Vol 6 Chapter 1321: 4 to 1

"The text on the surface of this giant crime monument is generating a very subtle spatial sensation... but it's not like a space portal.
Mary, can you perceive what this is? 』
Considering that the first element will come into contact with humans in advance, Han Dong also brought Marites in his body in the form of a "battery."
In case of emergency, Green can be forced to take away.
Mary Tiss, who is essentially empty toad, is naturally better than Han Dong in the understanding of space.
"I don't understand the text above.
But judging from the spatial fluctuation of the fixed flat rate, it should be a kind of coordinate stone for spatial positioning.
When it comes to dimensionality, the space coordinate system will become very complicated. Nicholas, you should also know... We want to transmit to an area, often need to go to this area in advance, or know some information about the area, or have connections Things.
To transfer across planes, advance positioning is necessary.
However, this is the first time I have seen such a large "coordinate stone".
This should be used for ultra-long-distance, multi-dimensional spatial positioning. 』
"Interplane positioning? 』
Han Dong took a deep breath. If this is the case, the London game might unfold in a different way... and it is a completely unfavorable way for him.
Combined with the current situation, Han Dong has only one answer.
"Green, release the crazy army inside you, we must destroy this coordinate stone immediately!"
However, Green didn't mean to borrow ‘power’ at all.
He just walked toward the mythology with excitement, expressing his attitude very plainly:
"It's not necessary to borrow any army~
I just said why this feeling is so familiar. It turns out to be a coordinate stone... Such a large stone should be able to be positioned at the plane level? It's getting more and more interesting.
Nicholas, let us join forces to defeat the mythology as we did a year ago? "
Green, who was walking in the front, stretched out his right hand gracefully, motioning for Han Dong to join hands with him.
"unstable factor"
This is the more troublesome point when working with Green. Green will not worry about the situation in front of him at all. He doesn't care about the advantages at all. The only thing he cares about is how to achieve madness and comfort.
If Han Dong wants to forcefully persuade Green, it will eventually lead to a break in the relationship between the two.
In this case, there is only one way.
Rely on your own strength to defeat the mythological body from the unknown plane, and destroy the coordinate stone with your own hands.
It's just that the feeling and pressure brought by the mythological body in front of him is completely different from the golden holy envoy... When he is stared at by the "Hood Mouth", there is a sense of danger that is not justified.
Need to explain the "size ratio" issue in advance.
This mythical body entangled with sin is about three times the size of a normal human being, and the same goes for the dark horse under his crotch.
The black cloak covered the whole body, and there was no trace of exposed body parts.
The magic eyes are fully open.
Han Dong conscientiously stared at every part of the opponent, combined with the information collected to give deductions and guesses.
"The evil spirits in the cellar also have a similar "cloak."
Because it is an individual from an unknown world... My thinking cannot be limited, I must let it go.
Can this "cloak" be regarded as part of the body or "skin"?
Under the skin corresponds to the real body.
It is by no means an ordinary human skeleton, but a mythical essence.
I am afraid that the real body covered by its "skin" corresponds to the real danger.
The mythological body is completely different from the golden ambassador...not to mention the difference in quality or level, its own danger is extremely high. Gold emphasizes defense, which is quite deadly. 』
The more he stared at the cloak, the more Han Dong wanted to peek inside.
"Unlike the previous invasion of the Holy Order, the attributes of mythological craftsmen can be inferred from the characteristics of ordinary craftsmen.
Recklessly attacking the past may be very dangerous. 』
Just as Han Dong was thinking about the battle plan.
Green completely ignored the issue of life and death, and rushed forward.
At the same time, crazy voices from Green came one after another:
"Nicholas, hurry up and give me some field support~
When you haven't opened the door before, but you can use your self-awareness to fight against the pile of gold. Should you be able to deal with it normally?
I need some loose space, it is too depressing here. 』
"it is good……"
The best way right now is to let Green, who will never die, try to attack and get information.
The staff hit the ground hard.
The black sand spread out, forcibly covering the area of ​​sin, and the affected crime monument turned into sand... However, the expansion speed of the black sand was more than ten times slower.
Moreover, Han Dong felt a sense of weight, so that his body was crushed into a rickets.
Side effects of domain collisions,
Something similar to a crime monument was condensing on Han Dong's back... so that Han Dong could not stand up straight.
