Vol 6 Chapter 1169: PhD

"My Cell Prison (
What can be called "special" by Pope must be truly special.
Moreover, until now, Pope still hasn’t been able to determine what kind of strange monster Dr. Swelling belongs to, perhaps a hybrid, but the "brain wave intensity" that Dr. Pope feels in his brain is much higher than the power of the same level.
of course.
Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved.
Han Dong also immediately lifted the alarm.
However, Father Dark Night was also very surprised when he heard that Han Dong's two'special guests' were found.
Especially for [Popper] showed unusual concern.
This young stranger known as the "Book of Wisdom" is not only unique as the second element, but he also has a very important meaning.
The priest also hereby brought a passage to Han Dong:
"Although it is unlikely that there will be a major danger in the City of London.
But there is also a slight possibility. If there is a special event, you must ensure the safety of [Pop] and notify us as much as possible. 』
As for the reason, the priest did not explain.
Han Dong estimated that it might have something to do with the characteristics of Pop, which has a characteristic of ‘causing trouble’.
【Goring Hotel】
As an iconic hotel in the original London city, it has been retained after the takeover of the alien, and it is also one of the most upscale hotels in the city of London.
There is no need for Han Dong to show his bishop status.
Because of his special status, Pope can enjoy the best treatment in any city. He was personally received by the hotel manager and arranged the most high-end private room for him just by showing a key-shaped badge.
"We have kept the recipes left over by the original humans. Do we need to try it?"
"Yes, give it a try... Also, if there is nothing wrong, I don't want to leave it alone."
"We will use short-distance delivery to serve dishes. During the period, we will use "Night Seal-Ⅱ" to block all private rooms. "
"Ah, very good."
The next conversation will involve many privacy issues.
Therefore, wait until the food is ready.
Pope snapped his fingers softly.
The collision of the fingertips releases a kind of shining particles similar to stardust. When the particle concentration in the compartment reaches a certain threshold... Whoosh!
The private room was stripped out separately, forming a temporary independent space.
This is the first time that Han Dong has seen such a method, and his evaluation of Pope is also rising...Such a spatial method is far more brilliant than setting a barrier.
"The taste of your human food is really good. No wonder [Gray Senior] often lives in human cities as an avatar."
Pope said something like this at the dinner table.
Han Dong also responded politely: "If you have the opportunity, you can come to the holy city as a guest, and I will take you to eat authentic human cuisine."
"Okay! However, this will not pass until some things are negotiated.
In your human city, as far as I know, strong men equivalent to the lower old king have been born. It is very dangerous to treat me as an enemy.
Closer to home, I am curious how the connection between Nicholas and [Void] was formed?
Even if you have the "imitation" of the gray predecessors, there must be a corresponding ‘template’ provided by the void creature, right? "
Han Dong did not deny, "As you said, I obtained the void ability through "imitation", and the template is not an alien monster, but a life in the space of destiny. "
"Huh? That's the case, I said that you can't see any connection with the void in your body...The world catastrophe occurs, and in order to fill the loopholes in the world membrane, many void lives are also involved in different dimensions.
It seems that Destiny has also mastered the ability of [Void]... In other words, is it a strange monster that provides you with a template? "
Han Dong successively stated some of the characteristics of Dean Richard: "Almost, although the essence is destiny life, it has been able to express the tentacles, the emptiness and even the high life through sacrifice."
"In this way, destiny has reached a very deep level in the study of "different demons".
What an unpleasant topic... We still don't talk about it in depth.
Since you have indirect contact with the void in this way, there is a chance in the future that I hope you can take time to visit the void, which will be of great help to you.
I believe the teacher will guide you, if I have time, I can also lead you. "
Next, when the topic turned, Pope looked at Dr. Swollen, who was sitting next to Han Dong, whose brain was constantly shrinking due to tension.
"What is the origin of this doctor?
The exposed features of his brain resemble a higher-level brain-like Mi-Go, but other features can’t match...In my induction, the doctor’s brainwave intensity exceeds the average of the same order More than ten times. "
Han Dong replied first: "Dr. Swelling was brought out by me from the original Stuart Manor. The manor belongs to a small title deed under [M.O.]."
"Huh? The small land deed corresponding to the Ghoul King... is it the lord?"
"No, the chief scientist belonging to the original lord is responsible for cooperating with the mother to nurture ghouls. After the manor was taken over by me, the doctor followed me."
"That's weird... Such a low-level ghoul can never give birth to such a brain-like monster, even if it is infected with the clockwork virus of [M.O.], it will not reach this level.
If I guessed correctly, this doctor should be able to advance quickly, right? "
Speaking of this.
Popper didn't hinder his original identity at all, and took the initiative to stand up and shake hands with Dr. Swelling.
Currently, such a friendly handshake has another important purpose-to determine the essence of the doctor through physical contact.
When the two shake hands.
The doctor's nervousness from the first contact with the original substance was slowly relieved and adapted to the current situation.
Pope frowned after the handshake, and there seemed to be some more questions:
"Sure enough, the core brain is closely related to [Migo], but the physical body is a mixture of advanced ghouls and certain creatures... I would take the liberty to ask, are you an "exile" in a mixed city? But there is no mark of exile on you. "
Han Dong did not interfere with the question and answer here.
Because Han Dong himself is also very curious about the origin of the doctor. After all, the amazing scientific talent shown by the doctor is UU reading www.uukānshu. Com does not match the identity of a ghoul at all.
The doctor whose nervousness was relieved replied by himself:
"Master Huiyuan, in fact, I have been pursuing the problem of'hometown' myself.
When my consciousness was formed, it already existed on the outskirts of Gain Forest-Stuart Manor. At that time, I was just a newborn brain and was picked up by the housekeeper in the manor.
When I realized my existence, some broken glass containers were scattered around the lawn. "
"Gain Forest...broken container.
In this case, your origin should be the "hybrid embryos" circulating in the [black market]. When looted by a certain organization and passing through the Gain Forest, you were chased and accidentally dropped.
Your body is only the brain.
Your physical body should have been installed for you by the lord at the time after being picked up back to the Ghoul Manor.
"Mixed embryos" mixed with Migo are very expensive, even priceless, and you seem to have some unknown characteristics... It is a miracle to live up to now.
You know, if your brain attributes are exposed at that time, I am afraid that a large number of returning ancestors will attack your manor. "
At this time.
Pope showed a smile and continued: "Nicholas, your sub-city is basically in the final stage... I don't know if I can sell the doctor to me as an assistant at a high price, and I can help him with his brain.
If you can’t sell it, you can lease it to me for a period of time. "
This sentence was just finished.
Han Dong took Dr. Swollen into his arms, still scratching his face with the tentacles on the surface of his brain.
"Doctor is my "love", it doesn't belong to the master-servant relationship... Mr. Pope can't win the love."
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