Vol 6 Chapter 1333: Pandora

Before London arrives 【Pandora】.
Four powerful forces from different worlds have already arrived.
According to the Pandora information in his hand, he completed the [World Adaptation] ahead of schedule, and even laid a solid root in Pandora.
A comprehensive city that is superior to London in terms of scale, adaptability, and diversity has been created a few weeks ago. A state city that can stably exist in the "Legacy World" and retake Pandora to a certain extent-[Macomb S
A giant city-state with ultra-modern technology, created by the "Matrix" combined with the attributes of coalition forces, with the assistance of holy craftsmen.
In accordance with the requirements of the Black Tower, the four worlds dispatched a king-level existence to participate in this invasion of the alien monster.
Two of the kings are also the people in charge of their worlds. The [Maternal Body] and [Black Dragon] that have already appeared in the black tower...The two of them correspond to the relatively ordinary large worlds, which originally only exist in single digits. The king class.
I want to take this opportunity to gain the trust and world resources of the Black Tower and expand my world quickly.
In addition.
Responsible for [Holy World] Supreme Titan, he has reached a very high level and cannot participate.
The craftsmen who belonged to the Titan Temple took over the burden and came to Pandora, whose attributes are more in line with the task at hand.
The image of the lower Titan is an adult male with a "hammer and anvil" on his back, an iron mask, and iron rings on all parts of his body.
He is withdrawn and has only communicated with his mother during the time he came to Pandora.
At last.
The "Holy Infant" who is in charge of sin is also unable to come due to hierarchical restrictions.
The replacement is a sin king who has the body of a human female and bandages on sensitive parts.
The head is missing and replaced by a famous knife inserted in the [neck].
At the same time, several parts of her body showed signs of being'beheaded'. The separated arms, waist, abdomen, and thighs were connected by sinful threads.
As the Black Tower spends a lot of money to complete the world stripping, the City of London descends on the ‘preset point’ of Pandora.
The meeting between the kings also started simultaneously.
Matrix.alpha-Matrix.Alpha state
Unlike the spherical body in the black tower, the current participant is an Alpha shell made of liquid metal, and the face simulates a very orthodox female appearance.
Teplo Nidrilis-Father of the Black Dragon
The image of the black dragon has not changed for a long time. In order to allow his body to be contained in the meeting room, he turned into an old man with a rod, but the dragon scales covering his body have more metallic luster than before.
Blacksmith III-von B. Kliman (Titan)
The lonely man whose whole body is ‘self-blocked’ by iron rings, the iron rings covering his eyes and the face masks that close his nose and mouth also cover all his facial expressions.
Slash the emperor. Luming authentic-Hall of Sins
The young lady with the ‘famous knife in the head’ can communicate in normal language through the body of the knife.
The matrix uses three-dimensional projection technology to show everyone the current state of the City of London.
As Han Dong guessed.
The City of London is right at the center of the "strong magnetic field", which has a radius of about 50 kilometers.
The matrix briefly elaborated on the attack plan for the City of London:
"The S-01 world adopts the [Sovereign Division Management Model], which is realized with an entity called "Land Deed".
The city named London corresponds to a "Land Deed-Lower King".
Even if the sovereignty of a different world is divided and changed in kind, the essence of sovereignty cannot be changed. Every land deed needs to draw energy from the core of the world.
London has completely disconnected from the original world, and the energy deposited in the land lease is very limited.
The combination of the strong magnetic field and the metal storm, and the energy consumed by the City of London when crossing the plane, is expected to consume all the energy of the land lease within 15 days.
Once the asylum granted by the title deed disappears, the entire city will be exposed to harsh environments.
By then, it will be the best time for us to launch a general offensive. "
The old black dragon asked immediately:
"Then before exhausting the so-called land lease energy, we also have a corresponding battle plan?
Although we have a huge advantage, the opponent is [S-01] after all...We must do our best to destroy them. Mother, if you don't have a plan, let the old man come. "
"The preliminary annihilation plan has been completed.
[Position], [Control], [Annihilation].
London is in a lockdown zone, and some strange monsters will inevitably be sent out of the city to investigate Pandora's relevant situation.
Once the location and number of the'investigators' are determined, they will dispatch more than three times the force.
Mainly capture or expose intact brain tissue.
It allows us to obtain the greatest degree of information on the City of London, and those who exceed the threat value will be directly wiped out. "
"Could it be that the matrix has solved the problem of "positioning"? "
"Well, the original intranet of Pandora has been restarted... At present, a few investigators have been collected, and troops have been dispatched."
【Lens switch】
Da Da Da~?
The little robot leads the way.
Han Dong and the others disbanded their mounts and followed them on foot, except for Green, carefully examining the underground world like [Wasteland].
[Road] is a major feature of the underground world, intricate roads can lead to all corners of the underground world.
Beyond the road is barren and dry land, some of which have even been desertified, and iron pieces and bones can be seen everywhere... Such a scene must be caused by the loss of the world.
Through the skeletons of some animals and plants, Han Dong could probably predict that this was once a beautiful underground ecological area.
In addition, large and small billboards are inserted uncontrollably on both sides of the road. Except for the sale of mechanical products and auxiliary robots, about 70% of the advertisements involve "weapons."
Judging from the content on the billboard, Han Dong began to suspect that the greatest power on this planet may have been these various weapon manufacturers.
Following the robot along the way, I didn't see any vitality.
After a while.
Similar to the appearance of waste collection stations on the roadside,
The outer wall is made of iron plates, spikes, steel mesh and generators, but the generators have long been out of work, and the whole seems to have been abandoned for a long time~EbookFREE.me~This is my home!
If you can still power on my equipment, I can make weapons that destroy the world for you, and even give you an upgrade package. "
Han Dong had long guessed that this robot had other thoughts, and wanted to get more electricity from his group, but it didn't matter, as long as the intelligence was in place, electricity was a trivial matter.
Before entering the junkyard, Han Dong stepped forward and asked: "Why do you understand this language?"
"This is the'diplomatic language' implanted in the chip before it leaves the factory, and is dedicated to communicating with you groups of unknown origin."
Han Dong was a little surprised.
"Is it implanted in [Black Tower Language] before leaving the factory?" In this way, the world known as Pandora is at least the start of the large world... Only the world above the large scale has the authority to ‘two-way interaction’ with the black tower.
Unexpectedly, even the large world would fall and collapse. What happened here? 』
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