Vol 6 Chapter 1325: Eugenes

City of London
There is [last day] left until the game starts.
The block where the iceberg is located, in the nearest villa.
Ⅲ. Aslan was perfecting a series of combat plans in a separate office. The pen in the writing suddenly stopped and looked towards the door.
"Eukins, the first time I saw you going out so early in the morning, what's the matter?"
"Go out and stroll around."
At the end of the conversation, the stench from Eugenes also disappeared in the building.
Eugenes was in a very bad mood today, carrying a sarcophagus sealed with weapons, walking alone in the sewer area of ​​London.
It took a long time to find a corner filled with fungi and worms, and even found a moldy bed sheet to cover myself.
That's right, he likes such an environment. Dirty and decay can bring him physical pleasure.
Just when he was ready to enjoy the cozy time alone.
The cesspool actually started bubbling a lot, with a gray viscous substance constantly overflowing.
An evil atmosphere originating from ancient times diffused through the sewers, and the thick gray mist even made Eukins a little uncomfortable.
Staring at the evil substance constantly pouring out in front of him, Eugenes gritted his teeth:
"Even Kitt's [underground forces] have arrived... Why hasn't the group of Shuggs come over yet, what is the master doing?"
That's right.
One of the big reasons why Eugenes is unhappy is that his corresponding forces have not yet reached the City of London.
With the emergence of evil substances that are constantly pouring into the sewers, he is the only one left in the top ten primitives.
If he waits until the game starts, he will have to rely on Aslan, and the next series of actions will be extremely passive.
Moreover, there is one more thing that makes him very upset.
Some time ago, Eugenes had been paying attention to [humanity] because of hating Han Dong, and even planned to do something through the plague.
About a month ago.
Eugenes lurked in the streets near human settlements, looking for the best way to release the plague. He accidentally caught a glimpse of a knight who covered his body with a cloak. If you look closely, you will find that there is a death that Eukins has never seen before. gas.
There is even a feeling of not belonging to the living world.
Curiosity drove Eugenes to sacrifice the ancient eyes in his body, intending to observe this human carefully.
Unexpectedly, the opponent also deflected the black hood at the same time.
The moment he stared at each other, Eukins completely deleted the plague plan in his head, and at the same time formed a memory he will never forget:
Hidden in the black hood was a stern face of a man.
And a kingdom of death was actually reflected in the eyes of this man. Just looking at each other made Eugenes feel a pull, as if he was being dragged by countless arms from the underworld.
There is even the feeling of half-foot stepping into the world of death.
An absolute level of suppression made him breathless, feeling that his throat had been cut with a sickle, and he might die at any time.
"King class"
When Eugenes consciousness returned to normal, more than an hour had passed, and the human being staring at him had already left.
In this way, Eukins's arrival in the City of London seems to be nothing good.
Under the supervision of Heiye's mother, he didn't even dare to vent his emotions to the dark residents.
There is still one day left, so I should be in a hurry! Antarctica, let’s see what's going on... What the is that guy doing? Such a low-level mistake can be made at this critical moment.
Even if some transformations are not completed, at least rush over before the game! "
Eukins gritted his teeth.
Huh~ Several dark green tentacles grew from the back, leaving the city at the fastest speed.
Through the portal that Shuggs built 100 kilometers outside the city, he reached the island closest to Antarctica.
There was no time to take a boat there, and no longer caring about whether it would infringe upon the sovereignty of the sea area, Eugenes woven a green raft with his tentacles and quickly sailed against the sea to the South Pole.
However, when he entered the Antarctic floating ice area and got rid of the restriction of sea fog, he was stunned.
"This...what's the situation!?"
The [Roshan] that should have appeared in front of you is gone, leaving only the bare Antarctic glaciers. No matter what perspective Eugens searches, no trace of Roshan is visible.
"Impossible! Roshan is the legacy of the ancients at the peak. It is the perfect American degree that gave birth to me waiting for Shuggs. Even if it is abandoned, it is one of the strongest barriers on the planet.
How could it be gone?
Did the invasion happen here? What happened during my absence? "
Eugenes suddenly remembered that just a while ago, his connection with the master of Shugs was suddenly broken. He thought it was the master and the army of Shugs was coming, but he didn't expect it to be like this.
The hometown disappeared without any news,
In addition to the various circumstances of the recent period, Eugenes, whose mood was completely downturned, looked sad and knelt down on the shore of the Antarctic.
A series of bad images flashed through my mind,
The negative emotions in my heart are constantly rising like the spread of the plague,
out of control!
The human body cannot be restricted, and individual tentacles are crazily squeezed out of the eye sockets, nasal cavity, underarms, etc.
The true state is revealed.
The nightmarish dark green body, that amorphous body exudes the most extreme stench in the world, and tens of thousands of pus-like eyes that emit green light continue to form and decompose on its surface.
The tentacles slapped on the surface of the glacier and headed towards the center of the Antarctic at the fastest speed.
Now Eugenes has turned into the most terrifying life in the world, his reason is swallowed by negative emotions, and everything encountered along the way will be decomposed and swallowed.
When Eugenes came to the center of Antarctica.
Roshan, a symbol of important civilization and the Shuggs base, has really completely disappeared.
However, there was a man standing in the center of the polar circle.
A man in a bartender costume with a head like a starry sky, wearing a white gloved hand, seems to be ‘shaping’ something.
Negative emotions overflowed his body, and Eugenes, who turned into a primitive beast, could not think rationally, and directly regarded the bartender as the culprit for destroying his home.
Countless dark green tentacles gathered in front of him, forming a big mouth full of the ultimate plague.
Eugenes' human body also appeared on the surface of his tongue, holding a "stone spear" symbolizing the end of ancient times, and it was bound to kill the individual in front of him completely.
All attacks stopped when they approached the ‘bartender’.
The legendary "spear" can't pierce the starlight diaphragm either.
A feeling came from the bartender, and it echoed in Eugene's brain like a voice from an alien deep space:
"Eugenes, you came at the right time. [Roshan] is very important to this game. I have considered it for a long time and decided to "pack" it... I hope to see you in the game. Wonderful performance. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"
The sound was like falling stars, quickly sinking in Eugens' brain, eliminating his negative emotions and returning to reason.
The dark green primitive body was all recovered into the human body.
Eugenes recalled the disrespectful behavior just now, his legs were numb in fright, and he knelt immediately!
"Don't worry, take it! This is your thing."
Suspended in the hands of the bartender is a group of black groups similar to Roshan, which is slowly drifting towards Eugenes.
When Eugenes stared at the fleshy ball in front of him and was stunned, a starlight enveloped his body.
In a blink of an eye, he has returned to the dark forest outside London.
Just then.
A black curtain was lowered from the sky, completely covering the city of London.
"Is the game about to start?"
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