodded when he heard the words, Raku ’s choice was in his expectation. As long as he was not a fool, he knew what to choose at this time.
Is Riku a fool?
肯定 That's certainly not true, there are not many smarter people present than him!
At this time, Nereus began to say, "King Arthur, my attitude has been expressed before, and now I repeat it again. On behalf of the Zebel kingdom, Nereus announced that I would join the Atlantis Union. In the future, Zebel The Kingdom is willing to become a vassal of the Atlantis Empire and proud of all Arthur's orders. "
"King Nereus is profoundly righteous, there must be many mistakes when I first ascend the throne, and I hope you will give more guidance in the future." For Laozhangren, he must not have an attitude toward Riku.
"King Arthur is polite and can't talk about it."
Janet Roose's eyes were complicated. It was no surprise that Arthur, who was nothing before, was his leader and son-in-law.
My son-in-law said that the son-in-law was really rough and had a large beard. At first glance, he was older than him.
I changed my fiance when my daughter turned around. From my brother to my brother, Nereus didn't have much opinion about political marriage. He just looked at his identity but not his person.
Chanelius was still a little reconciled. According to rumors, all the animals that came out of the mountain were animals. Then why ... was the necklace of Mae La not white, or was the adult cut off by his own brother?
Russell sneezed and looked suspiciously. Which secretly boasted of his handsomeness behind his back?
I have the ability to say in person that although he doesn't like it, he won't blame him.
After the two countries went through the process, they spoke to Russell, saying briefly: "King Russell of the trench tribe joined the allies, supported the reorganization of the Atlantis Empire, and led the nation to join unconditionally!"
"King Russell is so conspiracy-oriented and considers the overall situation ... (5,000 words are omitted here) ... It makes me feel ashamed and ashamed." Ruiku quickly sent a continuous rainbow fart, and the fish lips were almost familiar.
Janet Rouse glared at Riku. All the words he could think of were used by Riku, but he said it wouldn't work. It was said that he gritted his teeth and made up two thousand words, and he just added a paragraph.
Russell nodded, there was no sorrow or joy on his face, it was all truth, there was nothing to be proud of.
At this time, Arthur's adviser Vico stepped forward and bowed to salute and said, "Kings, the former Atlantis Empire was divided into seven, two of them were completely lost, and four of the remaining five countries have formed an alliance. And willing to rebuild the empire ... "
"Under Imperial law, when more than half of the nations agree, other nations will not have the right to veto. So King Arthur, what are you going to do with the non-disciplined saltwater nation?"
For the Four Nations Alliance, Arthur now has the power to declare war on land, but he will not do so, and he cannot say that Russell Pass, he alone does not have such crazy ideas.
He is willing to be king because he can peacefully resolve the forthcoming war between the sea and the land, and use the power of the entire sea to protect the common homeland of the earth's creatures from the invasion of alien forces.
Of course, Mae La also occupies a small part of the reason. There are not many, just a fingertip gap.
Arthur was not a solitary person. He discussed with Nerous, Riku, and Russell, and finally decided to send a brackish nation to force the other party to join the alliance by force.
This is the fastest way to solve the problem. Russell believes that in the territory of the saltwater nations, there will be a repeat of the incident in Atlantis. The saltwater nations will cry and call for membership.
After all, I want to live well if I can live!
The army does not need to send too much. It is mainly based on the Haigou tribe. The remaining three countries can be as casual as possible.
Their main task is to return to their respective countries, gather troops and strategic logistics as quickly as possible, and respond to the upcoming apocalypse invasion.
Uh ...
The Muhaigou clan did not need to carry materials, and they ate all the way, like locusts crossing the border. There was no resistance in any form under the opening of the legendary sea monster Carason.
Russell saw that it was still some time before he arrived in the saltwater country. He rose to the water and entered the bat fighter. The communicator contacted Bruce. The situation on his side changed.
"Bruce, something went wrong with my plan!"
Bruce chuckled sneerly: "You want to wipe out all the nations of the ocean, and the time is still so tight, it will definitely cause problems. Tell me how much trouble you have caused, and I will see if there is any remedy possible."
"It's not trouble, it's a deviation in planning time."
"It takes ten days and a half months?"
"Quite the opposite!"
Russell solemnly said: "It was originally planned to conquer the ocean in one and a half days and dominate the underwater world. I never thought that because the plan was too smooth, I might complete it half a day in advance."
Bruce: "..."
"It's so lucky to say ~ ~ When I went to Atlantis, two kings of the undersea kingdom made a friendly visit there, and they all gave me a pot."
Russell pinched his chin: "Now the army is under pressure, heading straight for the last kingdom. At that time, the five kings will gather forces and start with tens of millions of soldiers. Do you think these people should be on the East Coast or on the West Coast?"
"It's okay, don't hesitate. I'm a good mix in the ocean, basically speaking the same. As long as I speak, no one dares to say a word, hey, everything that dares to say is dead."
"You know, this is also no way out. I am not good at solving problems. I am only good at solving people who ask questions. Now no one in the ocean has a problem!"
Russell said with a hard temper that he had a big face: "Just tell me, where are these tens of millions of troops stationed? Or ... I'd like to surround Gotham Gang, how about it?"
Bruce secretly covered his heart and conquered the ocean for a day. No one dared to question it.
"Bruce, why don't you speak?"
"Beep ... beep ..."
"Hey Hey hey----"
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