Vol 6 Chapter 1371: Closure and price (and leave slip)

Restrictive equipment-[hyperspace restraint]
This underground area used to be a place where "Handsome Jack" had just completed his promotion to the king level and spent a lot of money to adapt and exercise his body.
When it is useless to hold it by yourself in the future, taking into account the emergency situation that may occur within the company, strengthen the transformation on the basis of the original facility.
Even the handsome Jack provides his own detailed parameters.
The final chamber can lock the [king] of the same level... When located in the middle of the device, it can even suppress the middle-ranked king.
Currently, the device has not been activated yet, and Han Dong is pressed to the ground on one knee.
"Dead Man"
The whole body is desertified, saving the weight of internal organs and skeleton.
With the help of the suspension provided by the yellow sand, Han Dong was finally able to maintain his basic mobility.
"Demps... isn't here yet?"
Just thought of this.
The metal door facing the secret room was torn open diagonally by a sinful slash...The infiltrating "Zhan Qi" made Han Dong's whole body pain, and the slight cut marks were imprinted on the surface of his body.
The Emperor Slash in the irritable state has changed again, and the sins suppressed in the body have shown a state of release.
The bandage swayed in the air under the thread of sin,
Seven bone arms of different thicknesses and lengths grow from the back, holding the seven famous knives on the throne,
As for the deity of Emperor Swordsman, "Lumen Zhengzong", he still holds it in his right hand.
Faced with the imperial Slash and the enclosed secret room, Han Dong, who had exhausted all space energy, could not escape at all, and could only make a very helpless expression.
Before the arrival of the slash, utter a section of the standard black tower:
"[Wang] is really strong, no matter what means you use, you can't surpass this perception... There should be a stronger existence in your corresponding [Sin Realm]? I really want to see it."
Emperor Zhan will not be fooled this time, and will not waste time on chatting.
When we first met, it was because of his curiosity about Han Dong that he had an inappropriate chat that made him run away.
In a state of confusion, she just wanted to quickly kill Han Dong, and then follow the young man who was related to the abyss.
"Relax, I will smash your body and soul... through the thread of sin to strip your consciousness out and bring it back to the world of sin! At that time you will meet the original sin-[Infant].
You will be judged by the original sin court for your sins, and you will be imprisoned deep in the prison of the heart of sin, with eternal life and pain, for endless atonement. "
"Painful? It sounds pretty good..."
Not only did Han Dong not have any fear, but after listening to Emperor Xun Zhan's words, he spread his arms and made a gesture of'want to be beheaded'.
Zhanhuang stepped and pasted in front of Han Dong, just right in the center of the secret room.
"Lumen Authentic" lifted above his head,
The seven famous swords are also suspended in different positions, exuding different attack attributes, ensuring that Han Dong can be completely killed without reservation... This time there will be no mistakes.
The spread of the arms is also sending a signal to Han Dong.
Xiao Huang, the robot integrated with the control room, presses the start button, and the "Erkin" produced in advance by Han Dong is put into the energy combustion chamber, and the maximum load is activated with the [hyperspace restrainer].
"Fuck! 』
At this moment, Han Dong felt that his brain was crushed into a paste, and the energy flowing in his body was all disordered.
Not only gravity, but also a terrifying space magnetic field acting on the chamber...especially in the center.
Even Han Dong, who was ready, lost his self-awareness at the moment the device started up.
Relying on the self-protection and super willpower provided by the "faceless head", the consciousness gradually recovered in a few seconds... barely maintaining 5% of the basic functions.
As for the body of the dead, they have been completely annihilated under the effect of restrictive equipment.
The remaining head, wrapped in tentacles, fell to the ground.
The picture in front of him surprised Han Dong, and Emperor Zhan was still standing.
"Isn't this still okay... Through the reduced field, the restrictive equipment is forced!" ? 』
Between the dim vision.
Zhanhuang's posture with a blade piercing the ground can't hold it down.
Strands of sins were forcibly wrapped around the wrists, and slowly raised the Lumen in his hands to be authentic, it is bound to kill Han Dong here.
At the same moment, the intermittent electromagnetic voice came to my mind: "Old... boss... hurry... leave! Soon... the next stage... will die! 』
Han Dong has exhausted everything, and being able to maintain 5% of his consciousness for basic thinking and observation is the maximum limit.
[Borrowing God] may be effective, but it may not be able to escape smoothly between the devices that restrict [King], let alone an irritable Slasher in front of him.
Compared to borrowing from God, Han Dong believes in another thing now.
Zhanhuang stubbornly resisted equipment restrictions and raised the famous sword again.
At the same moment, a countdown is going on in a shadow corner.
Hum! An energy field with a cube structure rose instantly, just covering Han Dong's head.
A closer look reveals that the energy field still glows with colorful luster, like a square crystal with refractive properties.
"Magic Cube"-a peculiar item for soul binding with Demps.
This prop has been hidden in the center of the room one step ahead of time, just waiting for Han Dong's arrival.
This is exactly what Han Dong made before in the control room.
If he wants to lure Emperor Zhan into the trap, Han Dong must go in himself, and at the last moment, his energy will be consumed with a high probability, and he will be trapped in the equipment together with Emperor Zhan.
Must rely on the help of a third party.
Demps is the best helper... Seize the extremely critical moment and transfer Han Dong out without any problems.
Han Dong believes that Demps has this ability, and he does not ask for specific methods at all, and directly entrusts his life to the other party.
The timing is not bad.
The item bound to the soul also has a containment function, and is recalled to the subject's hands at the moment it wraps Han Dong's brain.
At this moment, it happened to shift to the ‘phase change’ that Xiao Huang just warned about. The restricted equipment turned on the power and entered the [absolutely sealed] operation mode.
Circles of metal rings driven by gold and gold have appeared around Zhanhuang, restricting all actions.
Screams of hatred and anger resounded through the secret room.
Demps held the Rubik's Cube with one hand and the spare door handle with the other... Pushing the heavy metal door with all his strength, closing the chamber again.
Seeing that the spare metal door is about to close.
Hum! Zhan Feng came.
Neither Demps nor Han Dong expected that at this time, Emperor Slash would be able to perform a powerful cut...
Demps didn't mean to let go. UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com
Han Dong did everything he could to win the situation in front of him, and once he let go, he would abandon all his achievements.
boom! The metal door is closed.
Huh la la ~ blood splattered.
Demps's right arm and part of his right body were all severed... His eyes were black, and his body fell heavily and fell in half.
Ps: I went back to my hometown during the Spring Festival. I wanted to take a New Year's Eve, but it happened to be a climax~ I had to ask for leave after finishing this part. Next the plot will gradually enter its climax, which is the Battle of London.
I took a long time off (three days). Afei is a waste material that hasn't been saved. I hope everyone can forgive me~ Be with my family. I also start to secretly save the draft when I have time to lay a solid foundation for the next battle.
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