At this moment
An arm rested lightly on Han Dong's shoulder.
The scent symbolizing'pregnancy' floated from the side, and it seemed to come from a female's wet tongue, licking the surface of the ear.
For a time, the pressure on Han Dong's back quickly subsided, and the massive secretion of dopamine also put his body in a state of excitement.
"I'll help you...My "field" should be effective. "
"Thank you Miss Sally."
【Field overlap】
This is a relatively common technique that Han Dong and Green have used together.
Because of Sally's arrival.
The expanding black desert began to appear an unprecedented ‘oasis’... to be precise, it should be a ‘black continent’.
Many plump and plump trees emerged from the ground, and the juice overflowing from the surface of the trunks formed slices of ponds that symbolized gestation. There were even groups of baby-like lives crawling out of the ponds.
Although the picture is weird, the effect is excellent.
The land at Green’s feet has been replaced with black sand, and the restrictions no longer exist.
A larger figure appeared beside Green... Hope followed.
"Hope? Don't let me try it first? The nature and abilities of the mythological body are still unclear. You may be killed directly... Although it is crazy, I like it, but if you die, it will be boring~"
Hope's eyes were very firm, and he didn't fear death at all, or he didn't think that there was a mythical body capable of destroying his body with one blow.
"Will not.
Boss Green, let me create opportunities! "
Talk about it.
Hope showed an extremely terrifying explosive power, his calf muscles exploded, and he immediately rushed forward.
In the infinitely compressed body, every muscle tentacles is exerting the highest effect.
There are no fancy techniques, no directional choices.
Hope chose the simplest "front punch".
The fist is clenched, and the surface of the right arm presents a "muscle blooming" appearance-layers of muscle tissue and tentacles extrude the skin, spread out on the surface to build layers of external muscle tissue.
Flying into the sky, at the same height as the mythological body.
"Swing arm to accumulate power"
Physical stretch.
The whole is like a physical art, every inch of muscle, every joint, every piece of the whole is stretched to the maximum extent like a bowstring.
On the path of the fist, the space was distorted, and even small gaps in the space were torn apart.
The power of this punch exceeded the expectations of the mythological body.
A weird ‘skeletal finger’ sticks out from between the sleeves, and a burst of incomprehensible spiritual scriptures spread from the hollow of the hood.
Hum! Enchantment spread
A piece of scripture filled with scriptures, like a cloth like a mirror, is formed at your fingertips.
"not good!"
Han Dong smelled a dangerous breath.
While supporting the domain, the tentacles growing from the back of the head began to draw a void formation on the ground.
At this time, Hope's fist had fallen on the surface of the barrier.
The expected impact effect did not occur, and there was not even much blasting sound.
The scripture barrier constructed by the fingertips of the mythological body seems to have a very strong "impact absorption"...It is absorbing the impact brought by Hope's punch very quickly.
Living scriptures are invading Hope's arm backwards, injecting sin.
what! !
At this time, Hope uttered a terrifying roar, completely ignoring the issues of "impact absorption" and "invasion of sins". Since one punch is not enough, he will punch again.
Continuous fists hit the surface of the barrier.
The most frightening thing is that every time a punch is punched, the power it contains is constantly growing.
Hope's right arm exploded due to the accumulation of too much strength.
The frantically overflowing muscle tentacles continuously strengthened the right arm, and the whole body has reached three times its original size...a punch hit, breaking the limit of shock absorption, completely tearing the barrier.
There was a twinkle of stars.
A void tentacle wrapped Hope's belly and brought it back to Han Dong.
Hope's arms are full of scriptures symbolizing sin and must be dealt with immediately.
The moment the barrier was torn apart, Green connected it perfectly.
"Yeah! Hope, very strong! ~ Let me come next. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"
Green greeted.
Faced with a thin body several times the size, the mythical existence of sitting on a black horse.
The whole right hand reached into his ear hole, and at the same time the blood surged, he pulled out the black long knife with the ‘arm as the handle’.
In an instant.
The black horse became panicked, leaned back and set foot, the horse neighed.
"Entertain guests from another world, Miss Lyle."
Not waiting for the mythological body to create the next defensive enchantment.
With one slash, time and space are staggered.
The black cloak that Han Dong inferred to be "skin" was cut open from the middle...
Huh! An unknown bone fluid is contaminated on the blade.
"Oh! Is this your body?"
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