Vol 4 Chapter 1053: miracle

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Inside the apartment room.
Han Dong chose to sit in the corner, while Mary Tissy leaned against Han Dong in a'toad squatting' posture.
As the offspring of the [Fourth Primitive], the black goat's body is wrapped in a bedding and sits in the middle of the bed due to an irrepressible breath problem.
Moreover, even in the anthropomorphic state, her feet still retain the characteristics of sheep's hooves, and the effect is temporarily unknown.
The male alien with the "horror hunter" is standing by the bed all the way, like a mating partner and an ordinary friend.
After a brief introduction, I learned.
The real name of the black goat offspring is [Sally Love Hoof].
And this horror hunter from the rift of Kadas is named [Camber. Wings of Terror].
Through the gap of the conversation, Han Dong also quickly inquired about the "Ancestral Stele and the Ten Primitives" from the earl. This concept made Han Dong very interested.
The ten major protoplasms are arranged from front to back, in order:
The first element-the crown (Kether)
The Second Element-Wisdom (Chhokmah)
The Third Element-Understanding (Binah)
The Fourth Element-Chesed
The Fifth Nature-Awe (Geburah)
The sixth original quality-beauty (Tiphareth)
The seventh original quality-victory (Netsah)
The Eighth Original Quality-Honor (Hod)
The ninth protoplasm-base plate (Yesod)
Tenth Primitive-Kingdom (Malkuth)
The above correspond to the ancestor body directly recognized by the old kings. All of them are absolute elites in the alien monsters. They all have the potential to touch and incarnate myths, and even some of them show the potential of [king]. .
The so-called "primitive game" Han Dong also wanted to have in-depth contact afterwards.
The conversation in the apartment room continued.
Both Sally and Campbell proceeded to the City of London in compliance with their respective will of the old king.
As for how the two met and why they walked together, they didn't talk about... and the real purpose of sneaking into the City of London seemed to be concealed. It was not just to investigate [Vortex Cult].
When talking about the "infiltration method," Han Dong's remarks once again aroused contradictions.
The horrible hook reappeared, and Campbell asked vigilantly: "What? Did you come in through the ritual of the whirlpool religion? Then your crystal core has been assimilated?"
Han Dong explained patiently:
"No...because of some of my "characteristics", this substance can't affect my core.
Rest assured, I am not a spy, otherwise you would have been arrested long ago.
Didn’t you come in by studying the "Initiation Ceremony Book"? "
Campbell was not at all relieved, part of his original state was revealed. The two wings of horror were propped up under the cloak, sealing the entire room...
It is different from the wings in the conventional concept.
The horrible wings grow against the wall, and even reflect the faces of indescribable monsters.
Seeing this scene, Han Dong not only was not afraid, but smiled and sighed: "So strong!"
At this time, Sally wrapped in the quilt uttered for the first time, and a very charming and full of magnetic voice slowly came from under the black veil:
"Camber, he didn't lie.
He should not belong to the orthodox aliens, but a mixture of humans and aliens, and "human components" account for a large proportion... The development system seems to come from the space of destiny, rather than the system of our aliens.
Because of this, it is not affected by the whirlpool. "
"Is that so? I'm just worried..." Campbell immediately froze, and quickly retracted his horror wings.
Han Dong was also abruptly shocked, a little creepy because of this sentence.
The other party actually saw his identity at a glance.
Due to Sally's interruption, Campbell's speech also became calm, briefly talking about the method of infiltration of the two of them:
"We captured an official instructor through Miss Sally's fascination and led us into this parallel world.
Not long ago.
We have obtained the status of "branch teacher" of [Thorn Ascetic Society] through special means, and this apartment is also assigned by the Ascetic Society. "
The relevant introduction is almost done, and Han Dong went straight to the subject and threw three words.
When Han Dong asked this question, the atmosphere became weird.
The bedding that was originally wrapped in Sally suddenly appeared on the head of Han Dong and instantly enveloped it.
In a blink of an eye.
Han Dong is already standing in a weird swamp, which is full of female-like trees.
Streams of viscous liquid that symbolizes "fertility" constantly flowed out of the "privacy" of these trees, forming this swamp.
There are countless babies bred at the bottom of the swamp, and the touch of the baby's back is the touch of the baby's back.
Han Dong suddenly turned around.
Sally was already standing behind him, and the black sheep's hooves stepped on the water were very conspicuous.
"The physical realm! Could it be that... you did it on purpose from the beginning?
Deliberately leaked a breath when we passed the apartment and led us up.
Pretending to be unable to control his own breath and covering it with a quilt, it actually relies on the quilt to nurture the realm in secret, so as to drag me in. "
Under the black veil, a rare smile overflowed, and a heart-shaped tongue was faintly squirming in the dark mouth.
"You are really smart, so it's no wonder that you can hide in the parallel world here through the "regular channels." "
Immediately afterwards, with one arm resting on Han Dong's shoulder, UU Read www.uukanshu.com Sally deliberately moved closer to her face and continued:
"You are also very special. Since we met, I have exerted [three] charms on you... with little effect."
Han Dong was not nervous at all, and asked, "Could it be that you exerted a charming influence on [Campbell]?"
"No, Campbell is still very powerful, able to perceive and resist my charm to a certain extent... He is just following me.
Moreover, some of his abilities can fill my shortcomings.
After all, this incident involved the fundamental interests of several of our "primitives." It is also a good thing to have one more helper. "
Han Dong was suddenly startled, "There are other "primitives"? "
Sally nodded, "Except for me, at least three Primitives have all been arranged by their old kings to arrive in London...with their abilities, they can certainly sneak in.
With this in mind, I am also willing to cooperate.
However, before cooperating, I have to understand what exactly you are? The blood is just a cover for you... I have been observing you for a long time, and I can barely read out the human attributes.
But your head is always blocked by a thick fog. "
Han Dong showed a crazy smile on his face and said without stepping back: "This involves "personal privacy". If I answer, can I ask Miss Sally to answer one of my doubts.
If it doesn't work, then I won't cooperate and I'll do it myself. "
"What do you want to know?"
"You and others, with great risks, what is the ultimate purpose of sneaking into the City of London?"
Who knows, Miss Sally didn't mean to hide it at all.
Without waiting for Han Dong to tell his essence, he gave the answer directly.
"[Miracles]...Didn't you come for this?
The physical miracles that appeared in the City of London are of great help to us [construct mythology]. "
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