Vol 6 Chapter 1369: Join hands (below)

There is a big difference between "instant cut" and "processed cut."
The former shows that defense has no effect, and there is no feedback or reaction time.
The latter shows that defense has played a certain role, and defense will give the subject a certain tactile feedback and can also gain a certain reaction time.
[Wang] The gap is insurmountable because of the moat...but it doesn't mean it cannot be touched.
In a world conceived with hundreds of millions of beings, there may be one or two lives that cannot be defined by common sense. Their existence may be used from the beginning to break the conventional definition and to lead the world to a higher level.
Green matched the "Crazy Secret Text" stored in the Abyss Library with the mythical "Charia Worm Shield".
The left and right arms merge the insect shield at the same time.
A faint moon print appeared on Green's forehead, stimulating the inner potential to the greatest extent.
The moon girl has completely integrated herself into Green's body.
Optimize, sort out and coordinate the internal energy transportation, and appropriately supply his own magic power, so that Green can truly exert the strength of the peak of the myth.
The defense constructed in this way is enough to be called "absolute defense" in the realm of mythology.
In the face of a less aggressive king, maybe it can be completely blocked...It's a pity that this one represents the [Sin Realm], who will contribute everything to "slash" and reach the ultimate existence at the attack level.
Green also never thought of being able to block Emperor Slash's attack frontally.
I only hope that the "worm shield" constructed in this way can play a blocking role and will not be cut off instantly.
Facts have proved effective.
The slash failed to break through the insect shield in the first time, and there was a change in the process of being cut.
From touching the shield to completely severing, there is an interval of about 0.07 seconds.
Using this interval.
Before the knife was applied to the head, Green successfully completed the "suicide".
That's right, the throwing of Green's head was not caused by the slash, but self-decapitated...created an illusion of being killed.
Just three seconds after the suicide was completed.
Because the surrounding area has been covered by Green’s [True Abyss Demon Prison], there are abyss openings everywhere.
Accompanied by a frantic whisper, at the same time, more than a dozen Greens drilled out of different abyss ports, dragged their tongues out of the body, leaning toward the center of the Emperor Slash at the fastest speed.
This made Emperor Zhan very puzzled, "Huh? The decapitation just didn't work?"
At the same time of doubt, once again the knife...【Huan】
The ring-shaped chopped light oscillated quickly like ripples
The surrounding Green and his clone were cut in half at the same time.
Broken tentacles, broken intestines, and worm shells full of mucus are constantly scattered.
The Abyss Breeding Room.
Just like the area where fungal spores are clustered, there are thousands of clones belonging to Green, these clones are not conceived randomly, each has a corresponding source.
It can provide Green, a special abyss life, for activities on different occasions and unlimited regeneration.
The seemingly invincible ability is limited to the same level.
When faced with the [king] who can easily change the rules, the clone cannot protect Green’s immortality...Once it is cut to the point, not only the body is broken, but the nature of the abyss will also be affected.
Green must commit suicide before being beheaded.
By suicide, quickly consuming the clone's body, constantly approaching the opponent, attracting the attention of Emperor Zhan to the greatest extent.
The abyss trembles, and somewhere the abyss has completely collapsed.
When Green's consciousness rapidly regenerated through the inoculation body, a cut mark about ten centimeters deep was immediately cracked on his waist.
"Damn it! Just a little bit slower..."
Even so, Green forced his wounds and crawled out of the abyss.
It was only three seconds after crawling out.
There was another thousand-meter-long slash mark traversing the abyss. The flesh that Greene had just crawled out had already been slashed...When it regenerated between the pregnant bodies, there was an extra slash mark on the shoulder with an oblique downward end, and the flesh was clearly visible.
In this way, 186 extremely valuable clones are consumed back and forth,
The soul has also been chopped dozens of times. It can be said that Green is like jumping back and forth on the death god's sickle, and a small mistake will completely die.
With the posture of [Insect Zun], Green was close to a distance of three meters for the first time, and it was also Green’s attack range.
The pitch-black "Miss Lyle" covered with fingernails, in the form of a folding knife, popped out from between his arms...tightly pinched in Green's hand, while dozens of tentacles were wrapped around the handle of the knife to stabilize it.
The moon girl in the body. Agatha also injected a kind of "sword intent" into Green's brain.
Go to hell!
When Green swung the black knife with all his strength, he could even see some worm-attached tissues under Green's armpits, which gave him strength support.
At the same time as the hit, the floor collapsed... Green and Emperor Slash fell down for three full floors.
This cut is not over yet.
Click! Click!
Miss Lyle's shape changed, the blade turned into a sawtooth structure composed of dense nails, and ultra-high frequency cutting was applied...but the effect was not satisfactory.
The tooth blade was firmly held by the Lumen Authentic in the hands of Emperor Zhan, and it was useless to cut it anyway.
"I admit that you are different... Maybe you can threaten me when you become king, but it's a pity that it ends here."
Zhanhuang gave a very high evaluation to Green, and changed the posture of holding the knife.
Parry the rebound,
This move will cause 300% direct damage when successfully released by Emperor Slash. It cannot be dodged and there is no interval in the middle...
at this time.
Green had an intuitive feeling of being framed by a knife, and even the chance of suicide was completely reduced to [0%].
Certainly death.
Faced with such a situation, Green showed a strange expression, as if he was holding back a smile.
Emperor Zhan wanted to take advantage of the trend to kill the lunatic in front of him.
But at the same moment, he smelled a weird smell, and the artistic conception that focused on cutting seemed to be soaked in the lake surface.
Blood, a drop of blood fell on the lake, and the bright red color continued to spread.
Tick ​​tick tick...the ceiling above the head began to overflow with scarlet blood, and even a terrifying human face was reflected.
Emperor Zhan's state of mind was completely disturbed, and this incident happened to buy Green one second of reaction time, and he quickly committed suicide in the air.
Because the target he had obtained was lost again, Emperor Zhan's mood became more irritable, and larger ripples appeared on the lake.
You can only target the blood that is condensing above your head.
The moment when the blood is fully leached and condenses into an individual.
The distraught Emperor Slash directly gave nine heavy slashes, targeting different deadly parts.
Nine slashes are more deadly, but the power of each slash is less than a flash.
"You can barely see it! Earl, I will realize the micro-control of the body. You are only responsible for getting close to each other and regenerating blood."
"it is good!"
While the knife was cutting through, the bright red pieces of meat were scattered around UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com.
However, Han Dong managed to save his head without being slashed.
In the eyes of Emperor Zhan, such an injury is enough to completely die a low-level individual, and the rules given by each knife have already split the soul.
The smell of blood in the air is even more solemn.
A lot of blood overflows from the neck break and outlines a baby-like silhouette in the air, directly forming a newborn baby's body.
And in the baby's hand is also holding a bright red toy sword.
The sword body grows with the baby... it turns into a demon-slashing holy sword bathed in the highest blood.
The whole process went smoothly, without the slightest interval.
The "Holy Sword" replaces the "Lumen Zhengzong" of Zhanhuang, and is inserted into the body from the neck.
The demonstrative effect in the absolute sense cuts off all the threads of sin between the Emperor Slashing flesh.
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